Maïssa Issam was a German woman who lived in Berlin during the 2010s.
Maïssa Issam was born in Berlin, Germany to Moroccan immigrant parents; she was the older sister of Murad Issam. Her father died in a car accident, and her mother died of cancer a month later, forcing her to become her younger brother's caregiver. Maïssa found it hard to look after her younger brother due to his interest in becoming a rapper and joining the Tarik-Amir clan, in spite of his outstanding academics. In 2018, she attempted to prevent him from being recruited by Raif Tarik-Amir, but Raif flirted with Maïssa and ultimately persuaded her to date him. Maïssa fell in love with Raif, but, after she discovered that Raif had persuaded Murad to sell out the policeman Erol Birkan to the Tarik-Amirs, Maïssa berated Raif for involving her brother in his clan's criminal affairs and broke off their relationship.