Norio was a Japanese Buddhist warrior monk who belonged to the Cedar Temple on Tsushima during the 13th century. The brother of Enjo the Guardian, he and his fellow monks rode into battle with the Mongols after the Battle of Komoda Beach in November 1274, only to be ambushed, captured, and imprisoned at Fort Ito, where the monks were tortured, imprisoned, starved, and executed. Norio was rescued by Jin Sakai after the Battle of Fort Ito, and he joined forces with Jin in his resistance campaign, defending Akashima from a Mongol attack, liberating the Kushi Temple, retaking Castle Shimura and Fort Kaminodake, and rescuing Enjo at the Cedar Temple before a mutilated Enjo asked Norio to perform a mercy kill for him. Norio later executed the Mongol general Kharchu at Fort Shouni to avenge his brother, but he eventually expressed remorse for his blinding hate. Jin encouraged him to move forward in order to honor his brother's legacy, and he came to lead the monks of Cedar Temple and aid Jin in the final assault at Port Izumi.