Historica Wiki
Louisa Clemens

Louisa Clemens (1865-) was a German immigrant to the United States and the wife of Andreas Clemens.


Louisa Clemens was born in the Kingdom of Bavaria in 1865 to a family of Roman Catholic South Germans, and she married Andreas Clemens and gave birth to Christina and Marcus Clemens. The family emigrated to the United States and settled in Louisiana, where Andreas became a gold miner. In 1899, a gang of outlaws kidnapped Andreas from his camp at Dewberry Creek and held him for ransom, demanding gold bars in return. The outlaws Arthur Morgan and Charles Smith investigated the camp shortly after while scouting out a place for Dutch van der Linde and the rest of their gang to make a new base, and they discovered Louisa and her children hiding under a wagon. They assured a panicking Louisa (who spoke poor English) that they would not harm her, and Christina told them that outlaws had taken her father. Smith convinced Morgan to help the family recover their father from the outlaws, and they succeeded in returning him home. Morgan - who was hostile to the Germans - angrily shooed them away, but Andreas gratefully gave him a gold bar as a reward for his help.
