Mobile Guerrilla Force (MGF) were a special unit created by United States' special forces ("Green Berets") that were first formed in the fall of 1966 during the Vietnam War to conduct unconventional warfare against the Viet Cong and North Vietnam in areas previously regarded as areas with Viet Cong presence.
The MGF were founded in the fall of 1966 shortly after the United States deployed its first sufficient ground forces in South Vietnam to conduct anti-communist operations during the Vietnam War. They were trained as guerrilla units and acted in traditional unconventional warfare strategies, although they were supplied by air and not forced to live off the land like their Viet Cong adversaries. Each unit was trained to be self-sufficient from other units, and their unit consisted of a 34-man platoon. They operated in dangerous areas regarded as formerly occupied by the Viet Cong or North Vietnam, and the areas typically had no reconaissance before they were deployed. The MGF were created, dissolved, and recreated several times, and they proved to be some of the toughest special forces units.