Historica Wiki

Professor Otto Wolfgang Ort-Meyer (1931–2000) was a German geneticist and cloner who created a series of hyper-competent clones to serve as discreet assassins for the shadow cabal known as Providence. His greatest creation was 47, who Ort-Meyer intentionally let escape, to keep him out of Providence's hands. 47 later proved himself to be the world's greatest assassin, killing his Five Fathers, including Ort-Meyer.


Early life[]

Otto Wolfgang Ort-Meyer was born in 1931 in Germany, being raised under the yoke of the Third Reich until its fall in 1945. He eventually became a prominent geneticist, becoming fascinated with cloning. In the 1950s, Ort-Meyer joined the French Foreign Legion and served with four others in his unit during the First Indochina War: Lee Hong, Pablo Belisario Ochoa, Frantz Fuchs, and Arkadij Jedorov. He noticed how normal soldiers were too insubordinate and lacked coordination, with Ort-Meyer developing ideas on how to make the perfect soldier.

After being discharged, Ort-Meyer presented his findings to the scientific community, but was ostracized for his radical theories. As a result, Ort-Meyer purchased a mental institution in Satu Mare, Romania as a front for his cloning operation.


Seeking funding, Ort-Meyer was put in contact with Providence Constant Janus, who served a liaison between Ort-Meyer and the Partners. In exchange for loyal and obedient assassins, Providence would fund Ort-Meyer's project and provide necessary resources. He contacted the four men he served with in the French Foreign Legion to donate their DNA in exchange for healthy, cloned organs in their aging bodies, to which they agreed to. In the early 1960s, Ort-Meyer created 17; however, since he lacked any enhanced abilities that Ort-Meyer seeked, he was locked away. He also created Subject 6 as part of his clone army.

On 5 September 1964, Ort-Meyer created 47, who Ort-Meyer regarded as perfect. 47 and Subject 6 became friends, and attempted an escape, which failed miserably. Weeks later, another escape was attempted, though 47 was recaptured and 6 successfully escaped, though was believed to have died in the Carpathian Mountain wilderness. 47's mind was altered with a special chemical, which scrambled his memories and removed nearly all emotion from him to ensure his obedience. Ort-Meyer sent his clones on assassination missions for Providence in order to hone their skills and keep the Partners funding his operation.

47 eventually ran out of targets to kill, resulting in him beginning to murder his genetic brothers. Providence was outraged and demanded 47, cutting all funds for the cloning project. The other four members of the Five Fathers realized they would see no profit and demanded 47 as well. Seeing no other option, Ort-Meyer orchestrated 47's escape from Satu Mare in 1999, which impressed new Constant Arthur Edwards, who provided funding for the No. 48 clones.

Five Fathers[]

After 47 joined the ICA, Ort-Meyer discovers this and concocts a plan to use 47 to assassinate his former friends in the Five Fathers during the year 2000. 47 was then given a series of contracts in which he systematically killed the Five Fathers one by one until a final contract was given to assassinate Dr. Odon Kovacs, Ort-Meyer's second, at the asylum. This was accomplished, though the contract was a setup so that 47 could be either captured or eliminated by the Romanian DIR. However, Ort-Meyer underestimated his creation, who proceeded to make his way to Ort-Meyer's secret lab and massacred the 48 clones with a minigun before confronting Ort-Meyer.


Thinking 47 was dead, he thanked who he thought was the last No. 48 model before 47 fired a .45 ACP round into Ort-Meyer. Shocked, Ort-Meyer was saddened that he could not recognize his own son before 47 strangulated his last father.
