Lia de Russo (1476-1503) was an Italian smuggler.
Supplying the Templars' with secret contraband, Lia de Russo lied and murdered her way into some of the best deals of the century. She worked as an assassin for Cesare Borgia, taking contracts near the antique baths. In 1503, Ezio Auditore da Firenze set out to kill her after meeting the husband of one of her victims.

Lia de Russo dead
Ezio tracked her down to the Terme di Caracalla, where he chased her. She told Ezio to stop chasing her, and she was quick in running. Ezio sent one of his assassin recruits to kill her, with the recruits shooting her with a crossbow as she climbed onto a building. She died instantly, and Ezio uttered "requiescat in pace" as he closed her body's eyes.