Legio XX Valeria Victrix was a Roman legion which was raised by Octavian in 31 BC. From 25 to 19 BC, it took part in the conquest of the Cantabri in Hispania, and, under the command of Marcus Valerius Messalla Messallinus, it suppressed the Great Illyrian Revolt in 6 AD, leading to the legion being renamed in honor of Valerius' victory. The legion went on to fight against the Germanic Marcomanni in 6 AD, and it was transferred to Germania Inferior in 9 AD. In 43 AD, the legion was one of four legions to take part in the Roman conquest of Britain, encamping at Camulodunum (Colchester) during the 50s AD. In 55 AD, the legion moved to Usk to pacify the Silures, but the legion was defeated. In 61 AD, the legion helped suppress Boudicca's Iceni revolt, and it was transferred to Viroconium (Wroxeter) in 66 AD. During the Year of the Four Emperors, the legion sided with Vitellius, with some units accompanying him to Rome. From 78 to 84 AD, the legion campaigned in northern Britannia and Caledonia, and it returned to Castra Deva (Chester). The legion remained based there for two centuries, and the legion was involved in the construction of Hadrian's Wall. In 196 AD, led by Clodius Albinus, the legion campaigned in Gaul, suffering heavy losses in Gaul before returning to Roman Britain. The legion remained in Britain until 407 AD, when Flavius Claudius Constantinus withdrew the legion to Europe for his doomed campaign on the continent, after which the legion dissolved.