Nina Fernandez (born 1839) was a Mexican revolutionary and pickpocket who served under General Mauricio Ramirez during the Franco-Mexican War.

Fernandez kissing Ben Trane
Nina Fernandez was born in Mexico in 1839, and she became a pickpocket before joining Benito Juarez's liberal revolutionaries during the Franco-Mexican War, motivated by his promises of a better Mexico. Fernandez became a spy for General Mauricio Ramirez, and, in 1865, she came to a small village where the Marquis Henri de Labordere was planning to meet with several American mercenaries to hire them. There, she was pitted in an argument the mercenary Little-Bit McCallion after she cut his lasso to free a Mexican girl he had been harassing, only for another mercenary, Ben Trane, to lasso McCallion from his horse before he could harm Fernandez. Fernandez then ran up to Trane, thanked him, and kissed him on the lips, distracting him as she stole his wallet. Shortly after, Ramirez's rebel army arrived and was nearly able to force Labordere and the mercenaries to surrender, had it not been for Trane's partner Joe Erin using child hostages to force Ramirez and his men to retreat.

Trane confronting Nina at the waterfall
Fernandez would later take part in the rebels' ambush of Labordere's mercenary-guarded convoy as it rode through a small village, only to infiltrate the convoy by "helping" to recover one of its stolen wagons from the rebels. Labordere decided to let her join the convoy on its way to Veracruz after Trane interceded on her behalf, and Trane and fellow mercenary Archie Ballard protected her from Erin's rapacious mercenary friends, including Pittsburgh Charlie, who had forcibly kissed Fernandez and attempted to rape her. Trane remembered Fernandez from earlier and confronted him about his stolen wallet; Fernandez secretly slipped his wallet back into his shirt, although without the $13 which had been in it when she had stolen it. The two would grow close, although, when the convoy reached the coastal village of Las Palmas, Trane caught Fernandez searching through the Countess Marie Duvarre's carriage, with Fernandez claiming that she had merely sought to take one of the Countess' dresses. Later that night, however, Trane confronted Fernandez by a waterfall as she tried on the dress, revealing that he knew that she was both after the hidden gold in the carriage, and that she was a Juarista as well (despite her earlier bad-mouthing of the Juarista cause in front of a somewhat sympathetic Trane). Fernandez reluctantly and angrily confessed her allegiances, but Trane offered to split the $3 million in stolen gold with her.
Their rendezvous was interrupted when the Mexican Army began to leave Las Palmas with the gold earlier than expected, as Labordere had discovered the mercenaries' plan to steal the gold for themselves. Fernandez made her own escape, returning to Ramirez's rebel camp. She was surprised to see Trane and Erin arrive there later on, as they had agreed to join the rebels for their assault on Veracruz and give the $3 million worth of gold to the Juaristas in exchange for $100,000. Trane would kill Erin during the ensuing assault after Erin attempted to renege on the agreement and steal the gold for himself, enabling Trane to find Nina on the street and walk off with her, starting a new life together.