Historica Wiki
Mariela Espinosa Arango

Mariela Espinosa Arango (1945-1 November 1989) was a Colombian judge who was assassinated by the Medellin Cartel in 1989.


Mariela Espinosa Arango was born in Medellin, Colombia in 1945. She graduated from the Universidad Pontifica Bolivariana before becoming a judge of the criminal chamber of the Superior Court of Medellin, in which capacity she was the first judge to order the arrest of Pablo Escobar for drug trafficking on 11 June 1976. She was forced to give up her investigation due to threats against her life, and the process expired. In 1989, she was murdered by Medellin Cartel hitmen while entering her home; congressmna Luis Francisco Madero Forero was murdered in Bogota that same day.
