Historica Wiki
Kazumasu Takigawa

Kazumasu Takigawa (1525-21 October 1586) was a general of the Oda and the Toyotomi clans.


Kazumasu Takigawa was born in 1525 in Omi Province, and he was the father of Keiji Maeda, who would be adopted by Toshihisa Maeda. Kazumasu initially served under Nobuhide Oda, leading the forces that conquered the Ishida and the Kanbe in 1545. Later, he served his son Nobunaga Oda, fighting in the 1570 Battle of Anegawa and his 1571-74 campaign against the Ikko-Ikki at Nagashima. After Nobunaga's death, he initially opposed Hideyoshi Hashiba but later entered his service. He became a Buddhist monk after a defeat in 1584 and died two years later.
