Historica Wiki
Luis Somoza Debayle

Luis Somoza Debayle (18 November 1922-13 April 1967) was President of Nicaragua from 29 September 1956 to 1 May 1963, succeeding Anastasio Somoza Garcia and preceding Anastasio Somoza Debayle. He was the second leader of the Somoza family's reign over Nicaragua, and he was the only one not to be murdered.


Luis Somoza Debayle was the son of Anastasio Somoza Garcia and Salvadora Debayle Sacasa, and he studied at Louisiana State University in the United States. On 29 September 1956, Luis was tapped as the new president after the assassination of his father, and although corruption and repression continued under his rule, he was not as strict as the rest of his family. In 1963, the communist Sandinistas began the Nicaraguan Revolution against his rule, and he died of a massive heart attack in 1967, so his brother Anastasio Somoza Debayle succeeded him.
