Historica Wiki

Kush was a Nubian kingdom which existed from 1070 to 671 BC. The Kingdom of Kush evolved from the chiefdoms of the third millennium BC in the Dongola Reach, where the Nile River makes a U-turn. The capital of Kush was Kerma, and after 1750 BC the kings of Kush built mud brick fortification walls and monumental structures. The kings of Kush would be buried with dozens or hundreds of sacrificed wives or servants, as the Kushites believed that they would follow and serve him in the afterlife. Kushite craftsmen were known to be skilled with metal. Kush was destroyed along wih its capital by New Kingdom Egypt, but the Kushites conquered Egypt in 712 BC and ruled Egypt until 660 BC, when the Assyrian Empire conquered Egypt. Meroe would succeed Nubia in 800 BC.

