Louis Marie de La Revelliere-Lepeaux (24 August 1753-24 March 1824) was a deputy of the National Convention during the French Revolution.
La Revelliere was adopted by the Lepeaux family, which owned a piece of property managed by his family, and he was called the Monsieur de Lepeaux afterwards. Lepeaux became a lawyer before being elected to the National Convention during the French Revolution, and he supported the revolution against the Kingdom of France and the conservative regime. He voted for the death of Louis XVI of France in 1793, and he became an influential member of the French Directory, which ruled the First French Republic after the Coup of 18 Fructidor in 1797. He was a Theophilanthropist, a heretic religion, and he was bitter towards Christians, leading to him becoming unpopular among the people. In 1799 he resigned as a result of the Coup of 18 Brumaire.