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Historica Wiki
Mycenae city

Mycenae is an ancient Greek city in Argolis, Peloponnese, Greece. It was founded by Perseus, who named it after a mushroom (mukanai) he had plucked from the site. It developed into a major power between 1550 BC and 1450 BC, and it became the main center of Aegean civilization from 1400 BC to 1200 BC, the Mycenaean Age. Their maritime rivals, the Minoans, were destroyed by a tsunami in 1450 BC, while Knossos was also destroyed in 1370 BC. From then on, Mycenaean expansion throughout the Aegean was unhindered, but, in 1200 BC, the Dorians invaded Greece and destroyed the Mycenaean civilization. The Ionians were forced to flee to the Mycenaean colonies in the Mediterranean, the Aegean Sea, and Ionia, and the site of the abandoned city would later become a tourist attaction.

