The National Solidarity German Alliance (NSDA) was a far-right political party in Germany that was founded on 8 May 2023 by neo-Nazi Moritz Maurer.
The party was formed on 8 May 2023, the 78th anniversary of Nazi Germany's unconditional surrender at the end of World War II. Maurer, dissatisfied with the Alternative for Germany party's pro-Russian foreign policy and the National Democratic Party's continued decline, formed the NSDA as a traditional Third Positionist party rejecting both Marxism and capitalism as the original Nazi Party (NSDAP) had done. Due to Germany's strict laws against the participation of neo-Nazi parties in electoral politics, the party was not named the "Nationale Solidarität Deutsche Allianz Partei" (NSDAP) as originally planned, and the NSDA distanced itself from Germany's traditional far-right parties.
In 2024, the party campaigned on a platform of German nationalism, social conservatism, slight anti-capitalism, staunch Euroscepticism, avowed anti-communism and anti-Marxism, and environmentalism. The NSDA went on to win 3.98% of the vote at the 2024 federal election, failing to pass the 5% electoral threshold.