Historica Wiki

Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsov (30 May 1782-18 November 1856) was a general of the Russian Empire


Born into a noble family, he fought the Ottoman Empire in 1805, the French Empire at the Battle of Friedland in 1807, and the Ottomans again from 1809 until 1811. In the Battle of Borodino in 1812 he led a charge of 4,000 men from his division, and only 300 survived. He was wounded but survived to rejoin in 1813 and he fought at the Battle of Leipzig

After the Napoleonic Wars, he fought in the Caucasian War. In 1844 he was the commander of the Russian troops fighting Imam Shamil's rebellious Muslims, and in 1853 he retired. He died a Field Marshal in 1856.
