Leonard Beck Jordan (15 May 1899-30 June 1983) was the Republican Governor of Idaho from 1 January 1951 to 3 January 1955 (succeeding C.A. Robins and preceding Robert E. Smylie) and a US Senator from 6 August 1962 to 3 January 1973 (succeeding Henry Dworshak and preceding Jim McClure).
Leonard Beck Jordan was born in Mount Pleasant, Utah in 1899, and he was raised in Enterprise, Oregon before serving in the US Army during World War I. He went on to work as a sheep rancher in Hell Canyon in Idaho before settling at Grangeville and establishing a farm implement business, a real estate agency, and an automobile dealership. He served in the state senate from 1946 to 1948, as Governor from 1951 to 1955 (banning slot machines and merging the employment, unemployment, and job training services), and as a US Senator from 1962 to 1973. Jordan supported the Civil Rights movement, Thurgood Marshall's nomination to the US Supreme Court, and the Equal Rights Amendment, and he died in 1983.