Livia Adami (1978-16 June 2008) was an Italian crime boss who served as matriarch of the Adami clan from February to June 2008, succeeding her father Tullio Adami.
Livia Adami was born in Rome, Lazio, Italy in 1976, the daughter of Tullio Adami and the older sister of Aureliano Adami. She was her father's favorite child due to her intelligence, loyalty, and rationality, but she cared deeply for her brother, who was more rebellious, hot-tempered, and had an uneasy relationship with their father, who never forgave Aureliano for his mother's death while giving birth to him. Livia became one of her father's chief advisors, and she entered into a secret relationship with the Adami clan's accountant Ezio Quirino. She frequently covered for her brother as tensions in the Roman underworld simmered in 2008, partly because of Aureliano's murder of Boris Anacleti of the Anacleti clan of Romani criminals, and especially after the Anacletis retaliated by attempting to kill Aureliano. In February 2008, Tullio Adami was assassinated, leading to Aureliano claiming the leadership of the clan; both Quirino and her father's longtime associate and boss Samurai insisted that Tullio would have wanted Livia to take over. Ultimately, Livia and Quirino plotted to take control of the family, and Livia had Ezio turn over the family accounts to her, while she secured the loyalty of the families who worked for her clan, and she visited Samurai to demand 8% of the Ostia deal in exchange for foregoing vengeance against the Romani, as Samurai wished. Ultimately, she usurped control of the clan from her brother, who, feeling betrayed, severed his ties with her.