Narcissus was a mythological Greek hunter from Boeotia who was known for his beauty. He was the son of the river god Cephissus and the nymph Liriope. One day, as he walked in the woods, a mountain nymph named Echo saw him, fell deeply in love, and followed him. When she attempted to embrace Narcissus, he told her to leave him alone, and the heartbroken nymph spent the rest of her life in lonely glens until nothing but an echo remained of her. Nemesis, the goddess of revenge, learned of the story and decided to punish Narcissus. The thirsty Narcissus was lured to a pool where he leaned upon the water and saw himself in the bloom of his youth, falling in love with the image, while not knowing that it was his own reflection. He killed himself because he could not have his desire (his reflection), and his body disappeared, with only a gold and white flower (called a "Narcissus") being left behind.