Leonard Irving Weinglass (27 August 1933-23 March 2011) was an American criminal defense lawyer and constitutional law advocate who was best known for his defense of the "Chicago Seven", alongside William Kunstler.
Leonard Irving Weinglass was born in Belleville, New Jersey in 1933, and he served as a captain judge advocate in the US Air Force from 1959 to 1961. He championed liberal and radical causes during the counterculture era, co-chairing the National Lawyers Guild's international committee and, along with William Kunstler, representing the "Chicago Seven" during their 1969-1970 trial. Weinglass also defended Daniel Ellsberg after he leaked the Pentagon Papers, resulting in a dismissal of all charges. He also defended Kathy Boudin of Weather Underground, Emily Harris of the Symbionese Liberation Army, wrongfully convicted Korean-American Chol Soo Lee, Mumia Abu-Jamal, and George Jackson's lawyer Stephen Bingham. He died of pancreatic cancer in 2011 at the age of 77.