Norsefire is a Nordic supremacist and neo-fascist political party in the United Kingdom which was founded in 1988 by Adam Sutler. It gained power promising stability and wealth for the country, with fascists allying with big companies and businesses to create a far-right political force. The party sought to gain control over the Anglican Church and other influential organizations to promote fascist doctrines, promote and demote members of the clergy as they saw fit, take over the television companies and establish a Norsefire Television (NTV) network, create a closely monitored society, send people who were not white, Christian, and heterosexual to concentration camps, execute dissidents such as libertarians, leftists, anarchists, and other anti-statists, and demote Europeans of non-Nordic descent such as the Irish and Italians to "inferior peoples". The party also pursued an anti-American foreign policy and supported British political isolationism.