Manuel A. Rodriguez (15 February 1880-23 February 1936) was the Chief of the Army of Argentina and the Chief-of-Staff of the Argentine Army from 1932 to 1936 under Agustin P. Justo.
Manuel A. Rodriguez was born on 15 February 1880 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and in 1896 he headed to a military school at the age of 16. In the early 1900s he travelled to Europe and spent time with the German 20th Infantry Regiment and the German 5th Grenadier Regiment at Danzig in 1909, and in 1925 he was a colonel and the attache to Germany and Switzerland for military affairs. In 1932, President Agustin P. Justo appointed Rodriguez as the Chief of the Army, and he was given the rank of Brigadier-General. He died of natural causes in 1936 after being very ill.