Lot was the son of Haran, brother of Milcah, grandson of Terah, nephew of Abraham, Sarah and Nahor, who was also his brother-in-law, uncle and cousin of Bethuel, cousin of Isaac, and the granduncle of Rebecca and Laban. He accompanied Terah, Abraham and Sarah to go to Canaan, but they stopped in Haran and lived there for a while until Terah's death. After that he accompanied Abraham and Sarah on their journey to Canaan and to Egypt, and he returned from Egypt a rich man due to Pharaoh Amenemhat I's showering of gifts upon the sojourners. Soon, Lot and Abraham had too many possessions to live with each other, so Abraham agreed to stay in Canaan if Lot travelled to the Jordan Valley. Lot found refuge in Sodom with his wife and two daughters, and he was captured at the Battle of Siddim before Abraham rescued him at the Battle of Hobah. One night, Lot took in two angels who were sent to Sodom to observe the city's reputation for sin. Lot refused to hand over the angels to the angry townspeople that next morning, instead offering his two daughters. However, the angels helped Lot and his family (except for his wife, who was turned into a salt pillar) in escaping Sodom for Zo'ar before the city was destroyed by God, and Lot's daughters would later get him drunk and sleep with him in order to get impregnated, siring Moab and Benammi, so he was the ancestor of the moabites and ammonites.