Nobukatsu Oda (1558-10 June 1630), at one point called Nobukatsu Kitabatake, was the second son of Nobunaga Oda and his successor, and was also the daimyo of the Kitabatake from 1570 to 1575. In 1570 he was adopted into the Kitabatake clan and became the heir. In 1575 he took control of the clan and massacred most of the family, and in 1582 claimed the leadership of the Oda after his father's death. Backed by Ieyasu Tokugawa, Nobukatsu proved a threat to rival warlord Hideyoshi Hashiba, and he was defeated at the Battle of Komaki-Nagakute. He became a vassal of the Toyotomi and later the Tokugawa, and was given the Uda-Matsuyama Domain of Yamato Province.