Historica Wiki
Little Moonlight

Little Moonlight (1840-) was a Native American gunslinger of the Wild West.


Little Moonlight was born in Arizona in 1840 to the Navajo nation, and she was taken captive by the Cheyenne in a slave raid. She was violated by several Arapaho men, and the Cheyenne chief Black Kettle had a "dirty nose sign" cut into her nose because he believed that Little Moonlight did not resist enough. An outcast, Little Moonlight was employed at Zukie Limmer's trading post in the Creek nation of the Indian Territory, and she was physically abused, although Limmer never slept with her. In May 1865, she was rescued from two rowdy traders by the fugitive outlaw Josey Wales, who shot both of the men when they tried to apprehend him; Little Moonlight accompanied him out of the trading post and rescued him from Lone Watie, who briefly considered betraying and turning in Wales for his reward money. Little Moonlight told her life's story to Lone Watie, who spoke her languages, and the two bonded and formed a romantic relationship. She joined the two men, Confederate holdouts, in their trek south to Texas to flee the United States government, helping them to escape the US Army in a small desert town, helping to rescue the captured Lone Watie from Comancheros, and later taking part in the defense of the Crooked River Ranch from Captain Bill Terrill's Redlegs. Afterwards, she and her friends settled down on Sarah Turner's ranch, where they lived in peace.
