Historica Wiki
Minnie Pearl

Minnie Pearl (25 October 1912-4 March 1996), born Sarah Ophelia Colley, was an American country comedian known for her performances at the Grand Ole Opry and on the television show Hee Haw from 1969 to 1991. She was born in Centerville, Tennessee in 1912, and she worked as a play and musical director and producer before developing her "Minnie Pearl" comic character and debuting her in 1939. She satirized Southern "hillbilly" culture, and she often introduced herself by saying, "How-w-w-DEE-E-E-E! I'm jest so proud to be here!" Her performing career was brought to an end by a stroke in 1991, and she died of complications from another stroke in 1996.

Pearl campaigned for the segregationist Democrat George Wallace during his 1956 and 1962 gubernatorial campaigns.
