The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), also known as Scotland Yard, is the territorial police force responsible for law enforcement in London's 32 boroughs. It was founded on 29 September 1829 by Robert Peel, and the constables were affectionately nicknamed "Bobbies" in Peel's honor. In 2018, the MPS had a strength of 30,871 regular police officers, 1,384 community support officers, 8,005 police staff, 2,470 special constables, 614 designated officers, 250 dogs, 120 horses, and 5,000 vehicles.
A constable from the early 1860's.
Victorian Police Officer with itinerant (circa 1900).
A group of women police officers (1920).
A constable providing security for 10 Downing Street salutes Winston Churchill (1940).
A constable wearing a protective tin helmet during the The Blitz to protect himself.
A constable searches a man for weapons (1954).
Two constables test out police bikes (1957).
A constable standing guard (1960s).
Police deal with rioters (1970s).
Two constables walk an ordinary beat (1970s).
A Policewoman with a megaphone during a anti-war demonstration at Trafalgar Square in 1982.
Heavy Police Security At Lambeth Magistrates Court in 1988.
1995: Metropolitan Police train in riot gear in Hounslow, London
1999: Armed Police deployed to a siege situation to an NCP Car Park in Farrigdon.
Sun Hill police station.
British motorcycle police patrol outside the House of Parliament in central London on 26 July 2012.