Historica Wiki
Luigi III of Naples

Louis III of Naples (25 September 1403-12 November 1434) was the King of Naples from 1417 to 1426 (succeeding Louis II of Naples and preceding Rene I of Naples) and Duke of Anjou from 1417 to 1434. 


Louis d'Anjou was the son of Louis II of Naples and Yolande of Aragon, and in 1410 his mother claimed the throne of Aragon for him. However, the Compromise of Caspe in 1412 elected Fernando de Castilla as the new King of Aragon instead of Louis. In 1417 his father died and in 1419 he was confirmed as King of Naples by Pope Martin V. He faced a succession war with Alfonso V of Aragon, who defeated Louis III in 1421 after Louis failed to capture the city from Queen Joan II of Naples a year earlier. Gianni Caracciolo took over Naples for Louis, but he was later bribed and left his side. Louis III died in 1434 after many years of warfare, with his alliance with the Duchy of Milan and Papal States failing to win the war.
