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Kassandra the Eagle Bearer (453 BC-), also known as Kassandra of Sparta, was a Greek mercenary (misthios) who participated in the Peloponnesian War. A Spartan by birth and a Cephalonian by upbringing, she was the maternal granddaughter of King Leonidas I, the step-daughter of general Nikolaos of Sparta, the illegitimate daughter of Pythagoras, the daughter of Myrrine, and the half-sister of Alexios, and she became known as one of the fiercest warriors and mercenaries of ancient Greece. Kassandra fought for and against both Sparta and Athens during the war, and she also embarked on a quest to destroy the secretive Cult of Kosmos and reunite her family, which had become separated when she was just a child. From 431 to 422 BC, she travelled across Ancient Greece and dismantled the Cult, while also succeeding in reuniting her family and taking them aboard her ship, the Adrestia, as crew members; she even succeeded in redeeming her brother Alexios and encouraging him to leave the Cult and rejoin the family. One of her crowning achievements was becoming the first woman to become an Olympic champion, winning the pankration tournament at the Olympic Games of 428 BC in Elis; however, as the Olympics historically barred women from competing (and even from attending), Kassandra's defeated opponent Dorieus became the recorded winner in the annals of history. Kassandra's life and many adventures were recorded in HerodotusLost Histories, a volume of Herodotus' seminal Histories which was not rediscovered until 2018.


Early life

Kassandra training

Kassandra training in combat as a child

Kassandra was born in Sparta in 453 BC, the illegitimate daughter of Pythagoras by Myrrine, the granddaughter of King Leonidas I. Her descent from Leonidas was acknowledged by her stepfather, the general Nikolaos of Sparta, who often trained her in the hope that she would follow in her ancestor's footsteps as a great warrior and leader.

In 446 BC, the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi prophesied that Kassandra's newborn younger brother Alexios would bring about the fall of Sparta in the future, so the citizens of Sparta demanded that Alexios be sacrificed to the Gods by being thrown off Mount Taygetos. As the priest Demetrios Peris prepared to sacrifice Alexios, Kassandra - who was persuaded by her mother's wailing and begging for Alexios' life - rushed up to Peris and attempted to save her brother. However, she accidentally pushed both of them to their apparent deaths, leading to Sergios Livas calling for Kassandra to be executed as a traitor. The Spartan crowd demanded that Nikolaos push his own daughter off the cliff, and, although Myrrine begged Nikolaos to not listen to the crowd, he reluctantly pushed her off the cliff to her apparent death as lightning struck nearby. 

Arrival in Cephalonia

Kassandra beach

Kassandra after being washed up in Cephalonia

Kassandra survived the fall, however, and she escaped to the beach with the broken Spear of Leonidas, which she had been given as an heirloom. She avoided being detected by the Spartans, and she fled out to the open seas on a weak boat, with an eagle, Ikaros, following her. A storm turned her boat overboard and she woke up on the beaches of Cephalonia, where she was greeted by local merchant Markos of Kephallonia. Markos offered her food if she would do errands for him, and he raised her as a good friend and associate of his.


Kassandra hovel

Kassandra at her hovel

Kassandra became a well-renowned misthios on her island, and she often had to deal with Markos' issues. She was able to live in a hovel to the south of Mount Ainos, down the road from Sami, the main settlement on the island; she was still accompanied by the eagle Ikaros, who would often serve as a scout whenever she needed to have a better understanding of an area. 


Kassandra Cephalonia

Kassandra in 431 BC

In 431 BC, Kassandra was confronted at her hovel by thugs Iraklis Mangas and Yiorgos Contos, who had been sent by the powerful bandit leader, the "Cyclops of Kephallonia", to collect Markos' debts. Kassandra defeated both of them and told them to warn their master against further intimidation attempts, and she then met Markos' other underling, Phoibe, who told her to meet Markos at his new vineyard. Kassandra was shocked that Markos had gone and bought himself a vineyard while he was broke, and she headed to the vineyard met up with him. Along the way, Cyclops' bandits Tolis Kontos, Herakles Rallis, Minoas Leos, and a few others attempted to murder her, but she slew all of them. Kassandra rebuked Markos for buying a vineyard with other people's money, and she demanded the money that Markos owed her; he told her that the merchant Duris in Sami had the money. However, before she could head to Duris, she was informed by farmer Savvina Patera that Phoibe had been taken by some of the Cyclops' men to Ktimene Beach, where Antigoni Sarantou and Kyriakos Sallis intended to hold her for ransom. Kassandra snuck up on the camp and killed Phoibe's captors before freeing her, and Kassandra then headed on to Sami. Kassandra confronted Duris and was forced to break some of his merchandise in order to extort him into paying back the debt, which he did.

Kassandra then returned to Markos' Vineyard, where she overheard Nikolaos Petrides threatening to kill Markos, Kassandra, and Phoibe if Markos did not pay the Cyclops back. She discovered that Markos had borrowed money from the Cyclops to buy the vineyard, explaining the Cyclops' rivalry with Markos, and she criticized Markos for this unwise decision. Just then, the bowyer Drucilla arrived and told Markos that she needed for him to deal with the bandits who stole her lumber shipment; Markos volunteered Kassandra for the job while pretending that they had just been talking about the situation. Kassandra asked Drucilla if she could repair her bow as a reward in advance, and Drucilla agreed; Kassandra kept her word, and she headed to the Cephalonia Lumber Shipyard to slay Isidora of Cephalonia and the other bandits, and to recover the lumber. She brought the lumber back to Drucilla, who was impressed that she had kept her word, and she rewarded her.

Kassandra and Odessa first meeting

Kassandra and Odessa's first meeting

Kassandra then returned to Markos, who told her that some well-equipped newcomers had arrived on Cephalonia and taken up refuge in an abandoned house. Sure that these were the Cyclops' men, Markos sent Kassandra to deal with them and steal their riches. She made short work of them, but she discovered that they were, in fact, employed by a mysterious man named Elpenor of Kirrha, who was searching for Penelope's woven shroud, an ancient artifact. Elpenor finished off his own wounded henchman Lykourgos Rondos and recruited Kassandra, saying that it would be in both of their best interests to know each other; he gave her a rowboat and sent her to find the priceless shroud. He had Kassandra sail to Ithaca, where she infiltrated Odysseus' Palace, retrieved the shroud, killed Kritobulos of Ithaca and his bandits, and freed the imprisoned Odessa of Megaris, a descendant of Odysseus who had gone on a pilgrimage to her ancestor's palace. Kassandra escorted Odessa back to her boat, and she flirted with her, telling her that her bravery made her cute, and that she should be her own person. Odessa was uninterested in Kassandra at first, and Odessa decided to return to Megaris, disappointed by the poor state of Ithaca and her ancestor's palace.

Kassandra Melissani Cave

Kassandra in the Melissani Cave

Kassandra rowed back to the abandoned house, where Elpenor told her to keep the shroud; Kassandra realized that she was being tested. Elpenor then tasked her with assassinating a general known as "The Wolf of Sparta" at Megaris, and Kassandra lied to Elpenor when she said that she had a ship to sail. Kassandra then headed to Sami to get a ship, but, along the way, she met priestess Demetra Valli at the Temple of Zeus at Cephalonia. Valli asked Kassandra if she could find the legendary Spear of Kephalos, and Kassandra decided to do so voluntarily. On her way to find the shroud, she chanced upon bounty hunter Talos the Stone Fist - who had been hired by the Cyclops to kill her - at the local marketplace. She ambushed him and proceeded to stuff him full with arrows before finishing him off with melee weapons following a bloody fight which left Kassandra injured and Talos dead. Afterwards, she walked to the nearby Melissani Cave, where the spear was said to have been buried after Kephalos had accidentally killed his wife Prokris with it. She dove underwater and swam deeper into the cave, later surfacing and lighting a torch as she searched for the spear. She killed bandits Haris Theodoros and Nikitas Panagos before retrieving the spear, and she brought it back to the priestess, asking nothing in exchange; the grateful priestess swore that she would never forget Kassandra's kindness, and that she had the temple's support.

Kassandra goodbyes

Kassandra bidding farewell to Markos and Phoibe

Kassandra went on to speak with the shipbuilder Telemenes, who told her that the cost of a new ship would be 100,000 drachmae. However, he told her of the arrival of the Cyclops at Kleptous Bay, so Kassandra headed there to confront him and steal his ship, the Adrestia. Kassandra confronted the Cyclops at the docks as he drowned Barnabas for supposedly insulting him, and she told him to let him go. She asked if Barnabas had called him "Cyclops" (which the Cyclops found insulting), and she pointed out that he only had one eye as she revealed his obsidian eye in her hand. The Cyclops told her that he would not have Markos killed for having her steal the eye if she would return the eye to him, but she instead stuffed it in a goat's anus, provoking a fight with the Cyclops. Kassandra went on to slay the Cyclops, bandit captain Triton of Kleptous, and their men, and she freed Barnabas, who told her that he was a sailor and the captain of the Adrestia. The two of them headed to the harbor to gather their crew, and Kassandra found that Phiobe and Markos were there as well. She bade farewell to both of them, with Phiobe initially seeking to join Kassandra, but ultimately giving her the wooden pet eagle Chara as a gift, and securing a promise that they would meet again; Markos said that he would miss being a part of the "dynamic duo" with Kassandra, and he decided to make Phiobe his new assistant.

Life on the high seas

Kassandra ship

Kassandra and Barnabas boarding their ship

Kassandra spoke with Barnabas as they sailed out to sea on the Adrestia, telling him that they were going to Megaris to assassinate "The  Wolf of Sparta"; Barnabas asked who would want to kill "Nikolaos of Sparta", and Kassandra realized that "the Wolf" was her father. They set out to sea, and Barnabas decided to allow for Kassandra to learn to sail by retrieving Barnabas' stolen cargo from some of the late Cyclops' pirates, who had taken the cargo from Barnabas as he was being drowned at Kleptous Bay. Kassandra rammed the pirate ship and had her crew use javelins and arrows against the enemy crew, and she then proceeded to lead a boarding action. She slew the pirate captains Vettias the Pirate and Philon the Pirate, and she and her crew looted the ship before returning to the Adrestia and leaving the pirate vessel to sink. She then abducted the stranded archer Phemios from a marooned bandit camp off Phocis, and Barnabas convinced him to join the crew as its first lieutenant.

As the ship approached Megaris, Kassandra and Barnabas found that three Athenian ships, under the command of Thaulos, were blockading the city. The Adrestia proceeded to engage in battle with the Athenian ships, sinking all three of them to break through the blockade. The ship then went on to dock at Megaris harbor, where Kassandra disembarked.

Siege of Megaris

Athenian blockade destroyed Megaris

The wreck of the Athenian blockade

Kassandra was greeted by the Spartan officer Stentor, who thanked her for destroying the Athenian fleet. He told her that she had arrived in time to watch his father achieve a glorious victory, and Stentor revealed that he was Nikolaos' adoptive son; Kassandra attempted to explain to Stentor that she was therefore his sister, but Stentor told her that both of Nikolaos' children had died a long time before (neither Nikolaos nor Stentor knew of Kassandra or Alexios' survival). When Kassandra asked if she could speak with Nikolaos, Stentor said that he was in command of the entire Spartan army, and that she would have to earn that place. She therefore decided to join in the Spartan effort to conquer Megaris.


Kassandra during the siege

Kassandra was given a token by Stentor which she could use to show the Spartan scouts that she was on their side, and she met up with forward scout Dolios. She discovered the site of a massacred Spartan supply convoy, and Doilos sent her to investigate; she found a group of refugees in a cave behind the Grave of Tereus possessing the stolen supplies. However, they told her that Hyrkanos the Cunning had been responsible for the massacre, and that they had simply scavenged the supplies from the gory scene. Kassandra had them return some of the supplies so that she would have something to show for her search, and, when she returned to Dolios, she lied to him and told him that she had killed the thieves and recovered all of the lost supplies. She was then tasked with assassinating Hyrkanos, the Athenian general.

Kassandra Megaris

Kassandra before the final assault

Kassandra also planned to weaken the Athenian defenses by going to the port of Nisaia, where she infiltrated the Athenian base and used her torch to burn Athenian supplies, assassinated several Athenian soldiers to weaken the defenders, and assassinated their polemarch Meleagros and their captain Timotheus, while killing the mercenaries Cheimonas of the Sacred Watch and Hiketaon the Lucky Drunk. With the port of Nisaia eliminated, Kassandra headed back up the road to Megara, where she chanced upon Megarian leader Hippias the Vivacious relaxing at a tent outside of the city walls, under heavy guard from some heavily-armored men. Kassandra hid in a bush across the road and used her bow to shoot at some of the guards, distracting them. They formed frantic search parties, with the mercenary Alexandra the Ravager occasionally joining them to hunt for Kassandra. Kassandra used their distraction to run to a bush next to the tent, preparing for Hippias to return. When the group returned, the guards all faced the road, while Hippias returned to the small tent. Kassandra snuck behind the guards and proceeded to assassinate Hippias with her dagger, and she then fled from the guards and Alexandra, making it behind Spartan lines. With Hippias dead, Kassandra announced to Stentor that they could make their final assault.

Kassandra and Odessa kissing

Kassandra and Odessa kissing

However, Kassandra did not feel ready to crush the Athenians yet, as she lacked the equipment that she needed. She decided to go to the late Hippias' mansion, plundering it of its loot and killing the guards. She then headed to a farm near Nisaia, where she chanced upon Odessa once more. Kassandra attempted to flirt with Odessa, but Odessa expressed worry about her sick father, so Kassandra gathered herbs needed for a potion and purchased some medicine from the doctor. When she returned to Odessa, she helped her fight off assassins, and she gave the medicine to her father. Odessa then asked if Kassandra could find proof if the leader of Megaris had been involved with the assassination attempts, so Kassandra headed to the deserted leader's house, where she found documents stating how Hippias had killed one of Odessa's suitors and attempted to provide her with another in order to acquire her estate, and how Odessa had hired Xenokles the Hyena for protection before Xenokles was killed. Kassandra brought back the evidence to Odessa, but, before she shared it with her, she asked if they could go to Odessa's bed, where Kassandra told Odessa that she wanted Odessa to show her pain. The two had passionate sex, and Odessa would politely decline Kassandra's offer of a second round. Kassandra shared the details with Odessa, and she decided that she wanted her new lover to join her crew aboard the Adrestia; Odessa, whose father's health had improved, decided to accept this offer, and they decided to go on adventures together.

Fall of Megaris

Ruined Temple of Apollo

Kassandra at the Ruined Temple of Apollo

Kassandra went on to ride to the Ruined Temple of Apollo near the Spartan forward base, slaying the bandits under Okytos and looting the treasure there. Next, she headed to the Militarized Temple of Megara on a cliff overlooking the city of Megara itself, and she found that the Athenian general Hyrkanos the Cunning and the captain Prokopos Dellis were stationed there with a handful of troops. She proceeded to stealthily assassinate Dellis and his men before attacking Hyrkanos, who briefly caught on fire while searching for her in the bushes while carrying a torch. Kassandra ultimately got the jump on Hyrkanos and slew him, leaving the Athenians leaderless. With Hyrkanos dead, Kassandra returned to Stentor to begin the conquest battle.

Siege of Megaris bodies

The aftermath of the battle

Kassandra joined the Spartan ranks during the field battle fought with the Athenians, during which she slew the Athenian captains Methodios, Evios, Kepheos, and Meliboios. With the Athenian captains dead, their demoralized troops fled, and the battle was won. As Stentor congratulated Kassandra on her victory, the light soldier Lykourgos Kallas arrived and informed Kassandra that Nikolaos wished to speak with her - alone. This angered Stentor, who felt that it was unfair for Nikolaos to speak to Kassandra before him, and Stentor stormed off to his tent. Kassandra met Nikolaos on top of the cliff, and he asked who she was; she then took her helmet off and greeted him, "Chiarepater" ("hello, father"). A shocked Nikolaos said that her being alive was impossible, as he "saw her fall", but she angrily insisted that she threw her to her death, and they argued over Nikolaos' putting duty ahead of family. Kassandra then informed Nikolaos that a large bounty had been put on his head, but, when Nikolaos asked if that was the reason she came, she threw him to the ground behind her and told her that vengeance was immoral, and that his facing the ghosts of his past was a fate worse than death. A guilty Nikolaos told Kassandra that she was not his biological daughter, and to find her mother Myrrine for answers. He then abandoned his helmet and his post, heading off to "find his honor"; before he went, he warned Kassandra of the "snakes in the grass".

Onwards to Phokis


Kassandra at Kreusis

Kassandra, shocked by the revelation that Nikolaos was not her father, and intrigued by the warning against "snakes in the grass", decided to meet with Elpenor at his home in Pilgrim's Landing, Kirrha, where he told her to meet him once Nikolaos was dead. As Nikolaos had vanished, and Kassandra obtained his helmet, she decided to pretend that she had killed her father. Kassandra spoke with Barnabas on her ship, where she told him that she would set sail for Phokis to deal with the true "snake in the grass", Elpenor. Barnabas also advised her to speak with the Pythia, the Oracle of Delphi, for help with finding her mother. 

Kassandra Cosmos guards

Kassandra facing the two Cultist guards

Kassandra sailed to the nearby port of Kreusis, seeking to explore more of Greece. She got into a fight with some locals after she was spotted near the restricted Kreusis Military Camp, and she left town on her horse, riding through Boeotia, past Lebadeia, around the Nine Roads Camp, Lookout Camp, and Desphina Fort, through the countryside of Phokis, and into Kirrha. She met with Elpenor at his home in Pilgrim's Landing, where she reported that she had killed Nikolaos, showing Elpenor his helmet. Elpenor handed over the drachmae promised to her, and he said that it wasn't every day that he had someone kill their father, although he asked her if he was actually her stepfather, showing that he had known all along about his identity. Kassandra asked how he knew about her stepfather, and she was angered when Elpenor said how he was entertained by the "art" of a great general throwing his daughter off a cliff. She then stated that she had a real father out in the world, and Elpenor told her that he wanted her to bring him his head as well, saying that he assumed that she wanted her family dead as much as he did. An angry Kassandra called him a malaka and threatened to cut out his tongue, leading to Cult of Kosmos guards Sergios Condos and Eleftherios Floros approaching her. Elpenor, fearing that Kassandra would kill him, fled as the guards attacked Kassandra, and Kassandra dispatched both of the guards. Kassandra then searched Elpenor's house, where she discovered that he had been selling weapons to both Athens and Sparta to ensure that the Peloponnesian War would last forever, and that he was a part of a greater conspiracy.

Alexandra the Ravager dead

Alexandra's body

While Kassandra rode around Phokis in search of Elpenor, she chanced upon an old acquaintance, the mercenary Alexandra the Ravager (who had previously been hired to kill her in Megaris). Although Alexandra was no longer pursuing Kassandra, Kassandra ambushed her on a valley road, and their battle took them to a clearing in the woods further along the road. Suddenly, wild boars and bears came out of the woods to attack Alexandra and Kassandra, so Kassandra ran in circles around the bears and boars as they mauled Alexandra. In order to claim credit for Alexandra's inevitable death, Kassandra fired an arrow which ended Alexandra's brutal death, settling a score from Megaris.

Meeting the Oracle

Kassandra, without any clues as to Elpenor's location, decided to meet with Barnabas in Delphi, where Barnabas wanted Kassandra to seek the Oracle's wisdom in her quest to find her mother. She met with Barnabas, who introduced her to a self-described "simple pilgrim", Herodotus. However, when Herodotus noticed Kassandra's "Spear of Leonidas" at first glance, Kassandra noticed that he was more than a simple pilgrim, and he revealed himself to be a storyteller on a mission from the Athenian leader Pericles to end the war. Kassandra then entered the Temple of Apollo at Delphi to consult the Pythia, and she passed the long line of visitors after convincing the priest Maron that she was not the kind of person to wait in line.

Kassandra Oracle sanctuary

Kassandra speaking with the Pythia

Kassandra then spoke to the Oracle, asking for her mother's location; the Oracle recognized her from one of her visions as the "Child of the Mountain", and recalled Kassandra's sparing of the Megarian refugees at their cave, saying that she held back for the truth and balanced judgement with their lives. The Pythia then warned Kassandra that the Cult of Kosmos would kill her, and a confused Kassandra was taken out of the sanctuary as the Pythia was escorted out of the room by her cultist guards; Kassandra then asked Herodotos about the cult. Herodotos said that he had heard whispers of a cult coming to Delphi, and Kassandra told Herodotos that the guards had taken the Pythia way; Herodotos grew worried that the cult could have corrupted the Pythia, and therefore come to control the Greek world. Herodotos told Kassandra that the Oracle could be found at the Chora of Delphi while she was not at the sanctuary, but he warned her that brute force was useless when finesse was required.

Return to the Oracle

Tomb of the First Pythia interior

Kassandra exploring the Tomb of the First Pythia

Kassandra decided to ride for the Chora, but she stopped by the Tomb of the First Pythia along the way, and she looted several treasures there, including the Belt of Ares and a treasure chest. She also deciphered an ancient stele hidden within the tomb. She then headed to the Korykian Cave, where she killed the bandit leader Kallikles and looted the treasures inside. With these two treasure troves looted, Kassandra went on to travel to the Chora of Delphi to find the Oracle.

Menexinos, Promise Keeper dead

Menexinos' body

Kassandra reached the House of the Pythia, where she noticed that the Pythia was under heavy guard from the Cult of Kosmos. She killed the cult's captain Kerkyon and several guards, and she also killed the mercenary Menexinos, Promise Keeper with an arrow to the left eye. Kassandra then broke into the Pythia's room in the house, and the Pythia was shocked that someone would break into her home. She called for the guards in vain, but Kassandra demanded that the Pythia answer her questions; she guaranteed that she would prevent any harm from coming to the Pythia, and that she would kill the cultists before they could harm her. The Pythia revealed that the Cult of Kosmos hid behind masks and shrouds, that the Cult paid her very well to mislead people with prophecies about war and politics, that an artifact under the Temple of Apollo produced the prophecies, that the cultists met under the Temple of Apollo, and that Kassandra could find a mask and shroud on a wealthy cultist who often checked in on her: the Oracle revealed this man to be Elpenor, who was known to conduct business at the Pharsalus fort. Kassandra thanked the Oracle for being helpful, and the Oracle asked for Apollo's light to guide Kassandra to her family.

Hunt for Elpenor

Kassandra Delphi

Kassandra speaking with Herodotus

Kassandra then told Herodotus about her conversation with the Pythia, and Herodotus told her that the Temple of Apollo was by the Cave of Gaia, and that it would be easy to find. When Herodotus asked her about where she could find a mask and shroud, Kassandra said that she would kill the "malakas liar" Elpenor and meet Herodotus at the temple when she was ready.

Kassandra headed to the fort at Pharsalus, but she found it crawling with both Spartan soldiers and mercenaries who were searching for her. She spent several minutes picking off guard captains, army supplies, treasure chests, and the mercenaries, slaying Idomeneus the Crazy Lover, Teutamos the Fool, Daniil the Tactician, and Makarios, Scourge of the Lands. She occasionally left the fort's walls to recover from her wounds and to regain anonymity, returning each time to attack the soldiers and mercenaries there. She watched a man who had a similar appearance to Elpenor be killed by Idomeneus, and, after killing all of the soldiers and mercenaries, she inspected the body, discovering that it was a a double of Elpenor. She also found out that the real Elpenor had sent the guard a note to meet him at the Snake Temple when he was done with killing Kassandra, so Kassandra killed Megistias the Polemarch, finished completing all of the sabotage activities at Pharsalus, and set out to slay Elpenor.

Kassandra Elpenor body

Kassandra overlooking Elpenor's body

Kassandra arrived at the ruined Snake Temple, and she located a cavern where Elpenor was hiding. However, she had to deal with several Cult of Kosmos guards, including Tilemachos Drivas and Thanassis Nicolaides. She then found Elpenor in the cave, and Elpenor criticized her, saying that the Cult could have made her rich, and that they only wanted to kill her mother. Kassandra fought him and dealt him a mortal blow, and, when Elpenor said that killing him was a mistake, Kassandra said that trusting him was a mistake. Elpenor claimed that Kassandra had left the island alive because of him, and that the Cult wanted her dead. However, when she asked what Cult, Elpenor laughed and died. Kassandra then received a shard from his body, and she decided to meet with Herodotus at the temple.

Koragos lute guests

Koragos playing the lute for his guests

When Kassandra returned to Delphi, she came across the elderly woman Auxesia and her husband Koragos. Earlier, Auxesia had recruited Kassandra to find the ingredients for a cure to Koragos' loss of libido, including a bear scrotum, and Kassandra was able to procure the ingredients after skinning a bear which had been wounded in battle with a Spartan soldier. Kassandra delivered the ingredients to Auxesia, who excitedly demanded sex with her husband. Koragos remined Auxesia that he could not satisfy her lust, and he asked for the Gods to save him. Kassandra told Auxesia that her husband was tired, so she volunteered herself to satisfy Auxesia's hunger, and they had an all-day sexual encounter as Koragos played a lute for guests outside.

Cult of Kosmos

Kassandra Herodotus door

Kassandra and Herodotus preparing to use the secret entrance

With one of her quests dealt with, Kassandra decided to resume her main quest: to investigate the secret chamber which Herodotus had mentioned to her before she headed off to assassinate Elpenor. Herodotus described it as the hidden chamber of the cultists, and Kassandra changed into Elpenor's cultist outfit (including his mask) before entering the chamber. She pretended to be a new recruit, and she overheard several plots, including a Cultist plot to assassinate the Athenian artist Phidias, mention of the Cultist leader Deimos, the Cult's mission to find the Deimos' parents and sister ("the Bloodline"), and a plot to destroy Pericles and Athens. She also placed Elpenor's triangular necklace piece onto a golden pyramid at the center of the chamber, completing the pyramid; a fellow cultist noticed this, and she asked Kassandra if its power called to her as well. Kassandra said that it did, but, when she tried to touch it, the cultist slapped her hand away and told her to show respect for the bloodline.

Kassandra Deimos pyramid

Deimos testing Kassandra

Just then, the Deimos strode into the chamber with Elpenor's head, and he kicked over a flaming brazier in a rage. He threw the head in the middle of the chamber and announced Elpenor's death, and he announced that the pyramid artifact would expose the traitor among the Cult. He had several cult members place their hands upon the artifact as he observed their visions, and he was confused when he saw that Kassandra's hand showed memories of his childhood; he was unaware of Kassandra's identity, and he decided that she was not the traitor. However, the next person to step up, Epiktetos, was less lucky, as Alexios decided that he was the traitor, bashed his head against the pyramid, and repeatedly hammered his face with his strong fist. 

Kassandra exited the lair and met with a waiting Herodotus, and she told him that they wanted her family (especially her mother) dead, and she also deduced that the Deimos was really her brother, Alexios, who had survived the fall from the cliff and become the Cult's weapon. Kassandra startled Herodotus by telling him that the Cult also planned to assassinate Pericles, and Herodotus stressed the urgency of warning Pericles, ignoring Kassandra's pleas to find her mother first. Herodotus reminded Kassandra that she carried the blade of Leonidas, and that she had to act like it. He further confused Kassandra by demanding that they first head to Thermopylae so that Herodotus could figure something out to defeat the Cult, and that they could head to Athens afterwards. 

Journey to Thermopylae

Klymene the Beautiful Justice death

Klymene the Beautiful Justice's death

On the way to Thermopylae, Kassandra found the Amphikleia Military Camp in her path. She decided to infiltrate the Spartan camp and assassinate its captain, Sotiris Menas, and she also looted the treasure there. However, the Spartan Palaimon hired two mercenaries - Klymene the Beautiful Justice and Minthe the Bringer of Rain - to kill Kassandra. Kassandra killed both of the mercenaries and Palaimon, ending their threat to her and becoming a more prestigious mercenary.

Lion of Leonidas

Kassandra and Herodotus standing before the Lion of Leonidas

Having cleared the military camp, Kassandra proceeded to enter Malis, the "Wild Lands of the North". She met with Herodotus at the Lion of Leonidas, a rock lion sculpture which was built at the site of King Leonidas' death to commemorate the Spartans' brave last stand at the Battle of Thermopylae in 431 BC. There, Herodotus had Kassandra hold out her spear, and they both touched its tip, with the memories of Leonidas' last stand and his death at the hands of the traitor Ephialtes of Trachis flooding back to them. Herodotus decided that Kassandra's spear was, in fact, the fabled Spear of Leonidas, and that he needed to take her to the island of Andros, where a mysterious structure was located; Herodotus believed that the spear and the structure were both created by a precursor civilization. Kassandra welcomed Herodotus to the Adrestia, where they rendezvoused with Barnabas. Kassandra then told Barnabas that Elpenor was a part of the Cult of Kosmos, a powerful group which controlled the Greek world through the Oracle. She also informed him that the Cult was after her mother, and that she believed that her brother was in charge of the cult. Kassandra then had Barnabas set a course for Andros.

To Andros

Odessa Kassandra pirates battle

Kassandra and Odessa slaying a pirate

The Adrestia left the harbor at Thermopylae, but Kassandra found that the waters were full of pirate and Spartan vessels which were engaged in large battles with each other. Kassandra slew the pirates Midylos, Skiron, and Pytheas and the Spartan captain Philokles, with Odessa and other members of Kassandra's crew boarding several pirate and Spartan vessels and slaying their crews before looting them as they sank. As the Adrestia sailed past the embattled gulf, Kassandra discovered that the mercenary Klaasr the Exasperated was pursuing her with his own vessel. The two ships met in battle off Boeotia, and Kassandra managed to weaken Klaasr's vessel before ramming it and cleaving it in half, killing all aboard. Kassandra then proceeded to stop at Chalcis, where she noticed that bounty sponsor Evios of Chalcis was under guard at the Chalkis Warehouse. She proceeded to infiltrate the Spartan base and kill both Evios and the captain, Menelaos of Chalcis, and she also slew the mercenary Hypateos the Sensible when he tried to slay her. Kassandra then looted the treasure in the warehouse and burned the war supplies, completing the defeat of the base's garrison. Kassandra headed to the Poseidon Temple to have a better view of the island, and, after mapping out the local area, she returned to the Adrestia and sailed to Andros.

Deimos Kassandra Andros

Deimos and Kassandra meeting on Andros

Kassandra arrived on the island and decided to enter the fissure herself, leaving her ship at the shore. She headed to what appeared to be a doorway in a rock formation, and, when she held out her spear, a fissure opened and Kassandra entered an ancient forge. She placed her necklace piece in a stone carving, and she also placed her spear in another shape; her spear became stronger somehow, and she wondered how she could explain the forge to the others. As she exited, an arrow narrowly missed her, and Deimos stood above the hill, telling her that it was time to talk. Kassandra climbed the cliff, but her attempt to warmly embrace her brother was rejected. Deimos told Kassandra that he was mad at her for "throwing him off a cliff", but, when Kassandra attempted to explain to "Alexios" about what had really happened, "Alexios" told her to stop calling him that, and to call him "Deimos". Kassandra warned Deimos that she would be going after the cult, but he warned her about the Cult's numbers, and a second attempt by Kassandra to remind Deimos that they were family was rejected when Deimos ignored her and walked away. Kassandra then returned to Herodotus, warning him that the Cult was going after both her mother and the Athenian leader Pericles, so Herodotus told her that they needed to find Pericles at the Pnyx.

Hunting the Cult

Sotera body

Sotera's body

Kassandra set out to hunt the Cult, and one of the few Cultists whom she could identify was Sotera, a spy for the cult who was based in Megaris. She decided to travel to Megara, but, on the road from Megara to Nisaia, she discovered that she was being tracked by the mercenary Yulios the Balanced. She ambushed and killed him on the road, and she also came across the Megarian leader Priskos the Reformed, who she killed with several arrows. Shortly after, she killed the mercenary Maleos, Hades Spawn, who had also been sent to kill her. She then entered Nisaia, where she intended to kill Sotera, and she also killed the bounty sponsor Amphion of Nisaia. Kassandra then snuck towards the docks, where she fought and killed Sotera, verifying her death after swimming towards her body face-down in the water.

Zeus Ephesos

Kassandra at the Zeus Ephesos temple

Kassandra discovered that a Spartan army from Corinth under Kimon Costas had invaded the country at the start of the Megara Campaign, so she joined them for the battle to conquer the city, slaying the Athenian mercenary Pigres the Childish, 29 soldiers, and 4 captains. Afterwards, Megaris sided with Sparta, and Kassandra went on to ambush and kill the mercenary Tellias, Lover of Flames in a mountain pass to make herself better-known. She then visited the Tomb of the Amazons and attacked the Eirena Military Camp, clearing it of Spartan troops and looting its treasures. Kassandra later returned to Nisaia to murder Timaios of Nisaia, who had placed a bounty of 82 drachmae on her head for murder. Afterwards, she killed the Spartan leader Tisandros, Bringer of Crows, and she then decided to hunt down the Cultist leader Midas of Argos. She rode north towards Corinthia, and she found that bandits had converted Zeus Ephesos into a camp. She killed Kalliaros the Bandit and his men, looted the treasures, found an ancient tablet, and freed the bandits' captive Theofylaktos Vallis.


Kassandra in Corinthia

Kassandra went on to travel through Corinthia, exploring the city of Corinth before continuing down the road to Argolis and then to the city of Argo, where the banker Midas lived. There, she found him near a banking building and began to chase him as he ran away. After pursuing him all day across rooftops, through alleyways, and to the city walls, she cornered him that evening. She had to slay several vigilante townspeople before killing him and verifying his death, scoring another victory against the cult.

Arrival in Athens

Statue of Athena

Kassandra in front of the Statue of Athena

Kassandra then rode through the city of Piraeus, which served as the port of Athens. She then entered Athens through its dilapidated Poor Market district, which she survived after killing a few tough bandits who attempted to attack her. As she passed by the Acropolis Sanctuary, she overheard some female singers singing a song which taunted Sparta, asking "Where have you gone, oh Wolf of Sparta," (a reference to Kassandra's own father, Nikolaos). She then proceeded to climb the Statue of Athena and have a better view of the city, discovering several landmarks.

Pericles Kleon debate

Pericles and Cleon debating at the Pnyx

Kassandra then headed down to the beach to meet with Herodotus, who told her that they had to meet with Pericles at the Pnyx. She visited the Odeon of Pericles, the largest building in Athens (and the first roofed theatre in the city), and she also passed through the Agora of Athens and reached the Pnyx. There, she saw Pericles speaking before a large crowd, asking for the people to come together for the glory of Athens. However, the crowd was against him, saying that he only sought glory for himself, and a crowd member went so far as to throw food at him. Pericles' rival Cleon, also on the stage, told the people not to act like the Spartans, and he picked the food off Pericles and ate it, saying that it was a shame that the Spartans burned the fields where the crop grew. He also asked Pericles how many triremes could have been built with the money it took to build the Parthenon, and he told Pericles that, if Pericles would not act against the Spartans, he would. Cleon turned the mob with his xenophobic speech, and he left the stage to converse with the civilians. Kassandra, who had been observing the speech, met with Herodotus, who told her that they had to hurry to Pericles.

Herodotus Kassandra Athens

Herodotus and Kassandra at the Pnyx

Kassandra introduced herself to Pericles, and Herodotus advised that they keep quiet with their conversation. Herodotus told Pericles that he had invited Kassandra to attend his symposium to find answers during her search for her mother, and, when Pericles ridiculed Herodotus for suggesting that an outsider was more important than the Athenian crowds, Herodotus suggested that she pretend to be his servant. Pericles promised that Kassandra could get into the symposium if she checked on his missing colleague Metiochos, escorted his associate Phidias out of Athens, and rigged an ostracism vote against the sophist Anaxagoras. Kassandra then headed out to complete her tasks, and, along the way, Cleon offered to pay her if she could sabotage the Spartan siege of Athens by assassinating their commanders and burning their supplies.

Ostracization of Anaxagoras

Logismos Building

The Logismos Building

Kassandra headed to the Bouleuterion of Athens for the ostracism vote, meeting Pericles' contact Lambros Spiros. Kassandra, confused about her task, asked Lambros what her role was: Lambros told her that the votes had already been cast, and that Kassandra needed to take a bag of rigged ostraka from Lambros and exchange them with the ones under guard at the Logismos Building. Kassandra snuck through the Logismos Building, taking a long time due to the strength of the guards; she often led them on chases out of the building before returning while they were gone. She eventually succeeded in switching out the bags, and she returned to Lambros in time for the vote. Theseus Pulos announced that all of the ostraka had been accounted for, despite earlier concerns about tampering, and that Anaxagoras would be ostracized.

Kassandra Socrates meeting

Kassandra meeting Socrates

As the crowd left the building, Kassandra was approached by a man who told her that Anaxagoras was a close friend and mentor of his, and that he would be happy to leave the city. Kassandra asked him his name, and he introduced himself as Socrates, but he said that one's actions determined who a person was, and he asked Kassandra who she was; she introduced herself as a mercenary. Socrates asked if she would do anything for any price, but she agreed that there was a line that she would not cross, and, when pressed by Socrates, admitted that the line could move. Socrates was then interrupted by a student of his, who suggested that he leave due to people waiting on him, and he told Kassandra that they might meet again.

Phidias' escape

Phidias Kassandra

Kassandra meeting with Phidias at the docks

As Kassandra left the Bouleuterion and reached Phidias' workshop, she discovered that she was being followed by the mercenary Kalon the Bricklayer. After an archery battle from opposing roofs, Kassandra was able to kill Kalon with an arrow to the face. She then headed to Phidias' Workshop, noticing that there were guards stationed outside of the workshop, an unusual sight. Kassandra crept through a balcony on the ceiling, and she met Phidias on the second floor of his workshop, where he was hiding. She revealed that Pericles had sent her, and that Pericles wanted to have Phidias escape Athens; she initially believed that he was going to escape his embezzlement trial, but Phidias showed her a piece of parchment which revealed that the Cult of Kosmos wanted him dead. Phidias said that he could flee to the island of Seriphos, where his friend Theras could take care of him.

Kassandra Phidias ship

Kassandra and Phidias on the ship

Just then, Phidias noticed that the guards were entering, and Minas Papageorgious warned Phidias that he could not come and go as he pleased. Kassandra assassinated Papageorgious as his fellow guard Damianos Gikas searched for him in another part of the workshop, and Kassandra was able to rendezvous with Phidias at the docks and take him to Serifos. Phidias was greeted by Theras, who thanked her ("the kind and thoughtful hero") for delivering him. Theras rewarded her with information on Brison, a Cultist who was involved in the plot on Kassandra's life, and Phidias then bade Kassandra farewell, asking her to give Pericles his thanks and farewell and to be careful back in Athens.

The Hunt Continues

Steropes Bay

Kassandra at Steropes Bay

Kassandra decided to resume her hunt of the Cult of Kosmos, travelling back to Andros to hunt down The Chimera at Steropes Bay. Kassandra came across her beach encampment and killed the Chimera and her guards before freeing her captives; she found a letter on The Chimera's body which gave her information about other Cult members.

Kassandra next decided to hunt down the Cultist Asterion, who was sailing off the coast of Andros. The Adrestia and Asterion's ship did battle with hails of archery, and, despite taking heavy damage, the Adrestia succeeded in immobilizing Asterion's ship before ramming it and cleaving it in half. Asterion and all aboard the ship were killed, dealing another blow to the Cult.

Kassandra abandoned mine Chalcis

Kassandra entering the abandoned mine

The next target was the Centaur of Euboea, a copper merchant based out of an abandoned mine near Chalcis on Euboea. Kassandra killed a bandit leader, freed two captives, and looted three treasures at the bandit camp at the mine, and she then entered the mine and found the Centaur. She succeeded in wounding him, but the arrival of the mercenary Sophronia the Lover led to Kassandra fleeing to the short grass on the hill above the mine, hiding. Soon, a handful of patrolling Chalcian soldiers came across the wounded Centaur as he walked into the woods not far from the short grass, and Kassandra watched as the soldiers killed the Centaur; she then killed the last soldier with a shot from her bow. To finish what she had started at the mine, she ambushed and killed Sophronia.

Kassandra returned to Megaris in time to help the Athenian strategos Menekrates the Smart repel Xenophanes the Brute's Spartan attack, and the Athenians handsomely rewarded her for her assistance. However, she proceeded to kill the new Athenian puppet leader, Zeuxis the Drunken Bard, again throwing the city-state into chaos.

Rescuing Metiochos

Pratinos Kassandra

Pratinos and his gang speaking with Kassandra

Kassandra then returned to Athens to do one last job for Pericles - she would have to investigate the disappearance of Pericles' political ally Metiochos. She entered Metiochos' home and found him tied up and surrounded by poisonous snakes, and she killed all of the reptiles before cutting Metiochos loose. Metiochos thanked Kassandra for her help, and he told her that Pericles had previously sent him to the Poor Market to speak with the poor and sick. There, some thugs led by Cleon's supporter Pratinos threw rotten food at him, and they later went to his home; he recognized their voices and their stenches. Kassandra headed down to the Fishing District to investigate, finding the body of Aktis, a thug who had been accidentally bitten and killed by one of the group's own snakes. She was then confronted by Pratinos and a few thugs, and Pratinos revealed that they were motivated by Cleon's demands for the poor to take the city back from the elite. Kassandra persuaded Pratinos to not protect a criminal, and asked him who supplied the snakes - he told her that a snake dealer outside the city walls provided the snakes. She then decided to spare the men, telling Pratinos to ignore the politicians and concentrate on where he could make change in his own district; Pratinos thanked her, and told her that they would try.

On her way to deal with the snake dealer, Kassandra came across the Athenian general Demosthenes, who recruited her to hamstring the besieging Spartan army by assassinating its generals at their forts. Kassandra decided to add this task to her list of goals, as she had also accepted Kleon's contract to drive the Spartans from the nearby forts as well.

Kassandra Lavrentios battle

Kassandra fighting Lavrentios

Kassandra was later accosted by Antianeira the Patricidal and Lavrentios the Long Haired, two mercenaries who were hired to bring her down. She killed Antianeira in a rooftop battle, and she wounded Lavrentios before fleeing from him and some Athenian soldiers. She then proceeded to kill Lavrentios in a battle on the street, cutting his throat with her two blades. Kassandra was then contacted by a politician named Stergios Barbas, having (unbeknownst to her) completed a job for him by killing one of the mercenaries. She then collected payment from him, a coincidental victory. She then killed the mercenaries Nora the Snow Leopard, Keril the Heroic Poet, and Kyrios the Master after they were sent to kill her, and she also killed the captain of the Athens Prison and looted the treasure there, as well as killing Captain Kaletor the Cloaked and looting the Marble Workshop's treasure.

The Siege and the Snakes

Siege of Athens 431 BC

Kassandra during the siege

Kassandra decided to take Cleon and Demosthenes' contracts and inflict damage on the Spartan war effort outside of the city walls. First, she infiltrated the Acharnai Military Camp and assassinated the strategos Xouthos the Polemarch and the polemarch Hiketaon before burning the military supplies there, setting blazes which lit the night in the Spartan camp. She then headed down the Cemetery Road to Odomantian's Spartan Camp, doing the same there, again destroying the Spartan siege camp. She then returned to Cleon, who hired her to rescue his messenger Heremos, who was captured by the Spartans and held at a quarry for trying to bring supplies to Mytilenean rebels.

The Poisoner dead

The Poisoner's body

Kassandra decided to finish her task of taking down The Poisoner, the powerful snake dealer who had attempted to murder Metiochos. She snuck up to him in his tent outside of the city walls and ambushed him, although his wounds were far from lethal. She was forced to spend several minutes dodging his poisoned arrows as she rode on her horse and hid in bushes, occasionally firing arrows at him, striking him from the bushes, and running away again. Eventually, she killed him from a bush, and she looted his dagger, which had proved near-lethal against her. She returned to Metiochos with news of her success, and he thanked her for her help, promising that he would mention her help to Pericles.

Pericles' Symposium

Kassandra Athenian dress

Kassandra in Athenian dress

Kassandra then headed to Pericles' Residence for the symposium, and she had an unexpected surprise when she was greeted by Phoibe. Phoibe revealed that, since Kassandra said that she was not coming back to Cephalonia, she decided to leave too, and she snuck aboard a ship for Athens. She became the leader of a small group of orphans which tried to cheat Pericles' mistress Aspasia, but Aspasia instead decided to hire her as a servant. Phoibe then asked Kassandra to change into Athenian clothing and leave her weapons at the door, and Kassandra changed into the uncomfortable dress and was welcomed into the courtyard.

Kassandra Herodotus symposium

Kassandra and Herodotus at Pericles' Residence

As Kassandra entered the courtyard, she was enthusiastically greeted by Herodotus, who told her to get the guests to trust her so that she could obtain hints about her mother's whereabouts. She saw Sophocles and Euripides having an intellectual argument, saw the comedian Hermippus drinking with the sophist Protagoras, saw Socrates debating with Thrasymachus, and then saw a drunken Alcibiades stumbling across the room.

Kassandra meeting playwrights

Kassandra meeting with Aristophanes and Euripides

Kassandra briefly greeted Socrates as he debated with Thrasymachus, and she then met Aristophanes and Euripides. The two men were drinking in the corner, and Aristophanes told Kassandra all about his impressions of famous people, while Euripides was more quiet and reserved, briefly introducing himself when Aristophanes told him to. Kassandra then met with Protagoras and Hermippus, and Hermippus invited her to share her opinion about Cleon. When she expressed her belief that Cleon was a fool, Hermippus said that she was just like all of the other blowhards at the symposium, saying that he was a "champion of the people". Kassandra then assumed that Hermippus was not a friend of Pericles, and Protagoras agreed, telling her that Hermippus had led the charge to have Aspasia ostracized and to see Pericles stripped of power.

Kassandra party

Kassandra having a conversation at the party

Kassandra then met with Sophocles in a back room, where he asked if she was there to mock him for his fight with Euripides. However, Kassandra assured him that their argument was no fight, and she asked for information about her mother. Sophocles recommended that she speak to the worldly Euripides, and he suggested that she get him drunk first. Kassandra deduced that, because of his drinking, he sounded more Argive than Athenian, and Sophocles was impressed, as he revealed that Euripides was, in fact, from Argos. He then had her head to the kitchen to retrieve some wine to get Euripides drunk, and the slave, Mideia Sava, let her take the dry wine. Kassandra returned to Euripides and Aristophanes, and she had them both drink before asking them if they knew of a woman who fled from Sparta a long time ago. Aristophanes, amused that she had fled to heal her broken heart, jokingly asked Euripides to write her into a play. Euripides told Kassandra that he had heard Spartan mothers go to a sanctuary in Argolis to beg Askleipos for his divine pity, and he told her that they often sought his friend Hippocrates, the best physician in Argos.

Kassandra Alcibiades party

Kassandra heading to the orgy

As Kassandra walked around the room in search of more clues, she heard sounds of apparent pain coming from a room, and she threatened to kick the door down unless the people inside the room opened it. Out came a drunk Alcibiades, and a goat rushed out of the room; Alcibiades drunkenly said that the goat liked to watch the orgies, and he asked Kassandra if she wanted to join them. He asked Kassandra if she could bring some olive oil to them, as Aspasia did not like it whenever Alcibiades walked nude through the symposium. Kassandra retrieved the oil and brought it back to the orgy, and she decided to have Alcibiades strip off her clothes so that she could join the orgy. She closed the doors, and she took part in a bisexual foursome as another goat watched. Afterwards, she asked Alcibiades about a woman who fled Sparta a long time ago, and he told her that most women who could flee would join the hetaerae in Corinthia. He then suggested that Kassandra seek out Anthousa in Corinth, as she knew all about people's movements in the city.

Kassandra Socrates party

Kassandra debating with Socrates

Kassandra then came across Thrasymachus and Socrates having a debate, and Thrasymachus argued that ruling, like all worthy undertakings, was an art. Kassandra stated her belief that rulers were unjust, and that all rulers, including Pericles, were self-serving. Socrates then asked if a Spartan general who would save his own life through bringing order to his troops was self-serving, but Kassandra stated that ruling a city and fighting a battle were different things. Socrates then asked if, by practicing the art of war, the general would guarantee some of his troops a "ferry ride to Hades", when a swift retreat would save all their lives, but Kassandra pointed out Socrates' apparent contradictions when it came to the general's motives in both cases. However, Socrates said that he had said nothing at all, and that he had merely attempted to gain Kassandra's view on the matter.

Kassandra Aspasia meeting

Kassandra meeting Aspasia

The debate was interrupted when Aspasia arrived, and Kassandra bowed before Aspasia. Aspasia noticed Kassandra's talent for debate and congratulated her, and she introduced herself and said that she had gone through great lengths to cover up her work in Megaris. Kassandra said that she did what was necessary, and that she would not apologize; Aspasia complimented her doing what it took to survive, saying that doing what was best for survival was what led both of them to their positions. Kassandra then asked Myrrine about her mother, and Myrrine, after asking about the others' advice, told Kassandra that she should speak with the "admiral-of-sorts" Xenia on Keos. She then asked Kassandra if she could help Phoibe convince Pericles to join his guests downstairs, and Kassandra made her way up to the balcony to speak with Pericles.

Kassandra Pericles Herodotus

Kassandra speaking with Pericles and Herodotus on the balcony

Herodotus and Pericles were shocked to see Kassandra, and Pericles said that, no matter how she dressed for his party, Phoibe shouldn't have let her in. However, Kassandra told him that Aspasia wanted him to come down to the party, and Pericles joked by saying that, since Kassandra was a guest, Aspasia would be happy that he was at least speaking with her; he then confided that he learned to treasure moments of silence during his days of frequently speaking to crowds. When Kassandra curiously asked why Pericles had his friend Anaxagoras ostracized, Pericles explained that he wanted him to be safe, and that exile for ten years would keep him away from the dangers of Athens for a long time. Kassandra then warned Pericles that his life was in danger, but Pericles said that the Cult did not worry him, and that his true concern was Athens. The conversation was interrupted when Phoibe arrived and reminded Pericles that Aspasia wanted him downstairs, and Pericles thanked Kassandra for helping him, and told her that he hoped that his guests could help her wth her search. Kassandra left Pericles and Herodotus on the balcony to continue their discussion, and she told Phoibe that she would be leaving for Argos to speak with Hippocrates; Phoibe was confused, thinking that Kassandra was sick for the first time in her life, but Kassandra told her that Hippocrates might be a source of information. Phoibe then told Kassandra about bad news back on Cephalonia, where a plague broke out; she was concerned that her friend from the Village of Kausos, who had "blood fever", might have been at fault, but Kassandra assured Phoibe that whatever happened in Cephalonia was neither of their faults. She then promised that she would head to Cephalonia and find out if the plague even happened, and she then changed her clothing, said goodbye to Phoibe (who knew that Kassandra would be back, as Athens wasn't Cephalonia), and left the residence.

Tracked down

Evadne the Turning Tide death

Evadne's death

Kassandra left the residence, but she immediately detected that she was being trailed by mercenaries. She killed Petarios the Scarred after he attempted to kill her, and she also shot Evadne the Turning Tide through the face with an arrow, killed Phelikles the Generous with another arrow, then killed Triton the Great Ox and Nikolaos the Fearless Cook with her spear. Kassandra then went on to flee to Megaris with the hopes of escaping the mercenaries, only to kill Nir the Whirling Blades there. Kassandra decided to flee from mainland Greece to escape the mercenaries, and she decided to return home to honor her promise to Phoibe.

Return to Cephalonia

Kassandra honored her promise to Phoibe by returning to Cephalonia, sailing from Megara to Kleptous Bay. There, she killed the bandit leader Philemon the Vile and his men and rescued their captives, and she then came across exiled Athenian man Davos, who asked her for help with rescuing his brother Orneos. She succeeded in freeing him from the bandits and escorting him safely back to Davos, and Orneos thanked her, calling her "a good egg in a basket of duds", and asking for Davos to pay her. 

Drogarati cave shrine to Hermes

Kassandra in the Drogarati Cave

Kassandra then headed to the Drogarati Cave, where she found a man, Manolis Primos, fretting about angering the gods. He said that he and other people gave daily tributes to the shrine to Hermes at the cave with the hope of having their wishes answered, but the gods refused to grant their wishes, and they grew poorer. Kassandra decided to investigate the cave, finding a fissure behind the statue. She shimmied through the crack and found Ismene the Plunderer and her gang of bandits, and she proceeded to slay the thieves, take their loot, and return to Manolis, informing him that the "gods" in the cave were actually thieves. Manolis expressed his hope that Zeus would unleash his wrath on the thieves, but Kassandra revealed that she had killed the bandits, ending the threat to the pilgrims.

Kassandra vegetable sellers

Kassandra meeting the two sellers

Unfortunately, Kassandra found that she had been tracked to her home island by Rasmos the Talented, and she battled Rasmos at a hilltop camp overlooking Sami. The two of them caught on fire, but she ultimately slew Rasmos. She then met with the vegetable sellers Orestis and Medea Banis, who hired her to retrieve Prokris' legendary necklace from the sunken Islet of Zeus. Kassandra dove underwater and killed several sharks before recovering the necklace from a chest among the islet's ruins, and she returned the necklace to the sellers, who were then able leave Cephalonia and have a new life far from their pasts. Kassandra then headed to the Temple of Zeus Chthonios, where she killed several wolves and looted the treasures there.

Kassandra decided to return to mainland Greece to continue her hunt for the Cult, planning on getting stronger before continuing the search for her mother. She travelled to Nisaia, where she killed the bounty sponsor Pandaros of Nisaia, and she then swam to the island of Salamis, intending on hunting down Brison. She climbed down a cliffside and snuck up on Brison, who was laying down and sleeping, and she plunged her dagger into his chest and killed him. She then proceeded to kill the other Cultists (including their captain, Philotas of Salamis), loot their treasure chests, and burn their war supplies, clearing the quarry of the Cultist presence.

Religious conflict in Argolis

Kassandra Sostratos

Kassandra meeting Sostratos

Kassandra entered the city of Argos in search of Hippocrates, and she arrived at his workshop, where she found the priestess Chrysis arguing with Hippocrates' apprentice Sostratos. Chrysis said that Apollo himself would kill Hippocrates for "disrupting social order to make himself into a demigod of healing", and she threatened to burn the clinic down unless Sostratos gave up his master's location. Kassandra stepped into the argument and asked both people if they knew where Socrates was, but Chrysis responded by claiming that Kassandra was another one of his "crazed followers", and she threatened to gather an army of faithful and shut Hippocrates down before she left. Kassandra then spoke with Sostratos, and Sostratos told her about Hippocrates' rivalry with the clergy of the city due to his insistence that their methods were old-fashioned, and that humans could learn to heal themselves. Sostratos told Kassandra that she could find Hippocrates if she followed the road southeast of Hera's Watch to the Cave of Pan, where he would be tending to a long line of sick people. She stopped by the Heraion of Argos and the Sanctuary of Hera, from which she got a better view of the surrounding area. 

Cave of Pan

The Cave of Pan

Kassandra met Hippocrates at the Cave of Pan, and she found him tending to a patient who suffered from excessive phlegm as the result of neglect. Kassandra noticed that he was Hippocrates due to the bald spot which Sostratos had told her of, but she decided to tell him that she found out due to his challenging of tradition. She delivered Hippocrates' supplies to him before asking him about the whereabouts of a Spartan woman from long ago, and he said that the priests at the Sanctuary of Asklepios could help. He also told her that his notes about "diseases of the mind" (epilepsy) were being held under military guard at Fort Tiryns, and told Kassandra that he would help her with her quest for her mother if she could recover the notes.

Kassandra Pylenor

Kassandra meeting with Pylenor

Kassandra spoke to a priest of Asclepius, Pylenor, at the Sanctuary and asked for his help with finding her mother. He was reluctant to do so, but he promised to help her if she would kill some snakes who had infested a nearby bathhouse and killed an innocent bather. Kassandra killed the snakes and returned to Pylenor, only to find the priest Doreios - the caretaker of the snakes - complaining about their deaths. Kassandra said that she did what she had to do, and Doreios left after telling Hades to curse them. Kassandra then asked Pylenor to fulfill his part of the bargain, and Pylenor revealed that the Spartan woman's arrival was before his time, but that the priest Mydon knew about it; he warned her that he could never tell anyone about it, as he was mute.

Timoxenos Kassandra

Timoxenos meeting with Kassandra

Kassandra then spoke with the priest Timoxenos, who was initially wary about the consequences of talking with Kassandra, but then decided to take her on a tour of the stone records of the Sanctuary while telling her about Chrysis. They were interrupted by another priest, Pleistos, and Kassandra reasoned that Timoxenos was showing her to the Sanctuary. Timoxenos then rendezvoused with Kassandra at the Olive Tree of Herakles, where he told her that the Spartan woman left both her baby and his blanket at the Sanctuary, believing that the baby was dying, and that the blanket brought back too many bad memories. Pleistos and some Cultist guards then arrived at the tree, and Kassandra had Timoxenos flee as she killed Pleistos, his lieutenant Aniketos Manos, and the Cultist guards.

Kassandra Panayiotis Xenos

Kassandra meeting with Panayiotis Xenos

After dispatching the Cultists, Kassandra met with the priest Panayiotis Xenos, who was dealing with a large influx of plague-afflicted Athenians during the first year of the Peloponnesian War. He asked Kassandra to help him by locating and subduing a white bull near the Asine ruins at Mount Koryphum so that she could sacrifice it to the gods in order to pray for the afflicted; the white bull was rare, and it had to be taken alive for sacrificial purposes. Kassandra headed to the mountain, but she found that the bull had already been killed by Athenian soldiers, and she was forced to cut out its heart instead. She brought back the bull's heart, but Panayiotis told her that the heart was only worth one prayer (as the animal had died unwillingly), and she was approached by the farmer Haralambos Angelis and the wealthy woman Myrto Demopoulou, both of whom begged for the prayer, while the sickly child Afroditi Rega told her to use the prayer on the adults. However, Kassandra sympathized with the child, as she knew what it was like to be small and forsaken; the farmer shouted that Kassandra would regret her decision, while the wealthy woman wailed and turned away. Grateful for Kassandra's help, Panayiotis revealed that the elder priest Mydon would know about the mysterious Spartan woman who Kassandra was searching for, although he had cut his tongue out.

Kassandra Mydon

Kassandra meeting Mydon

Kassandra then headed to the Epidaurus Guesthouse to meet with Mydon, but she discovered that she was again being tracked by mercenaries. She killed Shani the Gifted with an arrow to the face, and she killed Alkibie the Redeemer with another arrow, causing her body to fall next to Shani's. After killing the two mercenaries, Kassandra entered the guesthouse and confronted Mydon as he was kissing his servant Marika Gianopoulou, and she interrogated both of them about Myrrine. Marika told Kassandra that Myrrine had left her infant son at the altar, thinking that he was dying, and that Mydon, who had attempted to help her, decided that he could not be saved. Then, Chrysis took him in and had Mydon cut out his tongue to keep the secret. When Kassandra deduced that Chrysis was a Cultist and asked where she was, Marika became silent. Kassandra deduced that Chrysis had everyone's tongues, and she decided to hunt Chrysis down.

Fort Tiryns

Fort Tiryns

First, however, Kassandra had to obtain Hippocrates' notes from Fort Tiryns. She killed the fort's commander Sabyllos the Helmed with her arrows, but she soon found that several mercenaries were tracking her down. Kassandra first slew Thoughtful Tydeus, and she then killed Aigaion the Bee-Wolf with an arrow to the scalp as he tried to climb one of the fort's walls from a rock formation. She then killed Melousa the Spy's Eyes with an arrow, ambushed and killed Xouthos the Soulless Walker with a spear, killed Shoeless OgarneosPheidon the Cold-Hearted, and Deinomache the Devoted on the battlements, killed Vinktes the Insolent outside of the fort walls, and ambushed and killed Patrobos the Grave Thief as he walked through the fort's ruins. Kassandra then spoke with the physician Dymas in the fort's main building, discovering that Hippocrates' notes had been destroyed when the medical tent was destroyed during a siege of the fort, but that Dymas had committed the notes to memory. She then had Dymas copy the notes onto paper before heading back to Hippocrates with the notes. Hippocrates was grateful, although his patient died while waiting. Hippocrates gave her an apple, saying that, when eaten daily, it could keep the doctor away. He also revealed that he once met Myrrine, but he turned her away because he didn't know how to help. He then swore to Apollo that he would never turn away another patient, and he said that Kassandra's brave mother made an impression on him. Hippocrates then recommended that Kassandra speak with Dolops, a priest who dedicated his life to helping orphans.

Eristenea House

The Eristenea House

Kassandra met Dolops, who was living in a shack along the shore in Epidaurus. He revealed that he had since become a farmer, and that someone had attempted to assassinate him, believing that it could be either his neighbor (who saw him as bad luck) or his landlord Markos Rokos (who was angry at Dolops for being behind on his rent). Kassandra proceeded to search for clues as to his killer's identity, and she decided to investigate the landlord's house, the Eristenea House. She found that it was under heavy guard by Cult of Kosmos members, and she assassinated several guards. The landlord attempted to escape, but she shot him through the head with an arrow and returned to Dolops, confirming that the landlord was behind the assassination attempt. Dolops revealed that he was Chrysis' son, and that his mother used to pray at the Altar of Apollo Maleatas, where she could probably be found.

Kassandra Argolis temple

Kassandra leaving the temple

Kassandra made her way to the Altar, where she saw a dead eagle - she saw this as a warning from Chrysis. She then heard an infant's wailing in the distance, so she headed down the hill towards a temple. Kassandra snuck past two strong Cultist guards and entered the temple, where she saw Chrysis holding a baby. Kassandra confronted Chrysis about her abduction and abuse of her brother and told her that she would run her spear through her throat for the pain that she caused. Chrysis told Kassandra that, on the night that Myrrine fled, she crawled to the hills of Corinth, and The Monger failed to capture her. She then said that Kassandra was a killer just like her brother, and she attempted to prove it by setting the temple on fire. As Chrysis fled, Kassandra had to choose between abandoning the baby to kill Chrysis or saving the baby and losing Chrysis, and she chose to rescue the baby. However, the infant's mother Evanthia Riga thanked Kassandra while also praising Chrysis, and, afterwards, Kassandra had doubts about her saving of the baby, saying that Chrysis' reign of terror had to end. Kassandra decided that she would eventually kill Chrysis to prevent her from walking free again.

Return to Athens

Halkyone the Hairless Beast death

Halkyone the Hairless Beast's death

Kassandra decided to return to Athens to finish what she had started with Cleon and Demosthenes, as she sought to gain more battle experience before continuing her hunt of an increasingly powerful Cult. First, she decided to head to the marble quarry on Mount Pentelicus to rescue Heremos, Cleon's messenger, who had been captured by the Spartans. She found that she was being tracked down be mercenaries, and she killed Halkyone the Hairless Beast, Pleistos, Son of Sirens, Hektor the Iron Stomach, Alektryon the Rooster, Trechos the Profane, and Xander the Poison King. Kassandra also killed several Spartan soldiers, including their captains Trypho the Strict and Tiro the Warrior, and she had to fight off some fellow Athenian soldiers when they attempted to slay her in the process of taking over the quarry.

Kassandra Onomakles

Kassandra speaking with Onomakles

After doing killing all of the Spartan soldiers and looting their treasures, she found Heremos' bloody and hanging body, and she retrieved a letter from him before freeing his companion Onomakles, who had been imprisoned at the same quarry. The wounded Onomakles told Kassandra that she could complete Heremos' mission by carrying him to his ship off the coast of Marathon, and Kassandra loaded him onto her horse before riding for the beach. There, she noticed that the Spartans had arrived first, and she dropped Heremos off on top of a hill as she headed off to slay the Spartan soldiers at the beach, free the captured Athenians, and destroy a Spartan ship in the waters. She returned to the Adrestia, and, as she sailed into battle, she updated Barnabas about her adventure in Argolis. She proceeded to immobilize and board the Spartan ship, slaying captain Polyxeinos the Seafarer and his subordinate Lykaretos the Helper before salvaging the Spartan ship's materials and abandoning it as it sank.

Kassandra Onomakles beach

Onomakles leaving for his ship

Kassandra returned to dry land to slay the Spartan soldiers and free the Athenian captives, and she noticed that Praxiteles the Benevolent was following her. She snuck past Praxiteles and killed all of the Spartan soldiers before freeing the prisoners, and Onomakles managed to walk down the hill to Kassandra to thank her. He told her that she would earn the favor of some powerful people when they would find out what she had done, but he refused to elaborate when Kassandra asked for clarity. He then returned to his ship, and Kassandra stood puzzled as he sailed off. She then proceeded to ambush Praxiteles, who was swimming in the water, shooting him with arrows from some foliage along the shore before finally killing him in the water.

Kassandra Cleon rendezvous

Kassandra speaking with Cleon

With her tasks for Cleon done, Kassandra returned to Athens for payment. She met Cleon behind a market stall in the Agora of Athens, and he told Kassandra that she took far longer than he had expected; however, she told him that Heremos was dead by the time that she arrived, but that she was able to free his captain and ensure that the ship sailed, reassuring him that the job had been done. Cleon then paid her for her assistance, and Kassandra decided that she was ready to continue the search for her mother. She killed the mercenary Idaios the Ferryman with an arrow to the face and slew Andela the Impervious on the street, and she then departed for her on her journey.

Trip to the Sounion

Temple of Poseidon at Sounion

Kassandra at the Temple of Poseidon at Sounion

Kassandra decided to ride to the Sounion cape at the end of the Attica peninsula, from which she could sail across a short stretch of water to Keos to meet with Aspasia's contact Xenia. Kassandra climbed the Tower of Sounion, giving her a good view of the surrounding land, including Keos. She noticed that one of her Cult targets, Okytos the Great, was based out of the Sanctuary of Sounion at the tip of the peninsula, so she headed to the sanctuary to slay him. She found him under heavy guard at the Temple of Poseidon at Sounion, and she also found that she was being tracked down by mercenaries. She repeatedly ambushed the Cultists, Okytos, and the mercenaries in a hit-and-run manner, hiding among the brushes and on top of the temple after chipping away at their strength. She killed the mercenary Moschion the Fish at a fountain, and she also slew Odainathos the Cub before killing Okytos. Kassandra looted the temple's treasure before continuing on her journey to Keos.

Island of Misfortune

Kassandra Xenia

Kassandra speaking with Xenia

After slaying Okytos and looting the temple's treasure, Kassandra took a skiff from the Attica beach to Keos, arriving on a beach next to Koressia. When she arrived in the city, she was attacked by several pirates, so she engaged in a massive battle with large groups of pirates; the locals, who were angry at the pirates for burning their city to the ground and for killing all people above the age of 60, joined her in fighting the pirates. Kassandra also killed bounty sponsor Philometer of Koressia and mercenaries Phryne, Brother's Keeper, Theodora, Man Eater, Ainia the Fury of the Waters, and Neilos the Quick-Tongued. After finishing her fight with the pirates and the mercenaries, Kassandra decided to head to the Temple of Athena Nedousia to find Xenia. There, she saw Xenia burst out of the doorway with slave trader Lefteris Baris, carving a symbol into his head before forcing him to return to Attica in shame. Kassandra introduced herself to Xenia after noting her amazement that Xenia's pirates rejected slave trading, and she told Xenia that she was looking for her mother, a Spartan woman. Xenia offered to help for the right price, 17,000 drachmae. Xenia told Kassandra that she needed the money to ensure that her island was safe from war, and she advised Kassandra to plunder the Spartan nation chest at a fort on the other side of the island, an easy way to obtain the money.

Battle of Keos 431 BC

The Battle of Keos

Kassandra headed to the Military Camp of Ioulis, where she slew the captain Menelaos the Rough, the bounty hunter Thalysios of Keos, and the mercenaries Polydektes the Hunter and Zoe the Crazed. After clearing the camp, Kassandra rode down the road to the Koressia Fort, which housed the Spartan leader Dexios the Envious. She was able to slay the mercenaries Phintias the Charming, Palaimon the Ill-Fated, and Dorkia the Stubborn and the strategos Labros the Watcher, and she stealthily evaded several more mercenaries while looting the fort's treasures (including the nation chest) and burning the war supplies. With the fort cleared of its commanders, riches, and supplies, the Spartan hold on the island was untenable, and an Athenian invasion force under Stelios the Cloaked arrived at Poiessa Village. Kassandra met with Stelios and decided to join the fight, and, in the ensuing naval Battle of Keos, she slew the Spartan admiral Maleos the Sea-Legged and destroyed his fleet, winning control of the islands for the Delian League.

Kassandra Xenia reward

Kassandra speaking with Xenia once again

Now in the possession of over 17,000 drachmae, Kassandra headed back to the Temple of Athena to meet with Xenia. She paid the fee, and Xenia surprised Kassandra by knowing her mother's name, "Myrrine"; Xenia explained that Myrrine started as a member of her crew under the name "Phoenix", but that Myrrine since parted ways with her due to never being interested in the pirate life. Xenia also informed Kassandra that Myrrine had last sailed southeast, and Kassandra thanked Xenia for her help. Xenia told her that home wasn't a place, but the people that one was with; she reassured Kassandra that, if she didn't find what she was looking for, there was a place for her on Keos. Kassandra nodded her head in thanks, and she then left the island, as the last of Aspasia's sources would be in Corinth.

Streets of Corinth

Kassandra Theofania

Kassandra conversing with Theofania

Kassandra rode into the city of Corinth, and she decided to begin the search for Alcibiades' hetaera contact Anthousa in the Porneion, the prostitution center of the city. Georgios Miskos informed her that the hetaerae had been pushed out of Corinth's markets, but refused to say the name of the man responsible, lest his men hear. Kassandra then spoke with a lower-class prostitute, Theofania Spirou, who revealed that the hetaerae had moved their operations to the Temple of Aphrodite on the Acrocorinth. Kassandra headed to the Acrocorinth, where the Spartan leader Phoibos, Champion of Ares was going to pray for support. After being attacked by Phoibos' guards, she assassinated Phoibos and several of his men, and she was also attacked by The Monger's thugs (who were also harassing worshippers) and by several mercenaries. Kassandra spent several hours ambushing and picking off the enemies, slaying Euphemea the Beautiful, Chloe the Flash, Klete the Marksman, Sostrate the Celestial Paramour, Pistis the Disowned, and (after a long and rough fight) Mikythos the Strategist

Kassandra Grigoria Nikolaos

Kassandra meeting with Grigoria and Nikolaos

After slaying all of the mercenaries and the Monger's thugs, Kassandra met with the harassed pilgrims Grigoria Thoma and Nikolaos Cosmos, who told her that The Monger had attempted to destroy the hetaerae with the hope of monopolizing crime in the city. She also discovered that Anthousa had set up her operations at the Spring of Peirene, having decided that the Acrocorinth was no longer the best place to stay due to the thugs' frequent harassment from pilgrims. Kassandra advised the pilgrims to pray from home next time, and she headed to the Spring to meet the famed hetaera.

Kassandra Anthousa Phoibe

Kassandra walking with Anthousa and Phoibe

Kassandra arrived at the Spring, where she found the hetaerae Anthousa talking with Elena Elia. Anthousa correctly guessed that the visitor was Kassandra, and Elena introduced Kassandra to Anthousa. Anthousa said that someone had spoken highly of her, and Kassandra was surprised to see Phoibe appear, saying that Aspasia had sent her. Kassandra, despite being worried about Phoibe's safety, decided that Phoibe's help would be alright if she was extra careful. The three of them then walked into a building, where Kassandra told Anthousa that Alcibiades had told her about the hetaerae. Kassandra then said that she was looking for the Spartan runaway Myryine, and, when Kassandra identified Myrrine as her mother, Phoibe was in disbelief, saying that Kassandra didn't have a mother and that Markos raised her. However, Kassandra reminded Phoibe to not interrupt important conversations, and Anthousa told Kassandra that she would be able to tell her about Myrrine at a later time. Kassandra had Phoibe leave when Phoibe again interrupted to vouch for Kassandra's credibility, telling Phoibe to go and play as she talked to Anthousa. Kassandra decided to help Anthousa in taking down The Monger in exchange for the information. Anthousa said that The Monger had amassed a small army of thugs on the streets, that Kassandra could weaken The Monger by burning his warehouse at Lechaion, and that her girls Damalis and Erinna also needed help. Kassandra headed out to sort out Damalis and Erinna's problems, and she also planned to burn The Monger's warehouse.

Kassandra Phoibe Corinth

Kassandra speaking with Phoibe about the clues

Kassandra spoke with Damalis, who was relieved that Kassandra was not one of The Monger's spies. Damalis said that one of her regulars, Lefteris Patras, had changed, asking her questions about where the hetaerae kept their money and what Anthousa invested in. Kassandra headed to the client's house, where she saw Phoibe, who had eavesdropped on the client. Phoibe said that he had been ranting to himself about having to meet with Deinomenes at Phaia's Pig Farm to get a deed to some land, and Kassandra had Phoibe sneak inside the client's house and steal some documents as she distracted him. Kassandra entered the house, where the client assumed that Myron had sent her; Kassandra began to freak him out by saying that he was going to meet with someone at Phaia's Pig Farm, that he was going to get a deed for some land, that he was meeting with Deinomenes, and that she knew about Damalis. Lefteris went from denying the accusations to asking Kassandra how much she wanted to stay quiet, and then telling her that The Monger would kill him if he did not hurt Damalis. The client then had Kassandra tell Damalis that he would stop and that he was sorry, and she then abruptly left. Kassandra then spoke with Phoibe, who showed her a letter which instructed Lefteris to deliver Damalis to the Abron House. Before Kassandra left to find the house, Phoibe gave her a sword which she had stolen from Lefteris' house.

Kassandra andron

Kassandra confronting Lefteris Romanos at the Abron House

Kassandra headed to the Abron House, where she found several guards, as well as jars full of blood. She was also tracked down by mercenaries, slaying Zephyros the FistKeneon the Plain Walker, Theophania the Frigid, Onomastos the Betrayed, and Laodoke the Rejected. She proceeded to enter the house and discover torture instruments, deducing that it was The Monger's sex andron. Just then, Phoibe was shoved into the house by Lefteris Romanos, the house's caretaker, who threatened to force Kassandra to become a sex slave. Kassandra slew Lefteris, and she then claimed the valuables within the dungeon. After leaving, she slew Barbara the Scavenger. After leaving, she was able to explore the Sacred Cave, looting some more treasures there. She then returned to Damalis and revealed that her client was being forced to take her to the dungeon, and Damalis thanked her for her help.

Kassandra Kleio

Kassandra reuniting Erinna and Kleio

Kassandra then visited Erinna, who was concerned that her colleague Kleio failed to show up for morning prayer. Erinna believed that Kleio was kidnapped by pirates, and Kassandra followed Erinna to the Lechaion port, and she then spotted the pirate ship in the harbor, battled the ship, boarded it, slew its crew, and confronted Kleio. Anthousa discovered that Kleio had attempted to escape with the help of Amphion, but she decided to bring Kleio back to the town against her will. Along the way, she sunk Mania the Fashion Soul and Ilios the Bitter's ships and reached the harbor, where Erinna reunited with Kleio and rewarded Kassandra.

Kassandra Brasidas battle

Kassandra and Brasidas in battle

Kassandra, now at the Lechaion port, decided to destroy The Monger's merchandise at his warehouse. She freed several slaves who were tied up and prepared to be shipped off and sold, and she then set fire to The Monger's contraband. The Monger's men were alerted to the fire and confronted Kassandra, but the Spartan officer Brasidas arrived and threw a spear at one of the attackers, killing him. The two Spartans proceeded to kill all of The Monger's henchmen before introducing each other. Brasidas revealed that he was a Spartan officer who had been sent to assist the Spartan ally of Corinth against The Monger's tyranny, and that he shared Anthousa's goal of having The Monger killed. However, they differed on strategy, as, while Anthousa wanted to make The Monger's downfall a public spectacle, Brasidas wanted to lure him into the Sacred Cave and ambush and kill him there.

Kassandra Brasidas farewell

Kassandra bidding farewell to Brasidas

Kassandra decided to keep her promise to Anthousa, saying that Anthousa would help her locate her mother in return. Brasidas said that, as long as she kept her spear pointed at The Monger, Sparta would thank her. Kassandra then told Brasidas that she was once Spartan, but had been thrown from Mount Taygetos, and Brasidas quickly realized that she was the legendary daughter of Nikolaos of Sparta and said that people of good character would forgive her for her past actions. She then asked about Myrrine, and Brasidas said that all he knew was that she left Sparta that night and was forgotten. The two of them then bade each other farewell, with Brasidas telling Kassandra that they were in the fight together, and that they would eventually reunite.

Phainna the Cave Woman death

Phainna the Cave Woman's death

On her way back to Anthousa, Kassandra slew Theodoros the Doorkeeper, who had been sent to claim her bounty. She then looted the Leader House after killing Captain Karipos of Corinth, and she slew Phainna the Cave Woman and Arete the Siren as they attempted to kill her. She finally made her way to Anthousa, who revealed her plan to kill The Monger: she would take The Monger to task at the theater, where an unsuspecting crowd would behold "a Corinthian drama no one will forget", as Anthousa put it.

The Monger Kassandra

The Monger facing off against Kassandra

Kassandra then headed to the theater square of Corinth to meet with Anthousa and her hetaerae. The Monger then appeared with two guards, and he brutishly asked Kassandra if she wanted a show. Kassandra replied by telling him that she wanted him to see the face of every person he had wronged. The Monger promised to cover their faces with Kassandra's blood, saying that he should have done the same to Myrrine. Kassandra was shocked to hear that the Monger knew her mother, and he revealed that she was big trouble for him, and swore to pay her back by sending her Kassandra's head. Kassandra promised to bring Myrrine the Monger's head instead, but the Monger said that the audience wouldn't have much to say if he smashed her brains all over the stage. The two proceeded to fight, with Kassandra killing the Monger's guards before engaging in a fierce fight with him; their ferocious battle even took them into the stands. Ultimately, the Monger was beaten down and forced to submit, and Anthousa and her followers encircled the Monger. Anthousa announced to the people of Corinth, "Behold the weasel that steals your bread! The scourge that spoils your crops!" Kassandra told Anthousa that she and her girls had waited too long to get their hands on him, and the hetaerae proceeded to stab and dismember him with their knives.

Anthousa Kassandra farewell

Anthousa bidding Kassandra farewell

Anthousa then told Kassandra that she deserved her answers, and they spoke in private at Anthousa's home. Anthousa thanked Kassandra for her help and also expressed her gratitude that Alcibiades had sent her to Corinth. Anthousa complimented Kassandra as a very valuable business partner, and Kassandra then asked Anthousa to deliver on her promise. Anthousa told Kassandra that Myrrine had came and left Corinthia in a flurry, and that she bore great pain with her. Anthousa had given Myrrine shelter while she was a vagrant, and she remembered that Myrrine always kept one eye on the port until she left on the Siren Song. Kassandra thanked Anthousa for her help, and Anthousa told her to visit her any time, as she could catch her up on Corinth's affairs.

Plague of Athens

Kassandra plague

Kassandra entering Athens

Having found the clues needed to find her mother, Kassandra decided to return to Athens and meet with Aspasia. She arrived in the city in 429 BC, but she found a plague waiting for her on her arrival. The air was clogged with unhealthy clouds, and she found the entrances to the city mostly deserted. As she rounded a corner in the agora, she went for her sword when she heard dogs barking and a girl screaming in terror. After determining that the sounds were nowhere near her, she continued on and found a man infected with the plague. He staggered towards her and asked for help, but he was carried away by another woman.

Kassandra Plague of Athens

A plague victim approaching Kassandra

Kassandra them came across Hippocrates, who told her of the horrors of the disease and asked for her help in burning the bodies; their very excretions spread the sickness. Afterwards, Kassandra searched for answers about the plage, and she found Cleon addressing a crowd. Cleon attacked the rich for hiding in their houses and not quelling the chaos that came to Athens, and he accused Pericles of bringing the cursed that gripped the "once-great city". He then argued that, while Athenians settled matters democratically, there came a time when words were not enough, and the people had to take action. He said that Athens' name was no longer held high in the world, and asked the people to return Athens to greatness.

Cleon Kassandra speech

Kassandra confronting Cleon

During Cleon's speech, Kassandra met with Socrates, who told her that the true plague was Cleon, who threatened to take away Athens' freedom and glory that had put it on the world stage. Kassandra then accosted Cleon and asked him what he was doing, as he was driving the crowd to madness. Cleon told her that his speech was nothing, and he then turned to the crowd and declared, "I will make Athens great again!" Kassandra shook her head in disgust and went off to find Aspasia.

Kassandra Pericles

Kassandra meeting with Pericles

Kassandra entered Pericles' villa, where Aspasia told her that the mob was calling for Pericles' head. Kassandra tried to ask her about her mother Myrrine, but Aspasia told her that it was not the time, as Pericles was sick and dying and only babbled about going to his precious Parthenon. Aspasia then asked Kassandra to try checking in on Pericles, who had refused to see either Aspasia or Hippocrates. Sure enough, Pericles welcomed her into his room. He regretted his feeble state, and, when Kassandra gave him his medicine, he said that he was grateful to be alive, although he couldn't say the same for his city. Kassandra admitted that it was a shadow of what it was, and Pericles said that it would belong to Cleon now, and he would have to lift it out of its sorry state. Pericles then asked Kassandra to come with him to the balcony, and he expressed his belief that he had failed Athens, its people, and Aspasia, that that he was ready to die. However, Kassandra ultimately persuaded him to go back to his room rather than go to the Parthenon, and he told her to tell Aspasia that he was a "good boy" and took his drugs.

Aspasia Kassandra plague

Aspasia and Kassandra meeting

Kassandra then met with Aspasia, who expressed her worry that Phoibe had not yet returned from asking Anastasios about a ferry. Kassandra criticized Aspasia for sending a child out onto the streets of Athens during a plague, but Aspasia said that Phoibe was more of a fighter than she was during her own childhood. When Kassandra told Aspasia that she had told Pericles that the Cult was in Athens, Aspasia said that she thought that it was the sickness talking when Pericles talked about the cult. Aspasia then told Kassandra that Anastasios' house was across from the Odeon of Pericles, so Kassandra set out to find Phoibe.

Kassandra kissing Phoibe

Kassandra kissing Phoibe's body

When Kassandra reached Anastasios' house, she found that he had been gruesomely murdered to send a message. When she left the house, she saw Cult guards chasing a screaming Phoibe into the Odeon, and, as she entered the Odeon, Kassandra found the Cult guards standing over Phoibe, slumped against a nearby column. Kassandra slew the Cult guards after a fierce battle and then ran to Phoibe's side, only to find that she was motionless, having died of her wounds. Kassandra tearfully took Phoibe's eagle Chara out from her pack and placed it in Phoibe's hands, kissing her head and mourning before finding Hippocrates and Socrates running into the Odeon. Socrates urgently told Kassandra that Pericles was missing, and, when they refused to answer Kassandra's demand to know where Aspasia was, she angrily grabbed Hippocrates by the throat before apologizing and expressing her sorrow at Phoibe's murder. Hippocrates told Kassandra that Aspasia had gone to search for Pericles at the Parthenon, and, as Kassandra left, Hippocrates and Socrates decided to go with her.

Kassandra others Parthenon

Hippocrates, Socrates, Kassandra, and Aspasia at the Parthenon

Kassandra found Aspasia, who noticed her sorrow and asked her what was wrong. Kassandra said that the Cult had killed Phoibe, and that she died alone in the street; Aspasia reminded Kassandra that she had found her, and that she wasn't alone. Kassandra vowed to avenge Phoibe, and Aspasia told Kassandra that she would have to fight, for Phoibe. Shortly after, Socrates and Hippocrates arrived and asked Aspasia for any sign of Pericles. Aspasia told them that Pericles refused to stay safe in the villa and was probably praying, and, as Socrates began to talk about the need for action, they heard a commotion inside of the building and rushed in.

Pericles death

Pericles' death

The group found Alexios crouched over a bleeding Pericles, and Deimos told Pericles, "I'm going to destroy everything you ever created. Athens is mine." Kassandra and the others watched helplessly as Alexios slit Pericles' throat with his sword, and Alexios then fled as Kassandra killed the two Cult guards left to deal with her. Aspasia then knelt by Pericles' corps and said that all was lost, while Hippocrates said that he was a great man, perhaps greater than they all knew. Socrates then told Kassandra that they needed to get Aspasia out of Athens, and Kassandra volunteered the use of her ship. The four made their way to Piraeus, where a contingent of soldiers led by the strategos Pittacos Dorotheides halted them. Pittacos informed them that Cleon had ordered that no one leave Athens, and that Aspasia be brought to him. Aspasia refused to go, and Kassandra told her companions to leave as she dispatched the Athenian soldiers.

Aspasia Kassandra sailing

Aspasia and Kassandra sailing

The four then boarded the Adrestia, but Socrates and Hippocrates informed Kassandra and Aspasia that they agreed to stay in Athens, as Hippocrates' work was in Athens, and Socrates told Kassandra that she didn't need them to protect Aspasia; instead, Athens needed a dissenting voice like his. Kassandra then asked the two men to retrieve Phoibe's body and give it a proper burial, and Socrates said that she deserved that and more. Kassandra then bade farewell, saying that she expected to see them both again, alive. Kassandra and Aspasia then set sail, and Kassandra swore vengeance for Phoibe's death. Aspasia then told Kassandra that "Phoenix" (Myrrine's moniker) was last seen at Naxos, so Kassandra set a course for Naxos.

Mother and daughter reunion

Kassandra graffiti

Kassandra investigating the graffiti

Upon landing in Naxos that night, Kassandra entered the agora and found a crowd leering over a defaced wall containing a graffiti message: "Blood or change - Phoenix must choose." Kassandra talked to the street vendor Agellos, who told her that the graffiti was everywhere. Kassandra suggested silencing the artist, but Agellos told her not to use violence, as it was a delicate political situation. He said that only one artist used the kind of pigment used for the graffiti, and he said that they lived near the Routsouna Waterfall. Kassandra then asked him more about the situation; he said that Naxos and Paros were on the brink of war, and some people blamed Phoenix for the deterioration in relations. Some extreme people wished to kill her and replace her as archon. Kassandra then set out to find the artist and convince them to stop their propaganda campaign against her mother.

Kassandra Lichas

Kassandra confronting Lichas

Kassandra investigated the multiple graffiti and discovered that the artist used bear fur as hairs for his brush, so she deduced that he was hiding at the bear's den near the waterfall. She slew the white alpha bear in the den with several arrows before passing through a crack in the wall and confronting the artist, Lichas. Lichas confessed that he had been coerced into painting the graffiti by the archon and his soldiers, who offered him drachmae but threatened him otherwise. He swore that he would stop, and Kassandra gave him the benefit of the doubt and told him that he should own up to his big mistake. He then gave his contract to Kassandra and promised that she would never hear from him again.

Kassandra Myrrine

Kassandra and Myrrine's reunion

Kassandra then headed to meet her mother at her home, and she listened in as her mother held a meeting with her generals, including Timo and Chersis. Myrrine had her generals stock the barracks and double the patrols to protect the town and quarry in the case of an invasion from Paros, and, after the generals left, Kassandra entered the room and followed Myrrine to the balcony. Myrrine, looking over the town, told the person behind her that the meeting was over. However, Kassandra unsheathed her fragment of the Spear of Leonidas, and, when Myrrine turned around, she saw her grown-up daughter carrying their family heirloom. Myrrine, surprised, tearfully embraced her daughter, saying that, whenever she closed her eyes, she could still see Kassandra falling from the cliff. Kassandra then informed Myrrine that Alexios was alive as well, but Myrrine deduced that the Cult got their hands on him. Kassandra said that Alexios was too far gone, but Myrrine swore that she would never give up on her children again. Kassandra then asked about her real father, and told Myrrine that she had discovered this secret from Nikolaos; Myrrine said that the man had sought her out before she knew Nikolaos, but their conversation was cut short when Timo alerted Myrrine to the arrival of a dozen troops from Paros.

Kassandra Myrrine beach

Kassandra talking with Myrrine on the beach

Kassandra volunteered to help her mother in the ensuing battle, and Myrrine told Kassandra that Silanos tired from having to share the marble trade with Naxos. She also explained to Kassandra that Naxos had allied with Sparta after Paros allied with the Delian League. The two went on to fight side-by-side and slaughter the Parian landing party, defeating the first invasion. Kassandra and Myrrine then sat on the beach together, and Myrrine told Kassandra that, after leaving the healers in Argolis (who had lied about Alexios' fate), she came to Naxos (abandoning her estranged husband Nikolaos) and was elected to protect its people as their leader. Kassandra expressed her resolute desire to unite the family, promising to bring Alexios back, and saying that, if the Cult wanted to hunt down the family, the family would stand together and crush the Cult. They then rode back into town, stopping at the future Temple of Apollo to speak with the priest Evandros about its construction; Kassandra and Myrrine then went back to the villa, where Kassandra attempted to convince Myrrine to join her in hunting down the Cult. Myrrine said that she would first have to ensure Naxos' safety before agreeing, and she told Kassandra that she needed to rescue her admiral Euneas from Parian captivity (he had been captured while leading a peace mission) before luring the Parian fleet into battle and destroying it. Meanwhile, she said that she would be at a symposium (which she organized as a show of resilience against the Parians) should Kassandra need her.

Kouros Workshop

The Kouros Workshop

Kassandra went on to the Kouros Workshop and looted the chests there after killing a few Spartan soldiers; however, she knocked out and recruited the captain Menexinos as a member of her ship's crew. She then climbed the Crane of Paxus to get a better view of Naxos and the surrounding islands, increasing Ikaros' perception.

Kassandra Naxos symposium

Kassandra at the symposium

Deciding to drop by the symposium before heading to Paros to rescue Euneas or destroy its nation power, Kassandra found her mother speaking with Aspasia amid a party at the Temple of Dionysus. She found them arguing, as Aspasia asked Myrrine not to expose herself to the Cult's assassins by holding a public gathering, while Myrrine said that she needed to show herself to win the people's support. Kassandra barged in and, when her mother asked her to read the crowd, she apologized and played along, letting the two continue their conversation. Kassandra volunteered to take down the cult's soldiers, and Myrrine also asked her to find proof that Paros was behind the assassination attempt. Aspasia suggested that the mystical cultists were probably based in the caves under Mount Zas, and Kassandra set out to find the murderers at Zeus Cove. Along the way, she passed by the Deathbed of Ariadne and killed the clan leader Phainna and her cultists before visiting Ariadne's resting place and looting the treasure.

Fort of the Aloades

The Fort of the Aloades

Kassandra then came across the Fort of the Aloades as she walked down the mountain, and she noticed that one of her bounty sponsors was hiding there. Iokaste the Corrupted followed her there, and she was forced to kill several Spartan soldiers in addition to Iokaste before infiltrating the fort. She then assassinated Kaletor the Polemarch and his friend, the bounty sponsor Pantares, luring Pantares into some water reeds and killing him, and then killing Kaletor with a fire arrow. She was then tracked down by Prytanis the Great Lynx, who, despite not being paid to hunt her down (she paid off her bounty during the fight), still sought to kill her. Phaidon the Nimble also joined in the hunt, and Kassandra engaged in a hit-and-run battle with the mercenaries and the Spartans all afternoon. Phaidon was killed in a fight with four Spartan soldiers, and Kassandra watched his demise from the top of the signal fire tower. She then killed Prytanis, the last surviving occupant of the fort, and she looted the fort and completed its dismantling.

Cave of Mt

The Cave of Mt. Zas

As she left the fort, however, she freed a captive Naxian after killing his two Athenian guadrs, switching sides and working towards a local contract to kill 10 Athenians. Upon entering the cave and finding it occupied by Athenian soldiers, she completed her contract by killing all of them, and she then continued her search for the assassins. She found them in a room with a statue to Zeus, and she killed them both with arrows before finding on one's body a coded letter accompanied by Parian coins. Kassandra then returned to the town of Naxos to assassinate the bounty sponsor Medon, killing him at her mother's estate. She then met with her mother and delivered her the Parian coins as proof, and Myrrine had Timo take the coins to the merchants as proof; she decided to let the merchants keep the blood money. Aspasia then read the letter and recognized it as an old dialect; however, Myrrine was shocked when Aspasia told her that the letter was from someone in Sparta. Myrrine grew defensive and claimed that Sparta had always stood against the Cult and corruption, but Aspasia told her that the Cult was like water, filling every crack in a stone. Kassandra agreed, telling her mother that Sparta had changed since Myrrine was last there, as it had grown corrupt. Myrrine resolved to go back to Sparta once the Parian threat was dealt with, and Kassandra then set out to help her finish off Paros.

Kassandra dying soldier

Kassandra talking to the dying soldier

She sailed to Paros and found a shipwreck on the beach, and, when she docked and investigated the scene, she found a dying Spartan soldier. He told her that the Parians had ambushed the Naxians and captured Euneas, and joked about taking him up to the Fortified Marble Quarry to be tied down and softened up by the sun. Kassandra told the soldier that she would find him, and he told her to, "Make them pay" before dying. Kassandra then infiltrated the base, and, after killing the Athenian captain Perimos, she rescued Euneas and Isidoros from their cages. She then set about taking over the fort, killing several Athenian soldiers in the process and weakening Paros' nation power. The mercenary Proxenos the Irrelevant arrived to track her down, but she slew him and the remaining soldiers in the garrison, looted its treasures, stole its nation chest, and burned its war supplies. She then faced off against Lykophon the Knee Destroyer, slaying him on the road to Paros Harbor before talking to Euneas. Euneas warned her that Paros was different than usual, and that he had seen a strange masked man during his interrogation. She then told Euneas to report to Phoenix at once, and he left her. Kassandra killed the bounty sponsor Phalaris at the Sculptor's Warehouse before leaving the island. Upon her return to Naxos, the assassinated the bounty sponsor Pixodaros, who had witnessed her sink a ship in the harbor.

Kassandra meeting

Kassandra at the meeting

Kassandra then joined Myrrine as she held a meeting of the generals. Hektor informed Myrrine that Paros had begun a naval blockade of Naxos, and Myrrine explained that, as she had refused to pay tribute to Athens, Paros was taking advantage of the situation. Kassandra volunteered to clear the harbor herself, and her mother told her to be safe and come back to her, although Kassandra referred that only Paros faced terrible odds. Kassandra and her crew sailed out and sunk one Parian ship before boarding and destroying the two others, and she then returned to her mother at the docks. Her mother then took her aside to talk with her about her worries about both of Sparta's kings being Cult puppets; she said that they had to focus on freeing Sparta next. Kassandra agreed to help her mother destroy Paros' fleet once and for all, and Myrrine told Timo that she would leave the island to her; Timo then held her close and gave her the famous Spartan wife's command to return "with your shield or on it." Kassandra and her mother then boarded the Adrestia and set out to destroy the last four Parian ships. Kassandra sailed to Paros and rode past the Mycenaean Acropolis before reaching the Theramenes Military Camp, where she let loose a lion to cause mayhem, assassinated the bounty sponsor Panionos (having dodged a mercenary earlier), and looted the camp.

Myrrine leaving Naxos

Myrrine leaving Naxos

Kassandra then summoned the Adrestia from Paros harbor, and, the next morning, she engaged the four Parian ships in battle. She sunk one and boarded three, including Silanos' ship, and she slew him quickly; however, her crew suffered heavy losses while boarding his ship. After destroying the Parian fleet, she returned Myrrine to Naxos, where she reminisced about her good works on the island before Kassandra told her that the two of them now had to destroy the Cult together. Myrrine asked Kassandra where to start with destroying the cult, so Kassandra proposed killing all of the Cultists until the Cult was blind and defenseless. Myrrine suggested that they head to Sparta, where she still had influence and allies, and they could then cleanse Sparta of the Cult's corruption as an example to the rest of the world. Myrrine told Kassandra that, first, she should meet her father. Myrrine told Kassandra that she could meet her father on Thera, and Myrrine said that she would meet Kassandra at Laconia.

A Pirate's Life

Kassandra pirates

Kassandra talking to Bacenor

Kassandra first went to Andros and upgraded her Spear at Hephaestus' forge, and she then travelled to Keos to meet up with the pirates again. After hearing of the pirates Bacenor and Atys discussing plans to capture a shipment of Athenian miltos en route to Lestris, she asked for more details. They made fun of the captain Gotarzes, who had made the plan, and they told her of the route of the ship; when she decided to set out to capture the shipment, they attempted to get her to share the wealth on her return. She found the miltos shipment shipwrecked on Lestris, diving into the Wailing Cavern and looting all of the chests.

Kassandra Gotarzes Xenia

Kassandra returning Gotarzes to Xenia

Kassandra then swam to surface and found Gotarzes' men arguing with him about being marooned, and she attempted to defend him against his crew, whose leaders Boter and Eurythion accused him of sinking the Athenian ship and then running his own ship into the rocks. When the crew tried to attack Gotarzes, she rescued him by slaying the mutinous crew, and Gotarzes promised her a hefty reward if she could take him back to Keos. Kassandra agreed, and she engaged in piracy against Athens and Sparta off Koressia before docking and delivering Gotarzes to Xenia. Xenia revealed that Gotarzes was her brother, and, when Kassandra lied and said that Gotarzes had lost his ships to treacherous rocks (and not foolishness) she told Kassandra that she already knew of his infamous "prowess" as a captain. Kassandra then asked for the hefty reward Gotarzes had promised her, and Xenia told a complaining Gotarzes to be true to his word and pay Kassandra.

Obelia Kassandra

Kassandra speaking with Obelia

After this, Kassandra talked with Xenia and expressed her willingness to help her with her quest to find Zeus' golden feather, which he had gifted to Ajax (and which was sewn into a shield made from seven ox hides). Xenia gave Kassandra three treasure maps and assured her that the feather would be at one of the locations; the tales gave different versions of where the feather was kept once the shield withered. Kassandra then headed down to the market and gave the slave Deinomenes 50 drachmae to buy his freedom from his master rather than be sent to the mines. She then came across the troubled woman Obelia, who told her that the plans for a party celebrating Xenia's victory over Keos had been stolen by the leader of Koressia, whom Xenia had banished from the city. Obelia told Kassandra that the plans were on a tablet stored at the leader's house, and she asked for Kassandra to take the tablet to Poiessa Village and store it; no pirate could undertake the task, as there was a truce with the Athenian leader. Kassandra killed Captain Philotas and looted the Leader House, finding the ancient Minoan map and escaping. She entered the village, only to find Obelia waiting for her. Obelia was initially surprised to see Kassandra, but she claimed that her associate had other work to do, so she decided to collect the tablet herself. Kassandra demanded payment first, and Obelia did so; Kassandra then handed over the tablet. Obelia found that it led to an underwater treasure, and she gave Kassandra a key to the sunken entrance at the southern tip of the island, offering to pay her to collect the treasure (as she was afraid of sharks). Kassandra then agreed to go on another adventure.

Obelia crew dead

The dead bodies of Obelia's crew

Along the way, hoping to weaken Cleon and the Delian League's hold on the Aegean Sea, Kassandra decided to track down and assassinate the Athenian leader of Keos. She found Agenor the Barbarous under heavy guard at Koressia Fort, which was occupied by Athenian soldiers. Kassandra killed the strategos Hiero on the fortress walls, and she killed all of Agenor's bodyguards with arrows before ambushing and stabbing him dead. She then killed the strategoi Labdakos and Abantes, rendering the Pirate Islands vulnerable to takeover by a Spartan fleet from the Obsidian Islands. She met with the Spartan recruiter Agenor and agreed to fight for Sparta, and Agenor told Kassandra to help the Spartans match Poseidon's wrath with their own. Kassandra and her crew helped the two other Spartan ships destroy the four-ship Athenian fleet, boarding the Athenian flagship and slaying its commander Arybbas. With the Spartans victorious, Kassandra decided to find the Minoan treasure for Obelia. She swam into the Submerged Minoan Palace and retrieved the treasure, and she then climbed aboard Obelia's ship. Obelia refused to pay Kassandra, saying that she was in the business of double-crossing mercenaries, so Kassandra claimed to not have the artifact. Obelia said that she would make sure of this by killing Kassandra and checking her body, so Kassandra killed Obelia and every last crew member aboard her ship before leaving on a fishing boat and returning to land.

Lysanios of the Woods death

Lysanios of the Woods' death

Kassandra then set out to carry out several tasks that she had accepted from the local bulletin board. First, she was to track down Tundareos the Old Youngling, who had betrayed a former employer. She ambushed him on the road near the Akropolis of Karthaia and killed him, and she then headed to a Spartan camp below the Forgotten Watchtower. There, she killed all of the Spartan troops, as a local had set a bounty on them for failing to maintain order amidst increased banditry. After doing so, she set out for Phokis to complete Demosthenes' task from two years before; so far, she had collected two Spartan polemarchs' seals, and Demosthenes required a third. On her way there from Delphi, she stopped by the Snake Temple (where she had previously killed Elpenor) and cleared it of Cultists. She then headed to Desphina Fort to collect the last polemarch's seal. She killed the polemarch Xanthos and then the mercenary Lysanios of the Woods, and she looted the fort before moving on.

Gelon Kassandra

Kassandra telling Gelon of Gyke's death

She then headed to complete a quest which she had accepted two years before: the pirate Gelon had hired Kassandra to find her missing lover Gyke, who was shipwrecked off Phokis. Kassandra found the shipwreck and recovered Gyke's bracelet as proof of her death, and she then entered the Bulis Military Camp, assassinated the Captain Labdakos, and killed the mercenary Hipparinos the Clean. To avoid having to face more mercenaries, she assassinated the bounty sponsor Apollodoros at the Kirrha leader house and then went to meet Gelon. Kassandra told Gelon of Gyke's fate, and, when Gelon mentioned that she no longer had a ship or crew, Kassandra invited Gelon to join her; Gelon decided to join Kassandra's crew until she could get back on her feet. With another lieutenant added to her crew, Kassandra now decided to finish off Sparta's presence in Phokis. She tracked down the Phocian leader Kallisthenes the Dutiful Drunkard at his camp near the Prometheus and the Birth of Humankind monument, finding him alone and isolated. She assassinated him at his tent and then proceeded to kill all of the Cultists at the monument before expressing her wish that Athena could breathe life into the mud men sculpted to honor the creation of humankind.

Battle of Amfissa

The Battle of Amfissa

Kassandra proceeded to ride north to the camp of the Athenian army invading Phocis from Achaea, where she intended to join the battle against Sparta. She met the Athenian strategos Pheidon and agreed to fight for Athens, and she slew the Spartan mercenary Ambrosine, War Seeker and won the battle for the Athenians. Athens installed the notoriously corrupt Leokedes the Great Deceiver as the new Phocian leader, so Kassandra decided to assassinate him at the nation temple. She killed him, proceeded to loot the Kirrha guesthouse (where she killed Kadmos the Sneak), and assassinated the bounty sponsor Polemon of Kirrha at the Leader House. After killing Chremon the Efficient (who was searching the Leader House for Kassandra), Kassandra looted his body and found a letter from a member of the Cult of Kosmos, identifying Iobates of Lemnos (ruler of the Hephaistos Islands) as a Cultist.

The Hunt Continues, Again

Demosthenes Kassandra

Kassandra speaking to Demosthenes

Kassandra then returned to Athens to deliver the polemarchs' seals to Demosthenes in exchange for her commission. Demosthenes was surprised but pleased to see her, and she accepted his offer of hunting down more polemarchs. He claimed that the polemarchs' deaths would be a pleasant jab at the Assembly, as he had taken a successful risk; when Kassandra said that only those who take risks win wars, Demosthenes marvelled at how a mercenary knew more than Athens' "greatest generals". He then told Kassandra that the Spartans were attempting to find the Athenian supply lines and that he had already killed a few Spartan spies, so he asked Kassandra to eliminate their leadership to throw them into disarray and cause them to scramble. Kassandra then asked Demosthenes his true opinion on the Spartans, and he said that, while his fellow general Neon thought that the Spartans were mindless brutes, he said that they had a base mentality and could still pose a threat. He then complimented Kassandra as being better than the average Spartan, and said that she might one day achieve Athenian citizenship, which she sarcastically claimed was "the pinnacle of success". She then asked about his military career; he said that he had been a general for a long time, and had made up for old defeats with great victories. However, the Athenian leadership attributed his victories to luck, or cautious men who caused needless deaths by overlooking opportunities took the credit for his victory. He then told Kassandra that Athenian generals blamed for wasting their men's lives were executed, and he said that he had to do everything within his power to save Athenian lives - hence, he hired Kassandra to do his dirty work. He also said that he hoped to get credit one day, and that he hoped to show off the seals to the Assembly to prove his mettle in the blood of the polemarchs.

Antiope Kassandra

Kassandra talking with Antiope

Kassandra then came across an elderly woman who looked troubled, and the woman, Antiope, expressed her anger at how an Athenian commander and his soldiers harassed her for her writings, claiming that her place was in the home. Kassandra deduced that the woman wanted the commander dead, so she promised to assassinate him. She located the strategos Nikomedes at a temple in central Athens, and she killed his bodyguard before slaying him after a short fight. She then returned to the writer, who was grateful to hear that the commander was dead. However, she politely declined Kassandra's offer of joining her crew, as she felt that her place was in Athens and not gallivanting across the sea.

Alcibiades Socrates Kassandra

Kassandra meeting Alcibiades and Socrates in Athens

Having completed this task, Kassandra wandered around Athens and ran into Socrates and Alcibiades. Alcibiades slyly said that he always knew that Kassandra would be "back for more", and he then excused himself from Socrates, but not before saying that Socrates should use his mouth for other purposes. Socrates, amused, told Kassandra that he could find hints of knowledge behind Alcibiades' "enthusiastic advances". Alcibiades then told Kassandra that, because she was his favorite mercenary, he had a job for her. His friend Sophanes wished to be involved in Athenian politics, but he lacked citizenship; he wanted Kassandra to sneak into the Metroon and forge his name on a list to ensure that he would become a citizen.

Hermippos dead

Hermippus' body

Kassandra agreed to this job, but, as she passed the Temple of Hephaistos, she was attacked by Athenian soldiers. She noticed a civilian pick up a sword and attempt to attack her, but she fired an arrow into his face, killing him. She then discovered that she had killed Hermippos, the poet who had supported Cleon, and who turned out to be a Cult member. She then dodged the mercenary Matullos the Critic as she looted the temple, only to ambush him after she was done. She slashed him on the temple steps, causing him to fall down the staircase to his death. Kassandra then burned the war supplies on the temple steps and then attacked the Weapon Storage barracks, looting the treasure, killing a bounty sponsor, and burning more war supplies; having burned five crates of Athenian war supplies, she completed another contract. Kassandra then infiltrated the Metroon in the Agora of Athens and assassinated a few guards before forging Sophanes' name, and she decided to return to Alcibiades to tell him of her success. Alcibiades thanked her, but told her that, in order for Sophanes to gain citizenship, he would need an impartial witness to affirm that his parents were Athenian. He told Kassandra that his selected witness would be Peiroos, who was at the justice building on the east side of the agora; Alcibiades claimed that Peiroos was blindingly handsome.

Peiroos Kassandra

Kassandra confronting Peiroos

Kassandra found Peiroos in the Agora near the Athens Mint, and he mistook her for a debt collector sent by Dion. However, she revealed that Alcibiades had sent her to obtain his help with giving Sophanes citizenship. Peiroos refused, as he said that Sophanes - who had betrayed his men for drachmae - deserved death and not citizenship. However, she gave him 200 drachmae to pay off his debt to Dion in exchange for his help, and he agreed to help Peiroos. She then returned to Alcibiades, who rewarded her for her job. Socrates then questioned if a good citizen could allow a bad person to become a bad citizen, and, when Kassandra said that bad people could become good, Socrates questioned if the inverse was also true, and asked how one could predict who they would become. Kassandra said that one could look on another's past, in which case Socrates argued that Sophanes' past as a war criminal would mean that he would likely be a bad citizen. He then proposed the question of if good actions could reverse bad, or vice versa, but said that this question would have to wait. He then left, and Kassandra thanked the gods that she was spared another philosophical question.


Kassandra at the Panathenaia, with Klytemnestra the Scorned Muse to her left

Kassandra then accepted a bounty on the mercenary Klytemnestra the Scorned Muse, who had been killing politicians left and right. She tracked her down within Athens at the Panathenaia (in the city's southwest), and she pulled her from her horse and stabbed her before killing her after a short sword fight. She thus collected the bounty on her and increased her renown across the Greek world. Having finished what she set out to do in Athens, Kassandra decided to travel back to Naxos to complete some contracts there. When she arrived, she found that an Athenian fleet from Messara had landed on the island and was preparing to attack the Spartan garrison, so she decided to sabotage Spartan influence on the island to complete her contract. Part of her contract demanded the assassination of another Spartan leader, so she tracked down Thrasyllos the Butcher to the fort on Naxos. She assassinated him and burned several warchests before heading back towards the town of Naxos. Along the way, she killed several cultists at the Deathbed of Ariadne, and she found a clue which revealed that the Cultist Harpalos was living in a cave on Keos.

Eutychea Kassandra

Kassandra talking with Eutychea

Kassandra then met with the farmer Eutychea, whose message she had read on a bulletin. Eutychea said that, ever since her husband and sons had gone to war, the local Spartan commander had attempted to coerce her into letting him "handle" the farm and take all of its profits. Kassandra deduced that she had to assassinate the commander, and she agreed. She tracked down Iphiklos and attacked him and his bodyguard as they stood in a moonlit balcony, and, when his bodyguard fell towards him, he dropped his torch on his general and set him on fire. Kassandra then killed both men and returned to Eutychea, who gave her 918 drachmae; however, she declined Kassandra's offer of joining her crew, as her family lived on Naxos. Kassandra then met with the Athenian strategos Philokles and decided to side with Athens in the ensuing naval battle with Sparta. The Athenians launched a surprise attack on the Spartan fleet, and, while the Spartans lured the Athenians away from the island and thus ended the battle, Kassandra and her crew sunk four Spartan ships, boarding all but one of them to capture their wood and repair the Adrestia. With the Athenians defeated, Kassandra decided to travel to Keos to hunt down Harpalos. Kassandra tracked him down to the Cave of Ares and killed him and two bodyguards, discovering a letter to him which gave a clue about the Sage.

Kassandra Hektor

Kassandra speaking with Hektor

Kassandra then sailed to Seriphos to collect the bounty on the politician Onetor, and she assassinated him immediately upon setting foot on the island. She then looted the Customs Warehouse after killing several Spartan soldiers and a bounty sponsor, and she assassinated Onias the Cannibal with a deep stab through the back after creeping up on him. She then completed a bounty on two Athenian soldiers hiding in the island's abandoned mines, earning extra money. Kassandra travelled back to Naxos when she heard that she had inadvertently completed the Spartan soldier Hektor's contract for him when she had killed a camp of Spartans during her first attack on the fort in Naxos. When she spoke with Hektor, he told her that a group of Spartan soldiers had claimed that Nikolaos had survived the Siege of Megaris and deserted the Spartan army, and they went on to spread that rumor and encourage others to desert with them. He asked her to kill the deserters, but Kassandra realized that she had already done so. Hektor then paid her for her efforts, and, when she offered him a chance to join her crew and leave the cruel Spartan training regimen behind, he happily agreed to become a "free member" of her crew. She then tracked down and killed the mercenary Hippoklides the Wanderer, who had been searching for her. Before she left the island, Kassandra recruited Timo as a lieutenant aboard her ship.

Chrysis dead

Kassandra walking away from Chrysis' body

Kassandra then sailed across the sea to Epidaurus, committing a few acts of piracy along the way. She arrived in Argolis during a sea storm, and she intended on hunting down Chrysis and settling an old score. Along the way, she assassinated the pro-Athenian Argive nation leader Meliboeos the Sage and then killed Koravos the Bodyguard as he investigated the Leader House. On her way out of Argolis, a passerby, Kybele, begged for her help with rescuing her husband from bandits in the woods. Kassandra found the husband dead, and Chrysis emerged, telling her that the husband sacrificed himself in order to lure Kassandra into a trap. Chrysis offered to make Kassandra a member of her council, but Kassandra was bent on avenging her brother. Chrysis and her Cultists ambushed Kassandra, but Kassandra slew all of them and wounded Chrysis. She told her that she would avenge every family that Chrysis had destroyed, and she then cut her throat open with her spear. Kassandra then rode north for Locris, intending to discover the new region and hunt Cultists there. Along the way, she stopped at the Panoptes the Forest Guardian encampment and slew the hunters there, also killing their beasts. She decided to encamp there to rest from her long, uninterrupted period of travels.

Corinth 429 BC

Kassandra looking at Corinth from the Acrocorinth

Kassandra then passed through the Acrocorinth and observed the city below from the Temple of Aphrodite; she found that Corinth had fallen under Athenian rule. She infiltrated the Acrocorinth fort, where she planned to assassinate the Athenian puppet king Hiketaon the Stargazer. She killed the strategoi Praxiteles and Triton, the captain Kasambos, and the polemarch Pratinos before killing Hiketaon and the mercenary Elektra the Clay-Fingered, knocking Elektra off of a tower to her death. Agnete the Great Cat arrived shortly after Kassandra assaassinated Hiketaon (rendering Corinth vulnerable), and Kassandra slew her as well.

Battle of Irini

The Battle of Irini

While in Corinth, she visited the Tomb of Medea's Children, looted the Lechaion Goods Warehouse, finished looting the Monger's burned-out warehouse, cleared the Wall of Nikias of Athenian troops (including their captain Nautios and the mercenary Pylartes the Spoiled, whom she battled on a tower before shooting him through the neck with an arrow), and then met up with a Spartan army under Pelonos, who was invading from Laconia. She slew 26 soldiers, 6 captains, and the mercenary Melas the Jackal, delivering the Spartans a major victory. After the battle, she killed some Athenian stragglers and found on them a note leading her to a treasure chest, which she then looted.

Temenos the Raw death

Kassandra slaying Temenos the Raw at the Siege of Megara

Afterwards, Kassandra headed into Megaris, hoping to gain more money by helping the Spartans reconquer the region. She assassinated Philoxenos the Vindictive at his palace in Megara before heading to Nisaia to sabotage the Athenian defenses. Medea the Spark, Nausikaa the Sharp-Toothed, Abderos the Deal Breaker, and Eutychea the Resplendent searched for her there, and Kassandra gradually killed all of them, claiming a special bounty on Nausikaa and tracking Medea down to the city before killing her. She then met with the Spartan general Proktos and agreed to fight for Sparta in the ensuing battle, taking part in the assault on Megaris. She slew Temenos the Raw, 32 soldiers, and 5 captains, causing Megaris to become a Spartan ally. However, she assassinated the Spartan client king Altes, Ruler of the Pits after his bodyguards attacked her,  and Tekton the Untrustworthy was sent after her. Kassandra ambushed and killed him on the road to Nisaia, and she then infiltrated the fort (which was the site of a battel between Athenians and Spartans) and killed a bounty sponsor with two arrows to the head). While riding through town, she came across the mercenary Rhadamanthos the Wall. Hoping to increase her standing, she ambushed him and engaged in a street fight. While he was distracted by a civilian woman attacking him with a pan, Kassandra stabbed him in the back and killed him. She then met with the Spartan general Moschion and agreed to fight off the Athenian invasion for pay. She killed 30 soldiers and 6 captains, and Megaris remained a Spartan ally.

Hyperion the Scourge death

Kassandra killing Hyperion the Scourge

Kassandra then headed to Athens, where she completed her tasks at the Mt. Pentelikos Marble Quarry, killing the Spartan captains and locating an ostraka tablet. She then travelled to Lavrio, hoping to find clues about two Cult of Kosmos members who were associated with the silver mines there. Kassandra attacked the Lavrio Silver Mine, where she was tracked down by Hyperion the Scourge and Philomela the Furious. She killed both of the mercenaries and cleared the base before entering the mine, followed by Xanthos the Traveler, and finding a Cultist clue. Kassandra unmasked The Silver Griffin, having found a letter from him asking for one of his overseers to come to Prasonisia island alone. Kassandra then killed Xanthos with several arrows before leaving the mine to hunt down the Cultist.

She first travelled to Naxos, where she helped the Spartan strategos Moschion defeat an Athenian naval attack at the Battle of Apollonas by sinking four Athenian ships. She then set a course for Prasonisia, where she found that the Silver Griffin was under heavy guard. She stealthily killed several guards before luring the Silver Griffin towards her hedge by shooting him with an arrow. When he arrived, she cut him down, and, after killing the other guards, she finished him off with her broken spear, killing another Cult target.

Mykonian Rebellion

Barnabas Kassandra Mykonos

Kassandra and Barnabas arriving on Mykonos

Kassandra then decided to head to Mykonos, from which the rebel leader Kyra had sent her a desperate call for help with overthrowing the tyrant Podarkes the Cruel. She travelled to the Temple of Artemis to get a better view of the island, familiarizing herself with the area. Kassandra went to the tavern and killed the captain Ponteus and his two men, looting the valuables there, and she then went to meet with Kyra. First, Kassandra met with Barnabas, who read aloud Kyra's plea for help and then told Kassandra of how the evil Podarkes once fed children to their parents' pigs after the family could not pay back a debt. Kassandra promised to send him to Hades as soon as possible, and she was happy that she arrived just in time to help the rebels. When she asked about the island, Barnabas told her that the island was formed by the bodies of giants slain by Heracles. When Kassandra resolved to meet Kyra, Barnabas told her that he would stay with the ship in the case of an emergency.

Kyra Kassandra

Kassandra meeting Kyra

Kassandra entered the Porphyrion Cave and was greeted by drunken rebels aiming spears at her, and Kyra then threw a dagger at the post near her and accused her of either being a spy or Athena herself in disguise. Kassandra said that she was not a spy, but came in response to a call for help. Kyra told Kassandra that the rebellion was nearly crushed, and expressed her fear that this night could be their last. However, Kassandra showed Kyra's seal on the letter to prove her identity, and Kyra apologized, now recognizing Kassandra as the "Eagle Bearer". Kyra said that it wasn't easy waging war against the Delian League and Athens, and Kassandra, confused, asked Kyra why the heart and soul of the Delian League was in revolt against Athens. Kyra explained that, against the people's will, Podarkes approved the removal of the Delian League treasury from Delos to Athens so that Athens could build a statue of Athena mocking Apollo. She then explained that leaving the Delian League and ceasing tribute to Athens would lead to an Athenian fleet being sent to burn the Delian islands to the ground. When Kassandra said that she came to find Podarkes and not to go to war with Athens, Kyra revealed that Mykonos had also sent for Spartan support to help fight the Athenians. 

Thaletas Kassandra

Kassandra meeting Thaletas

The rebel Praxos then arrived and told Kyra that Athenian troops were attacking the overground Athenian camp, and Kassandra told Kyra that, as her men were too drunk to fight, she would go to save the other rebels; however, Kyra insisted on going with her, as she did not want to miss out on a chance to kill Athenians. Kyra then revealed that they were going to rescue the Spartan polemarch Thaletas, who had come with Spartan soldiers to help the rebellion. Kassandra and Kyra helped to fight off the Athenians, and Kassandra also slew the mercenary Doriskos the Renegade, who was chasing her. She then met Thaletas, who was happy to hear that she was Spartan; when Kassandra said that she was only Spartan a long time ago, Thaletas told her that Spartan blood was eternal. He then said that, when the Spartans arrived, their ship was sunk and most of their generals were killed. Kassandra promised to avenge those who were lost, and the three then headed to their hideout.

Kassandra strategizing

Thaletas, Kassandra, and Kyra strategizing

Back at the hideout, Thaletas and Kyra argued over strategy, as Thaletas preferred to use the impenetrable Spartan phalanx to attack Podarkes head-on, while Kyra acknowledged that, while Thaletas had the admirable trait of thinking with his heart, he needed to be strategic instead of leading just twelve men into battle. Kyra then asked Kassandra for her opinion, and, giving in to her Spartan instincts, she agreed with Thaletas' plan, although she said that the rebels lacked enough swords to take Podarkes head-on. She then asked Thaletas if he could get a message through to the Spartan fleet, and he said that it was possible if the Athenian navy could be destroyed. An infuriated Kyra criticized the two for planning to send more men to their deaths, and she stormed off to the Temple of Artemis to make her own plans.

Kassandra Thaletas

Kassandra meeting with Thaletas

On her way to meet up with Thaletas, she came across the mercenary and former Athenian polemarch Philoetios the Nonchalant, who was searching for her. Philoetios had just slain the alpha animal at the Lykos Ruins, and Kassandra shot him with several arrows from a distance. After a brief sword fight, she fatally shot him with an arrow, killing him. She then found Thaletas addressing his men from a beached ship, telling them that, just as Kyra would fight and die for her people, the Spartans must do the same, as, when Delos called, Sparta answered. Kassandra sarcastically clapped for his speech, and Thaletas responded by saying that Athenians gave speeches, while Spartans gave orders. Kassandra flirted with him, asking him what orders he would give her. He ordered her to never hold back, and she said that she never did; and she hinted that she wasn't talking about fighting. Thaletas said that he knew, and was tempted, but he said that he was loyal to Kyra for now. Kassandra then said that she could sink all of the Athenian ships in order to let the Spartan reinforcements arrive; Thaletas complimented her for fighting like Achilles reborn, but he said that she would probably be unable to sink the entire fleet. Kassandra said that she only had to sink enough ships to let the Spartans through; Thaletas then asked her if she could retrieve his father's helmet from his sunken ship; his father's helmet was pried from his grandfather at the Battle of Thermopylae. Kassandra agreed to defeat the Athenians, and she summoned the Adrestia and attacked the Athenians the next morning. She boarded and sunk one Athenian ship before attacking two at the same time; as her crew boarded and sunk one, she jumped aboard another Athenian ship and killed the entire crew by herself. She then sunk two more Athenian ships to help the Spartan reinforcement and attacked Photina the Leopard' ship as it pursued her, destroying her ship and drowning her in the process.

Suenites Quarry

Kassandra at the Suenites Quarry

With five ships from the Athenian fleet destroyed, Kassandra returned to Thaletas and told him of the sad news that his father's helmet was lost. Thaletas said that he could barely remember his father's face, and that his helmet was all that he had left of him; however, Kassandra said that his soldiers were his family now. Thaletas then suggested that Kassandra kill Podarkes' commanders; Thaletas identified them as Tisandros (who commanded the Athenian elite guard), Polemion (the strategist), and Neokles (who had gone missing). She first found Polemion at the Leleges Military Camp beneath the Statue of Artemis Agrotera, and she hid as Perimos, Son of the Sun ran past searching for her. During her attack on the fort, she killed the bounty sponsor Misenos, clearing her massive 2,331 drachmae bounty. When she killed Polemion, she discovered orders to kill Neokles, who had defected and was hiding on Delos. She then found Tisandros at the Suenites Quarry and assassinated him and the strategos Danaos before clearing the rest of the base of Athenians, dealing another blow to Podarkes. Theos the Teeth tracked her down to the quarry, but she ambushed and killed him after a short fight.


Thaletas Kassandra Delos

Thaletas and Kassandra on Delos

Kassandra then set out for Delos, reaching the Statue of Apollo in front of the Grand Temple of Apollo and observing the island from there. She then killed the Athenian soldiers at the Grand Temple and looted it, and she then found Neokles at the Farm of Elais. She killed the Athenian soldiers searching for him (as well as Makarias, Lover of Flames) and then offered him a place on her ship, as he was opposed to Podarkes and was a talented archer. Kassandra then headed to meet Thaletas in the town of Delos, and, when she asked him what he and his men were doing out in the open, he said that he and his men were taunting the Athenians, who did not dare attack their enemies on Apollo's holy grounds. He then told her to meet him east of the Kynthos Ruins, as he had something he wanted to show her; he told her to look for the smoke when she was not trying to save the Delos islands.

Socrates Kassandra Delos

Socrates and Kassandra reuniting on Delos

As Kassandra passed the Great Temple, she found Socrates speaking with some locals, and he was happy to see her again, asking her what brought her to Delos. She lied and said that she came to Delos to hear Socrates speak his words of wisdom, but when Socrates asked what words meant, Kassandra said that she refused to be drawn into another debate. However, Socrates asked for her opinion on the situation of a man who had stolen from the sanctuary to fund the rebels, and who was now about to be transferred to Mykonos to be executed. Socrates then suggested that he was being held at the Hestiatorion if Kassandra wished to pay him a visit, and Kassandra decided to do so, saying that the man - who worked outside of the law - reminded her of herself.

Kasos Kassandra

Kassandra confronting Kasos

Kassandra succeeded in infiltrating the prison and assassinating the guards without alerting the bounty hunters searching for her, and she then freed the prisoner, Kasos, who ranted about how he liked to shed blood on sacred ground, and about how he wanted all outsiders to leave the Delian islands. Kassandra grew angry with him for his yelling (which she believed might alert guards to their location), and she confronted him about his xenophobia, saying that neither she nor the Spartans who helped Mykonos were Delian. Kasos claimed that Athens wanted Delos for its wealth, while Spartans wanted to conquer it for themselves, and he said that he would head to Kyra and convince her to attack immediately. She refused to let him go back alone, and Kasos angrily said that he would sent Kassandra and "her kind" to the Styx, causing Kassandra to slay the madman.

Socrates Kassandra Delos 2

Kassandra questioning Socrates

Kassandra then returned to Socrates and confronted him about his sending her to meet an extremist lunatic. Socrates said that he could not judge the prisoner, as everyone was crazy at some point in their lives. He then asked about the guards and the prisoner; Kassandra said that she had "relieved" the guards, and said that the prisoner had died, which was probably for the best. When Socrates asked if this was best for Delos, the rebellion, or Kassandra, she simply responded with "Yes", and she joked that she could always rely on Socrates to give her a devastating headache. Socrates then laughed and expressed his hope that she would attend another one of his symposiums, and Kassandra then set out to rendezvous with Thaletas. Philolaos the Multi Faced and Orithia the Unknown tracked her down before she could leave the sanctuary of Apollo, so she killed both of them in a garden.

Kassandra Thaletas kissing dawn

Kassandra and Thaletas kissing at dawn

Kassandra then entered the Kynthos Ruins and cleared them of Athenian soldiers, including the strategos Thaulos and a bounty sponsor. She then found the smoke on the beach and headed to meet Thaletas, who confessed that he was now unsure of his desire to stay with Kyra. Kassandra attempted to lure him into a kiss, but he insisted on taking her to his favorite spot on the island, the Archegesion of Delos, telling her that it reminded him of home. He then challenged her to show him what she was made of by fighting him like a Spartan, and, after a short fight, she subdued him. Thaletas said that she did not fight like a Spartan, but like a god, and he challenged her to finish him off. They proceeded to make love and sleep together, and, when they woke at dawn, Thaletas said that Kassandra had amazed him, as, for the first time since boyhood, he had thought about something other than war. The two then shared a brief romantic moment before Kassandra told Thaletas that they still had a war to fight, and they parted ways, with Kassandra planning to catch up to him on Mykonos.

Freedom for Mykonos

Battle of Mykonos

The Battle of Mykonos

Upon her return to Mykonos, Kassandra sought out the Spartan polemarch Herodianos, who had led the Spartan reinforcements onto the island. Herodianos informed her that her victory over the Athenian fleet ensured that their best troops were at the bottom of the Aegean, and Kassandra agreed to follow Herodianos and his men into battle. After killing several Athenian captains, Kassandra faced off against Podarkes' brother Diokles, slaying him. The Spartan victory led to the Silver Islands realigning with Sparta, and Podarkes was now a fugitive on his own island.

Podarkes dead

Podarkes' body

Kassandra now came for Podarkes, having found a letter from Diokles formally unveiling Podarkes as a Cult member. She found him at the tavern, and she killed his last follower, the strategos Kimon, before subduing and confronting Podarkes. His last words were, "What I did, I did for the glory of Delos." Kassandra declared that, since he acted alone, he would die alone, and she finished him off with her spear fragment, killing another Cultist.

Kassandra Dianthe

Kassandra standing over Dianthe's body

As Kassandra walked away from the tavern, the beggar Otonia summoned her closer. She told Kassandra to investigate a boarded-up house in the market and talk to her after, as she told Kassandra that she could discover some secrets. She found a letter to Dianthe from Podarkes in which Podarkes offered her money to keep quiet, but she then noticed Dianthe's skeleton in the corner. She also found bloody footprints from a child, and saw a pair of dolls: a mother "M" and a daughter "K". She then found Otonia waiting outside, and she told Otonia about what she had found. She then realized that the "M" meant "mater", and, because Otonia asked her whom she had worked for, she realized that "K" stood for "Kyra", and that Kyra was Podarkes' long-lost daughter. Otonia then confesesd that she had been one of Podarkes' servants and had delivered the warning note to Dianthe, only to attempt to protect Kyra when Podarkes sent soldiers to the house to kill them. Kassandra then set about finding Podarkes' doll at the Leader House with the goal of presenting Kyra with proof of her paternity. As the Leader House was a restricted area, Kassandra reluctantly killed the Spartan strategos Phylas and the guards, but she completed her earlier contract to destroy Spartan supply crates, earning her more drachmae. She then found the doll that Kyra had made for her father and brought it back to Kyra's subterranean hideout to show it to Kyra.

Kassandra Kyra cave

Kassandra telling Kyra about her father

When Kassandra entered the cave, she asked Kyra if she could speak with her alone, and she privately told her that Podarkes was her father. Kyra thought that Kassandra was joking, but, when Kassandra gave Kyra her doll, she was heartbroken and agonized. She recalled her horror that day, and she asked Kassandra to let her be alone for a while, but thanked her for not telling the men.

Farewell to Delos

Kassandra approaching Barnabas

Kassandra approaching Barnabas

The next evening, Kassandra met Barnabas in the town, and Barnabas expressed his shock that nobody else found out about Podarkes being Kyra's father. He then mentioned that Kyra was taking Podarkes to be buried, and, while Kassandra said that she wished that Podarkes would rot instead, Barnabas said that tonight was more of a celebration than a funeral, and he suggested that Kassandra enjoy drink and song just as her crew would.

Kassandra Thaletas beach

Kassandra meeting with Thaletas

Kassandra went to bid farewell to the people of Delos, and she first found Thaletas standing by himself on the beach, looking out across the waves towards Sparta. He told Kassandra that he heard Sparta calling them, and he then asked Kassandra to leave her crew and join him in fighting for Spartan glory. However, Kassandra said that she did not sail by anyone's side, and instead invited Thaletas to join her crew. Thaletas told Kassandra that, while she had his love, Sparta had his heart, and he said that, perhaps in the future, he might join her, but Kassandra deduced that he could not join immediately. Thaletas then set out to join his men at the celebration, leaving Kassandra to say goodbye to the others first.

Kassandra Kyra

Kassandra supporting Kyra

Kassandra met Kyra as she was about to light Podarkes' pyre, and Kassandra gave her a few coins "for the ferryman" as part of Podarkes' posthumus passage into Hades. Kyra confessed that, despite having wanted to see Podarkes burn her entire life, she felt empty upon achieving her vengeance. Kassandra shared that she once also felt empty after achieving her vengeance, but the emptiness would die with time. Kyra, depressed, claimed that Kronos devoured his own children and Zeus banished Prometheus for an eternity, and that the gods were cruel and unfair. However, Kassandra told her to forget the gods and focus on the rebels who supported her, and Kyra agreed; cheered up, she told Kassandra that she sought to rebuild Mykonos as a free nation. The two them embraced and decided to go back to the celebration.

Kyra Thaletas Kassandra

Kyra and Thaletas bidding farewell to Kassandra

There, she saw Kyra and Thaletas standing next to each other, and, when Kassandra tried to prevent Thaletas from mentioning what they talked about at the beach, Kyra told Kassandra to relax, as she knew about their romance, and said that she was glad that Kassandra had taught Thaletas a thing or two. Thaletas announced that he would stay on Mykonos and help Kyra rebuild what was left of the rebellion, and the two decided to get back together. Kassandra expressed her happiness that the two would get back together, and wished them the support of Artemis and Apollo in governing their islands. At the same time, Herodianos told Kassandra that it was an honor to fight alongside her. Kassandra then met with Barnabas, who convinced her to give a brief speech. She told the people of Delos that they were now free, and Barnabas toasted in Kassandra's honor. Barnabas confided that the people of Delos might not be able to imagine being free, but Kassandra thought that the rebels liked her speech. Barnabas then complimented her speech and then told Kassandra that he would meet her back at the ship, so Kassandra set out to join him.

Barnabas Socrates Kassandra

Barnabas, Socrates, and Kassandra talking at the docks

Before she could leave the next morning, Kassandra found Socrates talking with Barnabas down at the docks. She was surprised to see Socrates, who said that he wanted to see her off before leaving on a merchant ship. Kassandra wished him Poseidon's favor as he prepared to set out, and, when Kassandra expressed her disappointment that she would have to leave Thaletas and Kyra alone to rebuild what was destroyed by the rebellion, Socrates asked who was alone that had friends and allies beside them. Barnabas agreed with his statement, reminding Kassandra that, on her arrival in Delos, she told him that she was there to help people, and that she had succeeded. He then said that people didn't call her the "Mighty Misthios" for nothing; when Kassandra asked who called her that, Socrates said that Barnabas had given her that nickname. Barnabas then asked where they would sail next, to which Kassandra responded by saying that they would continue sailing on towards adventure.

The Eyes of Kosmos

Kassandra Socrates horse

Kassandra reuniting with Socrates at Piraeus

Kassandra set a course for Piraeus, hoping to finish off the two remaining members of the "Eyes of Kosmos" branch of the Cult of Kosmos; four of them had already been killed. She heard that her next target owned a quarry in Attica, and that she had to help local people in order to gain clues as to his location. While walking through the port, she ran into Socrates, who had also recently returned from Mykonos.

Socrates showed Kassandra a beautiful and sturdy horse in front of him, and he then told her that it had been stolen. Kassandra, thinking that Socrates was claiming to have stolen the horse, joked about "Socrates the horse thief" being an interesting subject for an Aristophanes play. However, Socrates told her that the play would be based on fabricated information, as the horse had been stolen by another man who was waiting at the stables to the southwest. Socrates told Kassandra that he was wondering what kind of judgment he should make about the thief, and he asked Kassandra to speak to him and decide whether he was right to steal the horse or not, or whether he should be punished.

Horse thief Kassandra

Kassandra confronting the thief

Kassandra went to meet the horse thief, but she got into a fight with the guards at the Piraeus Workshop, where the man was waiting. She was forced to chase the man to the waterfront stables, where she confronted him. She told him that Socrates had sent her, and the man criticized her for judging him; however, she said that it was better her than an Athenian guard. The man claimed that he had stolen the horse from a wealthy man who owned several other horses, and he did so to feed his family; Kassandra believed that this was enough to form a judgment.

Kassandra Socrates Piraeus

Kassandra returning to Socrates

Kassandra then returned to Socrates and said that the man should keep the horse, as he would do more good with it than the wealthy man. Socrates then asked if a crime done for a good cause should be allowed; Kassandra quickly surmised that Socrates had tricked her into another mental game. He proposed another scenario: if one man killed one person to save the lives of many, was his action just? Kassandra believed that it was, as he did it for the greater good. Socrates said that it was an intriguing idea, but could be dangerous. He also said that most people expected murder to be punished, but she reminded him that the people he saved would not support him being punished. Socrates then asked if choices affecting most people for the good were the correct choices, but Kassandra said that she had to go, and Socrates agreed, saying that time was a luxury few could afford.

Kassandra Phaidon

Kassandra meeting Phaidon

Kassandra proceeded to travel to Lavrio to hunt down the missing Cultist. She came across the slave Phaidon being whipped by his master, and the Master left shortly before Kassandra investigated. Phaedon initially thought that Kassandra was an overseer, but she informed him that she did not work for the Master, and instead offered her help. Phaidon told Kassandra that he had been enslaved since he was young and had been frequently whipped for a variety of reasons, and that, despite buying his freedom, the Master pretended not to be aware of any deal and instead kept Phaidon as a slave. Kassandra decided to confront his master about the deal, and, while Phaidon believed that Kassandra was sent by the gods to help him, he warned her that his master was not the listening type. Kassandra assured him that his master would listen to her,

The Master Kassandra

Kassandra meeting with the Master

Kassandra met with the Master, and she demanded that the Master hear Phaidon's case. The Master claimed not to have remembered any deal, but offered to free him if Kassandra would kill someone for the Cult of Kosmos. Kassandra knew that, if the Master was in the Cult of Kosmos, he knew who she was, and he admitted to it; he claimed that flaunting his membership was fun, and that she couldn't do anything about it, as only he knew where Phaidon's freedom papers were. Kassandra agreed to kill the man's target, but, before she could leave, Socrates arrived. He revealed that he had overheard everything, and asked Kassandra if she believed that one life could be worth more than another. Kassandra claimed that all people were equal, even using Socrates' example of Pericles and a prisoner; both drew the same breat. Socrates then left, seeing that Kassandra was busy and that her mind was weary, saying that it was an honor to have another talk with her.

The Master death

The Master's death

Kassandra then returned to meet with the Master, and she said that she refused to work for him, and demanded that he release Phaidon. The Master stubbornly said that he would find someone else to kill his target, keep Phaidon enslaved, and give him a "grand reward" for wasting so much of his time. Infuriated, Kassandra fatally stabbed him, and she discovered that Nyx the Shadow was the Sage of the Eyes of Kosmos.

Kassandra proceeded to travel to the south side of Athens, where Nyx was based from. She walked down to the Theater of Dionysus and found Nyx walking on the road behind the stage, so she ambushed her from behind. Nyx proceeded to draw her sword, and the two engaged in a brief swordfight. Ultimately, Kassandra succeeded in slaying her, acquiring her dagger and wiping out the Eyes of Kosmos. She then slew the mercenary Leda, Iron-Eater, and she then left Athens, having completed her task.

Kassandra rode south into Attica and cleared the small Thorikos Military Camp of Athenian troops before looting the camp's valuables. She also came across a camp of bandits and killed all of them, looting their treasure. Without knowing it, she had completed a task which a local woman, Leda, was prepared to pay her for. Kassandra visited Leda, who said that she would pay a mercenary to kill the bandits preventing her from exploring some ancient ruins. Kassandra revealed that she had already taken care of them, so a grateful Leda gave Kassandra 1,088 drachmae.

Javelin attack Spartan ship

Spartan soldiers being killed by javelins

Kassandra then returned to the Adrestia at Mykonos and prepared to sink six Spartan ships to fulfill a bounty which required her to sink ten; she had already sunk four recently. She battled several Spartan ships, as well as the mercenary Hagne the Awakened, who was hired to put an end to her piracy. After sinking all of the Spartan ships and the mercenary ship, Kassandra set a course for Thera to meet her real father.

The Lost City

Kassandra Thera

Kassandra entering the vault on Thera

Kassandra sailed to the volcanic island of Thera, docking at Pasta's Ruins, the site of a former Minoan settlement. She found an ancient tablet which described how to open the mysterious doors  on the island; it was to be done through a realignment of mirrors. Kassandra went around the ruins to make sure that the light bounced from each building to the next until the ray of light hit a triangle above the main entrance, unlocking it. She navigated her way through water, caves, and lava before locating the mysterious "Gateway to the Lost City".

Kassandra Pythagoras Atlantis

Kassandra speaking with Pythagoras

Kassandra came across an old man wielding a staff, and she found that Ikaros flew over to him and perched on his shoulder. The man then welcomed her to "Atlantis", and, when Kassandra asked who he was, he said that he was her father, Pythagoras. Kassandra was shocked to discover that Atlantis was real and that Pythagoras was still alive, and Pythagoras told her that Ikaros had been his oldest friend, whom he sent to watch over Kassandra. Kassandra told Pythagoras that her mother Myrrine had sent her, and Pythagoras claimed that Myrrine had sent Kassandra there to fulfill her destiny - to help Pythagoras seal up Atlantis and ensure that its powerful secrets could not be weaponized to bring about the downfall of humanity. Pythagoras explained that the only way to open the main vault would be to collect several artifacts, and he gave Kassandra part of a key needed to find one of the artifacts in Boeotia. Kassandra then left, knowing that, in addition to hunting the Cult, she would also have to find these artifacts.

The Peloponnesian League

Onetor of Lokris

Kassandra assassinating Onetor

Kassandra then set out to resume her hunt for the Cult; she heard that a clue to the identity of a Peloponnesian League cultist would be in the nation chest at the main fort in Locris. Kassandra started her ride from Delphi, and she passed through the Phocian countryside before looting the valuables at the Persian Remnants cave at Thermopylae. She then attacked the Ajax Military Camp, where she assassinated the Spartan strategoi Onetor and Melampos and killed the mercenary Anyte the Crow.

Xerxes Military Fort

The Xerxes Military Fort

Afterwards, Kassandra rode further into Locris and passed through the salt mining town of Alponos before attacking the Salty Bandits hideout; she killed their leader Pelios and his men and looted their treasures. She then entered the ciy of Opous and infiltrated the leader house, assassinating the strategos Lemnos, the mercenaries Polyas the Liar and Kebalinos the Weaver, and the nation leader Antenor, Son of Aphrodite after a drawn-out fight. She then attacked the Xerxes Military Fort, and killed the strategoi Lukos and Kallinos, and, when she looted the nation chest, she discovered that the Abantis Islands ruler Skylax the Fair was a member of the Cult of Kosmos. Timoleon the Flame and Kallias the Heretic arrived at the fort to track down Kassandra, but they ultimately got into fights with the Spartan garrison, allowing for Kassandra to assassinate the polemarch Sabyllos and collect his seal for Demosthenes. She killed Kallias as he searched for her in a patch of grass, shot Onetor the Warlock through the face as he searched for her, and ambushed and killed Timoleon as he searched for her in the same grass. With the fort finished off, Kassandra headed to join the Athenians as they prepared to conquer Locris.

Battle of Tragana

The Battle of Tragana

Along the way, she cleared the Red Lake Bandits camp and the Military Camp on the Hill, and she later made it to the Athenian camp, where she joined Heromenes' army as it prepared for battle. In the Battle of Tragana, she slew the mercenary Andrina the Destroyer of Plains and several Spartan captains and soldiers, winning the battle for Athens, albeit at high cost.

Agapios Kassandra

Kassandra talking to Agapios

Kassandra then travelled to Chalcis to hunt down Skylax, who was under Spartan guard at his Leader House. After gradually killing all of his guards, she stabbed him in the back and then finished him off with her spear fragment. She gained another clue as to the Sage's identity, discovering that he was a Spartan king. Afterwards, she helped the merchant Agapios steal the taxation records from the guarded warehouse, as he sought to hunt down the person at the head of "the Dagger" crime syndicate. On Kassandra's return, Agapios revealed that he was a slave in the service of the local magistrate, and he invited Kassandra to help him continue his quest to destroy the Dagger.

Trypiti Fort

Trypiti Fort

Before she could do that, Kassandra decided to travel to the Obsidian Islands to hunt down the Cultist Sokos. She sailed from Seriphos to Melos, observing the city from the Melos Temple before infiltrating the Leader House to create disarray on the island. She then attacked Trypiti Fort and set out to assassinate the nation leader Maron, Guardian of Demeter. She killed the polemarch Thaulos, the mercenary Gorgos the Tainted, the mercenary Machaon the Enlightened Fisherman, the mercenary Perimos, Son of the Sun, and then an isolated Maron. After she looted the fort, she met with the Athenian admiral Patroklos and joined him in the Battle of Melos. She boarded Sokos' ship and slew him on his ship's deck, and she discovered the identity of the Cultist "The Octopus" as a result. The Athenians destroyed the remaining Spartan ships, delivering Melos back to the Delian League.

Heraklion harbor


Kassandra and the Adrestia then intercepted The Octopus' ship off Anaphi (north of Crete, adjacent to Thera), engaging in another naval battle with the Cult. Her crew killed The Octopus as she fought off the other Cultist crew members, and she discovered that her next target was the child of the leader of Messara on Crete. Continuing the hunt, Kassandra briefly stopped on the ash-covered island of Anaphi before making landfall on Crete at Heraklion. Herodotus was excited by this new adventure, as he was fascinated by the Minoans, whom he saw as geniuses ahead of their time.

Liberating Messara

Fisherman's wife Kassandra

Kassandra talking to the fisherman's wife

At the docks of Heraklion, Kassandra responded to a woman calling for help, and she told Kassandrra that her husband had went fishing near Anaphi and had not returned. She then told Kassandra that she had warned her husband that pirates were active in the area, but he was desperate to collect enough money to pay off the "Swordfish of Octopus Bay". Kassandra said that her husband might already be dead, but the woman said that her husband had a fast ship and that, if he saw pirates, he would likely have sailed to the nearest shore. Before she could return to her ship, she came across Doris the Desert Rose, and, hoping to increase her standing among Greece's mercenaries, she decided to ambush her. She killed her with one stab to the back and looted her valuables before setting out to rescue the fisherman.

Fisherman wife Kassandra

Kassandra reuniting the husband and wife

Before she could land on Anaphi, Kassandra sunk three pirate ships commanded by Sarpedon, and she then returned to the black island to search for the fisherman. She found a shipwreck on the island's west coast, and she saw pirates attacking the fishermen. She had her crew fire a volley of arrows, killing all of the pirates, and she then came ashore to talk to the fisherman. She told him that his wife had sent her, and she then escorted him back to his wife at Heraklion. She declined any payment, saying that she had seen enough widows, but the man still insisted on giving her payment, despite still being in Swordfish's debt.

Priestess Kassandra

Kassandra talking with the priestess

Kassandra then headed to the Temple of Poseidon, where a priestess told Kassandra that she needed her help, as Poseidon was angry due to the loss of the ritual Arkalochori axe. The priestess revealed that Swordfish asked them to perform the same ritual every month, and that he was the boss of the fish market. The priestess promised Kassandra a large reward if she would retrieve the axe from the Arkalochori Cave, where a group of bandits guarded it. Kassandra infiltrated the cave and killed the three bandits there before retrieving the axe and several treasures, and, on the way back to Heraklion, she found the ruined Knossos Palace and explored it.

Kassandra Ardos Knossos

Ardos leading Kassandra into the palace

Before she could loot a chest at the palace, the young Ardos confronted her and told her that it was his chest. She said that, if she was a thief, she would look for something more valuable, making a roast of Ardos. She then asked why Ardos was hanging around the palace ruins, and he explained that his father Nikios and some men had entered the Labyrinth of Lost Souls in search of the Minotaur's treasures, only for his father's men to flee the labyrinth without him after hearing roars. Kassandra volunteered to help Ardos find his father, and he led her to a trapdoor underneath the temple to let her into the Labyrinth. However, he told her that it was locked, and she asked him about his father's colleagues so that she could find a way in. Ardos said that his father had been accompanied by Swordfish, The Collector (a merchant in Gortyn), and the boy's old caretaker. He said that Swordfish was rumored to be dead, but was active at the fishermen's beachhead in Heraklion; he said that the Collector lived in a large house in Gortyn; and his old caretaker had sought to meet with him at the old house in Phaistos to the northeast.

Old man Kassandra

The old man talking with Kassandra

While riding out of the palace, she came across an old man who told her that he was dying, but told her that he needed to do something first. He asked her to bring him some red flowers from the summit of Mount Ida, as he wanted to bring his wife the flowers when he entered Hades (they had made plans to go to the summit together many times, only for war and family life to get in the way until she died). She rode past Gortyn on her way to the mountain, and she looted the Temple of Athena Poliouchos before retrieving the flowers from the summit and taking in the view of Crete. On her way back, she visited the Leader House to assassinate the bounty sponsor Melampos and clear the house of soldiers and treasures. When she returned to the old man, she found that he had died and found his daughter weeping over his body, so she gave her the flowers without asking for a reward; she felt that, as the old man had made a promise to his wife, she had made a promise to him.

Thalassa the Heartbeat death

Thalassa the Heartbeat's death

Kassandra then headed into Gortyn to take care of several tasks, first among them being killing the leader of Messara to discover his Cultist child's identity. She found Sylon the Kneeling wandering in the city to raise public support; at the moment, he was observing the Gortyn Code monument. On his body, she found a letter to the Cultist Melanthos, who was roaming the waters to the west of Messara. Befroe she could leave, she fought against the bounty hunters Thalassa the Heartbeat and Arybbas the Devious, who were searching for her after she killed Sylon. She ambushed both of them at a roadside ruins and killed them, and she then set out to flip Messara to Spartan control. Along the way, she spoke to the politician Philogos, who expressed his admiration for Sparta's top-down hierarchy and his disdain for Sylon, who supported tariffs due to mercantile influence. Philogos offered to pay Kassandra to kill him, but she revealed that she had already done so, and he gave her 1,232 drachmae as a reward.

Battle of Gortyn 429 BC

The Battle of Gortyn

Kassandra met with the Spartan strategos Milanion at his camp on the Messaran plain and decided to join the confident general as he prepared to fight a decisive battle against the desperate Athenians. In the ensuing Battle of Gortyn, Kassandra killed the mercenary Prokne the Poet, 25 soldiers, and 5 captains, and Sparta took control of Messara. However, Kassandra immediately went to the Daidalos Fort to claim the seal of another Spartan polemarch for Demsthenes, and she found that the new Spartan puppet ruler Talos the Warrior was in the fort as well. During her infiltration of the fort and the Daidalos Armory, she assassinated the strategoi Isidoros, Tityros, and Idomeneus, the polemarch Labros, the mercenaries Klotho the Mangler and Sabyllos the Intolerant, and Talos.

The Collector Kassandra

Kassandra confronting the Collector

With the fort and the armory clear, Kassandra then met with the Collector, who was frightened when he was asked about the Minotaur. He told Kassandra that, in order to defeat the Minotaur, she would need to wear Theseus' armor, which had saved the Collector from a blow which surely would have killed him had he been wearing other armor. Kassandra discovered that this armor was collected at the fort which she had just cleared, so she went back to retrieve it. After retrieving the armor from the cave, she returned the ceremonial Arkalochori axe to the priestess of Poseidon, and the priestess told Kassandra that the Swordfish used to be based out of the Fisherman's Beacon area. Kassandra went there and discovered from a local informant that Swordfish was based from an underground hideout, and, while the conversation was interrupted by one of Swordfish's thugs (who revealed that everyone who mentioned his name was to be murdered), the thug fled when Kassandra drew her sword.

Swordfish Kassandra

Kassandra confronting the Swordfish of Octopus Bay

Kassandra then made her way to Hermit's Dive, a cave underneath the beacon. She found several dead bodies being eaten by sharks, and she then located the Swordfish, who was paranoid about her being a Cultist. The Cultist misidentified her as Deimos, and he told her that he refused to let the Cult send him back into the Labyrinth. Kassandra then interrogated him, and he said that he had gone into the Cave to hide from the Cult and the Minotaur, although he went on a crazed rant about how he still controlled Heraklion and all of its people and fish. Kassandra then asked him how he entered the Labyrinth, and he said that Nikios had used a stele key. He then told Kassandra that, if she wanted the artifact, she would have to go and fetch it, and the two proceeded to fight. She slew Swordfish and took his journal, and, with Swordfish dead and The Collector interrogated, she now had to confront Ardos' caretaker and finish her investigation.

Caretaker Kassandra

The Caretaker confessing to Kassandra

Kassandra travelled to Phaistos Village that night and found the caretaker tied to a post in front of the Phaistos Theatre and guarded by Cult members. She killed their leader Hero and all of her guards before rescuing the Caretaker, and the Caretaker warned her about the dangers of the Labyrinth, saying that Nikios had died in it, and that he could not bear to tell his son that his only family was lost. He then confessed that the Cult had tortured him into telling them that Ardos had the key to the Labyrinth, as Ardos had taken the stele from him. He then broke into tears, saying that he had failed Ardos, but Kassandra told him that he should make amends with Ardos, as he was the boy's only family. She then set out to confront Ardos and see if the old man was speaking the truth.

Kassandra Minotaur

Kassandra fighting the Minotaur

Kassandra returned to the Labyrinth and reunited with Ardos, whom she told that his stolen disk was the key. She then promised to rescue his father, and she unlocked the vault and found that Ariadne's string was still leading to the Minotaur. When she confronted the Minotaur, she engaged in a drawn-out hit-and-run, shooting him with fire arrows to gradually kill him. She nearly died several times, but she ultimately succeeded in killing the monster; she was surprised that she was able to kill the Minotaur, and said that her mother would be proud of her. She went on to take off its horn and retrieve an artifact from it, and the Minotaur's body them disappeared.

Kassandra caretaker Ardos

Kassandra bidding farewell to Ardos

Kassandra returned to Ardos and had to break the unfortunate news to him, and he said that he was afraid that he would forget his father as he grew older. Kassandra gave him his father's ring, which she had found on Ardos' body in the Labyrinth, and the boy was thankful. They then left the Labyrinth, where the Caretaker was waiting for Ardos. She told him to remember that he had people who cared about him, and Ardos walked off with the Caretaker, gleefully telling him of all of the possessions that he had stolen from his home.

Battle of Lionas

The Battle of Lionas

With the Swordfish and the Minotaur dealt with, Kassandra set out to kill the Cultist Melanthos, who was sailing off the west coast of Messara. She engaged him in a naval battle during a storm, and she ultimately bisected his ship by ramming it, killing him. She then discovered that the next Cultist's ship had been shipwrecked north of Thera, so she set sail for the volcanic island to find the clue to the last cultist in his branch. She dove into the sunken Palace of Amphitrite and found a clue identifying the Cultist as "the Mytilenian Shark". The Shark was sailing south of Samos and east of Naxos, so Kassandra tracked him down. First, she helped the Spartan admiral Peisandros defend Naxos from an Athenian attack in the Battle of Lionas, maintaining Naxian freedom. She then attacked the Shark's ship, boarding his ship and killing him, and discovering the Sage Hydra the Many-Headed as a result. Kassandra then upgraded her spear, and she then set out to meet with her mother in Sparta, choosing to first travel to Argos in order to ride to Sparta on land.

Road to Sparta

Battle of Pirgella

The Battle of Pirgella

While in Argos, she assassinated the pro-Athenian tyrant Eugammon the Miscreant and his strategos Phalaris at the Leader House, also destroying the war supplies there. She then killed Hippolytos the Insignificant when he attempted to track her down as she left the city, slaying him in a rooftop battle near the city gates. She then met the hetaera Sostrate, having unknowingly completed a job for her. The woman told her that a mercenary had killed her fiancee, the Monger, to which Kassandra responded by saying that the Monger was a horrible man who was destroying Corinthia. The woman dismissed her, saying that hetaerae only ever got one chance at social mobility. She then set out to help the Spartan general Kallias and his army from Corinthia in taking Argolis in the Battle of Pirgella, slaying the mercenary Eionios the Metal-Skinned in the process. Afterwards, she briefly stopped by Athens to deliver the polemarchs' seals to Demosthenes in exchange for a reward. Demosthenes then recruited her to kill three more polemarchs, and they then had a short conversation. When Kassandra asked why Demosthenes was always at the Statue of Athena, he said that it reminded him of when his grandfather (a fellow general) took him to the statue to pray to Athena before dying in battle the next day. Demosthenes also expressed his admiration for "Wily Odysseus", comparing himself to Odysseus due to their suffering from other generals' jealousy. Kassandra then departed Athens and sailed to Melos, from which she planned to sail to Laconia and rendezvous with her mother.

Home Sweet Home

Kassandra meeting Alkamenos Theraponides

Kassandra meeting Alkamenos Theraponides

Kassandra sailed the Adrestia out of Melos, around the the Malea peninsula of the southern Peloponnese, and to a beach at Gytheion, where she had agreed to rendezvous with her mother. While sailing past Pavlopetri, she remembered that she had agreed to search for a legendary feather from Xenia, and that it might be located in the submerged ruins. She discovered two treasure chests, but neither of them contained the rare feather. After returning to her ship and sailing into the bay, Kassandra recalled the bay from her childhood, and, while talking with Barnabas about her uneaseee at returning to a place where she was not welcome, Barnabas told her that, when the time was right, everyone would have a chance to come home. She then landed at Gytheion village, where she met a man, Alkamenos Theraponides who told her that he had once sailed with Barnabas until a pirate ran a blade through his back, almost paralyzing him; he then accused her of taking his place. Kassandra expressed sympathy for the man, who then explained that he would have liked to take his son sailing, but that his back had prevented him even from scollecting enough wood to make him a fellucca. Kassandra deduced that he needed money, so she gave him 50 drachmae to build a boat for his son.

Kassandra meeting her mother in Gytheion

Kassandra meeting her mother in Gytheion

Kassandra then walked into the village, where she embraced her mother. When her mother asked how the waves were, Kassandra joked that Poseidon seemed like the only person who was not trying to kill her. She then told her mother about her meeting with her real father on Thera, saying that he had told her where she came from and where she had to go. She then said that she was nothing but a weapon, but Myrrine rebuked her, saying that she came into the world with love. Myrrine asked Kassandra how it felt to be back in Sparta, and Kassandra said that, as many times as she had cursed Sparta for what it had done to the family, she felt that she was more at home in Sparta than she was on Cephalonia. When Kassandra asked about the family's old home, Myrrine said that Nikolaos had stayed in it after Kassandra's apparent death, but that his disappearance had left the house in unknown hands. Myrrine promised to take Kassandra to the house after showing her something, and Kassandra then followed her out of the village.

Kassandra and Myrrine riding past the Burned Temple of Apollo

Kassandra and Myrrine riding past the Burned Temple of Apollo

The two of them rode past the Oplopoiike Warehouse, and during the ride, Myrrine commented that, the closer they got to Sparta, the more the memories came flooding in. Kassandra responded that, no matter how far she herself had ran, she could never escape them. Myrrine said that, on Naxos, she could forget, saying that it was if she had locked Sparta in a box and thrown it to the bottom of the sea. Kassandra then asked if Myrrine had put her memories of her family in that box, and, while Myrrine admitted that she had tried to, she said, "But it would have taken all the wood in the land to build one big enough." Along the way, they came across the Burned Temple of Apollo, and Myrrine stopped as Kassandra investigated. She killed the Followers of Ares Epimenes Teucerides, Azeus Cycnides, Laphanes Palmysides, and their chief Eileithyia Troezenides, and she also looted their valuables, including an ancient tablet.

Kassandra and Myrrine battling the Athenians and bandits

Kassandra and Myrrine battling the Athenians and bandits

Kassandra and Myrrine then continued up the road, where they found their path blocked by a group of bandits who were attempting to ambush a handful of Athenian soldiers. The two Spartans proceeded to intervene in the fight between their enemies, killing both the bandits and Athenians. Kassandra discovered a letter one one of the bandits' bodies, The two finally reached their destination, a cliff overlooking the Spartan training grounds, reading, "My love, I've hidden the rest of my father's gold in the wilderness away from the farm. Find me when you return - I'll be waiting."

Myrrine and Kassandra overlooking Sparta

Myrrine and Kassandra overlooking the Spartan training grounds

With the bandits dealt with, Kassandra and Myrrine ran to their destination, which Myrrine revealed was the clifftop where Myrrine had first trained Kassandra to use her spear. Kassandra remembered her mother's advice to her youthful self, "Hesitation only hastens the grave," impressing her mother. Myrrine then recalled how Kassandra used to hold onto Leonidas' spear in her sleep, as Kassandra had said that she needed it to fight the monsters in her dreams. Kassandra jokingly replied that she couldn't face Cerberus empty handed. Just then, they heard the bark of a wolf, and Kassandra saw two boys being chased by wolves. Kassandra wanted to intervene, only for her mother to warn her not to interfere, as itw as Spartan training territory. Kassandra told her mother that she hoped she was right for the boys' sake, and Myrrine responded, "The agoge is what turns boys into men. Interfering would only weaken them, weaken Sparta." When Kassandra said that the boys would be no good to Sparta if they were dead, Myrrine retorted, "And they're no good to Sparta if they're too weak to kill a wolf," and she asked Kassandra to follow her home.

Kassandra and Myrrine riding into Sparta

Kassandra and Myrrine riding into Sparta

The two of them proceeded to ride to Sparta, talking about the agoge along the way. Kassandra commented that the training was ruthless, and Myrrine responded, "Not ruthless. Effective. The best of those boys will become krypteia - keepers of the peace, and stalkers in the night." When Kassandra asked about the krypteia, Myrrine said, "There's a reason Sparta never changes. It has rules, and they are strict. Spartans rule Laconia, but most of its citizens are helots—enslaved peasants, made to work the fields and mines." When Kassandra asked why the slaves never revolted, Myrrine explained, "Spartan fields keep them fed, and Spartan warriors keep them safe. First from the Persians, and now from the Athenians. When they forget their place, the krypteia are ordered to keep the peace." When Myrrine added, "Most of us make great sacrifices for comfort," Kassandra commented, "Most. Not all."

Kassandra and Myrrine looking at their old home

Kassandra and Myrrine looking at their old home

The two proceeded to ride through Sparta, and Kassandra commented that, in spite of the war raging elsewhere, Sparta looked so peaceful. The two rode into the heart of the city until they reached their home, where they dismounted. Kassandra, overcome with memories, remarked, "This was the first and last place I ever felt safe." Myrrine recalled how Kassandra had trained in their yard from morning to night as soon as she could hold a spear, and Kassandra said that Nikolaos was a tough teacher to please. Myrrine then told her daughter, "He hid his pride from you. But every night he would tell me, 'She's going to bring glory to Sparta.'" Kassandra replied, "As much as I hate him for what he did, I wouldn't be who I am today without his training," and a Myrrine, inspired by Kassandra's positivity, said, "My heart broke that day. But for the first time in ages, standing here with you, I truly believe it can mend again." They then recalled the first time that Kassandra held her brother, and Kassandra laughingly recalled, "I was scared I'd break him. I piled every blanket and pillow we had around me," while Myrrine added, "Even then you held him so tight I thought you would squeeze the life out of him."

Brasidas joining Myrrine and Kassandra in Sparta

Brasidas joining Myrrine and Kassandra in Sparta

As the two recalled their past memories, they were unexpectedly joined by Brasidas, who happily declared, "The gods must be playing tricks on my eyes." Kassandra delightedly responded, "Good to see you, Brasidas. It's been a long time since I rescued you from that warehouse fire in Corinth." The two clasped hands, and a delighted Brasidas laughingly responded, "That's not how I remember it." Myrrine then commented that Brasidas looked well, and Brasidas remarked that the rumors were true, and that Myrrine was still alive. When Brasidas began to say, "When I heard the two of you came home...," Myrrine responded, "We're in Sparta, but we're not home yet," and Kassandra added, "We want our house back, Brasidas." Brasidas responded, "Sparta claimed your estate after Nikolaos' disappearance. They're waiting for his adopted son to claim it, but he hasn't returned." Kassandra was surprised, and she muttered, "Stentor? I knew I should have killed him on the beach." She then asked Brasidas what she had to do to get the family home back, and Brasidas told her, "You'll need to negotiate your Spartan citizenship with the kings, but added, "It won't be easy." When Myrrine asked why not, Brasidas replied, "As happy as I am to see you, the kings won't be. Especially Archidamos. Your exit from Sparta wasn't exactly... graceful." Myrrine, surprised, said, "He can't still be mad I broke his nose," and, while a shocked Kassandra asked, "You what?", Brasidas continued and said, "In any case, he hasn't forgotten, but I have an idea that might help him forgive."

Brasidas helping Kassandra plan her next move

Brasidas helping Kassandra plan her next move

Kassandra asked Brasidas to tell her about his idea, and Brasidas revealed, "Spartan soldiers have been giving weapons to the helots. Whoever takes care of these traitors will earn his thanks." When Kassandra asked why Spartan soldiers would be helping the helots, Brasidas responded, "Helots greatly outnumber Spartan citizens. But they're leaderless—mostly farm hands, servants, and apprentices. If someone unified them, armed them and trained them, they'd be a real threat to Sparta." A confused Kassandra said that it was Spartans who were arming the rebels, but Brasidas continued, "All the more reason to deal with this quickly. You'll find out why the helots are being armed, and you'll have the kings' attention." When Kassandra asked where she could find the Spartans, Brasidas revealed, "They were last spotted in the Gorani Marble Quarry, in the Forest of Eurotas." When Kassandra asked what she had to do once she found the soldiers, Brasidas advised, "Spartans are loyal to their commander. Take him out, and the rest should disperse." Kassandra then asked about the weapons, and Brasidas replied, "Destroy them. The helots have caused enough trouble with shovels and sickles, the last thing Sparta needs right now is them carrying swords." Kassandra said that her task sounded easy enough, and Brasidas told her to find him in the throne room once she was done. Myrrine then told Kassandra, "This is where I raised you - it's also where Leonidas raised me. I'm going to visit his tomb, just beyond the estate. You should pay your respects, too, before you get started."

Kassandra freeing captives from the Gorani Marble Quarry

Kassandra freeing captives from the Gorani Marble Quarry

Kassandra proceeded to travel to the Temple of Athena Chalkioikos, visiting the Tomb of Orestes along the way. She then climbed atop Athena's sanctuary and took in the view of the city of Sparta and the Taygetus mountain range to the north, where the marble quarry was located. Kassandra rode to Mount Taygetos, climbing the mountain and using its commanding view of the mountain range to locate the quarry. Once there, she spotted Nautios Echelaosides, the captain of the base and the leader of the uprising, and she worked her way towards him after killing several of his soldiers, including his lieutenants Gauanes Chromides, Radamanthos Epicurides, and Alexis Hyperionides. After assassinating Nautios, Kassandra freed the captives held at the quarry and destroyed the weapons racks, ensuring that the planned helot uprising could not take place.

Kassandra meeting Theodoros Praxitelides

Kassandra meeting Theodoros Praxitelides

As Kassandra rode back to Sparta, she came across the village of Mesoa, where she met a woman, Tasoula, who looked to be in need of help. When Kassandra asked the woman if she could help her, Tasoula said that there was a symposium the village was planning, and that she had to find acceptable wine and food. Kassandra balked that she would not collect Tasoula's groceries for her, but a surprised Tasoula clarified, "What? Oh, no, my husband and I are finding interesting people for the banquet. Soldiers and musicians have the best stories..." She then asked Kassandra to deliver an invitation to a soldier posted nearby, so Kassandra trekked over the Taygetus mountains and delivered the letter to the soldier Theodoros, who commended Kassandra for her "perfect timing" and paid her.

Kassandra torching the silo at Amyklai Farm

Kassandra torching the silo at Amyklai Farm

On Kassandra's way back to Sparta, she decided to stop by the Amyklai Farm, finding the dead bandit's treasure nearby. After killing several wolves, she recovered the hidden treasure, and, when she came to the farm itself, she torched its silo, as the village had been loyal to the mutinous Spartan soldiers during the infancy stages of the abortive helot rebellion. These tasks complete, Kassandra decided to return to Sparta to meet her mother at the Tomb of Leonidas as agreed upon.

Killing the Krypteia

Kassandra meeting Lysander

Kassandra meeting Lysander

That night, upon arriving at the shrine to Leonidas, Kassandra found that her mother was not the only Spartan notable waiting beneath the statue. Kassandra saw the general Lysander lecturing his soldiers, "We'll not be outmaneuvered by the Athenians the way the Persians did to Leonidas," and, when she approached the general, he sternly told her, "You're not one of my soldiers. You better have a good reason for being here." Kassandra replied, "We Spartans stand together. So here I am." Lysander agreed, saying, "Yes. Spartan blood matters most." Kassandra then said that victory over Athens would bring Lysander glory, and Lysander proudly declared, "The rewards of skill and effort!", with Kassandra adding, "It's the Spartan way." Lysander then lamented, "From slave to general, bathing in the blood of this war, while our leaders stuff their faces and preen." Kassandra added that the Spartan polemarchs saw the war with Athens as an easy victory, and Lysander arrogantly responded that he would end the war in his favor. When Kassandra asked if Lysander had a strategy, he responded, "Athenian polemarchs are paralyzed with indecision. They serve too many masters." Kassandra concluded that the Athenian polemarchs were slow to react, and Lysander added, "And that's where you come in. Infiltrate their forts and kill their polemarchs. I need the way clear for my troops." Kassandra declared, "I'll do my part. Consider the commanders already dead," and Lysander asked her to return their seals as proof of their deaths.

Kassandra and Myrrine meeting beneath the statue of Leonidas

Kassandra and Myrrine meeting beneath the statue of Leonidas

Kassandra then walked over to her mother, and the two marveled at the statue of Leonidas, with Myrrine remarking, "Leonidas. He was Sparta's last true hero. We'd all be under the yoke of the Persian Empire if it wasn't for his courage. The same blood courses through your veins." Kassandra joined in her mother's reminiscing, recalling, "So, our blood is the blood of kings." Myrrine responded, "You are so much more than a mercenary. You carry the blood of heroes, blood of power. Remember what I told you?" Kassandra recalled that her mother had warned her that people would try to take that power for themselves, and that she had promised her mother that she would not let them. After reflecting on Leonidas' betrayal by the Cult, Myrrine declared, "It's time we embrace our destiny—both of us. If we don't stop the Cult before it's too late, then all Leonidas fought and died for was for nothing. Our bloodline has risen to those who would enslave us." Kassandra concurred, saying, "It's time we rise again."

Kassandra meeting Pausanias of Sparta

Kassandra meeting King Pausanias of Sparta

Just then, King Pausanias arrived to join Myrrine and Kassandra, and Myrrine, who knew Pausanias from her younger years, greeted him, "King Pausanias, we're honored. I was sorry to hear about your father." Pausanias replied, Yes. Our fathers would have been proud to see us here today," and Myrrine then introduced Pausanias to Kassandra. Pausanias remembered Kassandra, saying, "Who could forget? The girl who died to save her brother. Such a tragedy. An innocent child, put to death because of an ancient, merciless law." Kassandra - embittered at Sparta from her childhood - responded, "I killed an elder. Sparta didn't find that very innocent." Myrrine snapped, "Kassandra!", and an irritated Pausanias went on to say, "In any case, Sparta was weakened by losing you. Losing you both." Kassandra declared, "We're examples of why these laws must change," and Pausanias replied, "Oh I agree. But King Archidamos? If he could carve Spartan law across the chests of every citizen he would." Kassandra then said, "I've spent my whole life looking over my shoulder. If Sparta is to be my home again, I'd rather it be a peaceful one." Pausanias laughed, replying, "Peace at what cost? When Spartans aren't killing, they're training to kill. And when they're not killing Athens, they're declaring war on their own people." He then said that they were not there to talk about the dead, and Kassandra proceeded to bluntly state, "We know Sparta reclaimed our house after what happened to my father in Megaris. We want it back." An irritated Pausanias retorted, "Mind your tongue, child. You may not live in Sparta anymore, but I'm still your king." Myrrine, seeking to correct the situation, said, "We graciously request an audience with you and King Archidamos to discuss reinstating our citizenship and reclaiming our home." Pausanias told Myrrine, "Of course! There's nothing I'd want more. Archidamos, however, still hasn't forgiven you for the whole... nose incident," to which Kassandra responded by asking how she and her mother could sway Archidamus.

Pausanias telling Myrrine and Kassandra about the disloyal krypteia

Pausanias telling Myrrine and Kassandra about the disloyal krypteia

Pausanias then declared, "There's rumor of a helot rebellion, and the krypteia are stoking the flames. Savagely killing helots, stealing livestock, and leaving corpses to rot in the streets." A surprised Myrrine said, "The krypteia represents Sparta's ultimate achievement in military training. Their discipline and fearlessness make Sparta's army the most feared in the world." However, Pausanias retorted, "Once. But the krypteia have become corrupt and bloodthirsty. And training boys to kill unarmed peasants is nothing to be proud of. Do you want your home back or not?" Kassandra and Myrrine nodded, and Pausanias directed Kassandra, "Show the helots we no longer support the senseless slaughtering of their people." Kassandra asked where she could start looking for the krypteia, so Pausanias told her, "One can be found in the fort on Zarax Point. Another was assigned to guard a Spartan leader's house. The third is more elusive. He was last seen in one of the villages west of Helot Hills. He's definitely the loudest of the three." After Kassandra asked for more information about the krypteia, Pausanias told her, "They are the hidden ones. Handpicked at an early age. Starved and trained in isolation. They must steal and kill to survive. If they succeed at their training, they become the king's guard." A curious Kassandra asked why Pausanias would have her kill them, and Pausanias responded, "For years the krypteia kept peace between the helots and Spartans. Troublemakers and threats among the helots were... dealt with. But lately these krypteia have been killing men, women, and children without reason or mercy. Babies ripped from their mothers and fed to the wolves... The krypteia have become a breeding ground for ruthless savages." Finally, Kassandra asked about King Archidamus, and Pausanias told her that he was, "Traditional. Brutal. Boring. Archidamus values the old ways over the welfare of his people. He sided with the elders that day on Mount Taygetos." With this information in mid, Kassandra told Pausanias, "If killing krypteia will get our home back, I'll do it."

Kassandra battling Hestia the Sustainer of Empusa

Kassandra battling Hestia the Sustainer of Empusa

Kassandra first travelled to the Leader House, where she tracked down the krypteion Krantor. She killed Krantor and several other Spartan soldiers, and she also looted the treasures stashed at the palace. Afterwards, she killed a bear which was running amok on the streets of Sparta, and, as she rode out of Sparta, she came across the Amyklai Blacksmith in the town of Amyclae. Kassandra decided to attempt an infiltration of the camp to steal its treasure, but she was detected by its guards, leading to a prolonged fight in which she fought against both the Spartans and several mercenaries who sought to claim her head. Kassandra slew Hestia the Sustainer of Empusa and Grumpy Telephos in addition to several more Spartan soldiers. With the Spartan soldiers dead, Kassandra proceeded to steal their treasure and carry on with her journey.

Keleas death

Keleas' death

Kassandra then made her way to the Helot Lookout in the Helot Hills, from which she observed the countryside of southern Laconia. Having spotted the village of Krokeai, she made her way to the village and crept up behind the krypteion Keleas as he attempted to intimidate the helots. Kassandra stabbed Keleas in the back with the Spear of Leonidas, quickly assassinating him. As Keleas was the only armed man in the village, Kassandra walked off without a fight, having quickly taken care of one of her targets.

Kassandra riding to the Fort of Praisai

Kassandra riding to the Fort of Praisai

With two of the three krypteia dead, Kassandra rode towards the Fort of Praisai to track down the last one. Along the way, Kassandra stopped at the Tomb of the Forgotten Hero, where she navigated through the hidden corridors and located an ancient stelae. She then continued her ride to Zarax Point, riding up a narrow spit of land before reaching the isolated fortress. Kassandra proceeded to infiltrate the fort, killing its two captains (including strategos Machaon), the officer Hiketaon, the polemarch Makarios, and the mercenaries Polyxeinos the Masher, Hero the Frenzied, and Persephone the Honeysuckled. Among the dead from the fight was the last of the krypteia, enabling Kassandra to return to Sparta.

Kings of Sparta

Brasidas leading Kassandra into the leader house

Brasidas leading Kassandra into the leader house

Kassandra returned to Sparta via Geronthai, and she rendezvoused with Brasidas outside of the kings' palace. Brasidas greeted Kassandra and told her that he could take her in to see the kings when she was ready, and she then asked what she should expect before going in; she also revealed that she had met Pausanias. Brasidas explained, "Kings Pausanias and Archidamos share rulership. Impress them both, and your home will be returned to you"; when Kassandra asked about the kings, Brasidas said that Pausanias was young but more deadly than his smile suggested, while Archidamus was "a traditionalist. Not one to back down from a fight. He's also got a temper. Try to stay on his good side." Brasidas then invited Kassandra to join her mother inside the palace.

Brasidas presenting Myrrine and Kassandra before the Kings of Sparta

Brasidas presenting Myrrine and Kassandra before the Kings of Sparta

Kassandra and Brasidas came in as the kings fought with shields and spears, and Kassandra was surprised when Brasidas identified the two men as the kings. After Archidamus knocked Pausanias to the floor, Pausanias yielded, and Archidamus ordered for two more squadrons to be sent to Boeotia. A curious Kassandra asked Brasidas if the kings normally settled their disputes in duels, and Myrrine said that Archidamus' guard had improved thanks to her. When Archidamus turned his attention to Brasidas and asked Brasidas about the news he brought, Brasidas introduced Myrrine and Kassandra. Archidamus rudely told Myrrine, "How dare you show your face in Sparta," but Brasidas added "Kassandra helped me secure Korinthia, my king. She helped with the helot rebellion. They want what's best for Sparta. I beg you to listen." Pausanias asked, "Let's hear what they have to say before we bloody the palace floor," so Archidamus let Myrrine speak. Upon hearing that Myrrine had returned to reclaim her home and her Spartan citizenship, but Archidamus coldly responded, "You exiled yourself. Your daughter killed an elder and ran." Pausanias added, "Not to mention the crooked nose she gave you." Myrrine responded, "My family was betrayed, my king. Sparta was betrayed. We've come to expose these traitors. Archidamus said that Myrrine hadn't cared about Sparta for years, and Kassandra reluctantly remained silent as her mother swore by the two gods that her intentions were pure.

Kings of Sparta assigning Kassandra her tasks

The Kings of Sparta assigning Kassandra her tasks

Archidamnus then asked Kassandra about her intentions, and she responded, "My intentions are to return home. Here. Where I was born." Archidamus responded, "What happened on Taygetos brought shame on Sparta. You and your family have no home here." Regardless, Pausanias proposed, "First, prove yourself loyal. Bring glory to Sparta, and redeem yourself in the eyes of the gods. Until then, neither you, nor your mother, have a right to your lands." Kassandra declared, "Tell me what I must do, and it will be done," and Archidamus responded, "The Spartan army fights the Athenians in Boeotia. Join the commanders there. Come back victorious, or do not return." Kassandra arrogantly stated, "Consider the battle won." Archidamus said that it was "Spoken with the confidence of a child who hasn't seen real war," only to add, "You will find my commander at Mt. Helicon. Give him this and tell him I sent you." Pausanias then jumped in, adding, "Not so fast. Two kings. Two tasks." Kassandra again confidently responded, "Heracles completed twelve. Two shouldn't be a problem." Archidamus chuckled and responded, "First Spartan thing you've said all day." Pausanias then ordered Kassandra, "The Olympics will be starting soon in Elis, and our fighting champion requires an escort." Kassandra asked if Pausanias wanted her to be an escort, but he responded, "I want you to make sure the Spartans return with a wreath." A confused Archidamus then asked of Pausanias, "That's how she'll bring glory to Sparta? By winning an event in the Olympics?" Pausanias clarified, "Not an event, my king. By making sure Sparta wins the entire Olympics." Pausanias then dismissed Kassandra and told her that the kings would see her when her tasks were completed, only for Archidamus to suggest, "If they're completed." Kassandra declared, "I'll get them done, and you'll give us back our home," and Pausanias added, "There's some Spartan left in you after all." Archidamus then commanded, "Brasidas, show them out," and the three of them left.

Kassandra bidding farewell to Brasidas and Myrrine

Kassandra bidding farewell to Brasidas and Myrrine

That night, Kassandra, Brasidas, and Myrrine met up at Nikolaos' old home, where Kassandra sarcastically commented, "That went well." Brasidas added, "Considering you still have a head on your shoulders, yes I'd say it went very well." Myrrine positively commented, "The kings were generous to give us a second chance." Kassandra again sarcastically quipped, "And all I have to do is win the Olympics," and Myrrine added, "And a war." Brasidas then added, "Is there anything you need to know before setting off?" Kassandra asked why the kings sent her to Boeotia, and Brasidas told her, "The Athenian army is pushing Sparta back bit by bit. Winning won't be easy"; Myrrine expressed her belief that, "If anyone can turn the tide there, it's you." Kassandra proceeded to ask Brasidas, "What do you know about this fighting champion I'm supposed to take to the Olympics?" Brasidas said that she was escorting a pankration fighter, and that his trainer would know where he was. Kassandra also asked, "One of the kings is a Cultist...so one of these tasks is surely a trap. But which one?" Myrrine asked Brasidas for more information, but he said, "Wouldn't say that within earshot of the palace. But I've fought with both of them. I can't believe either is a traitor." Myrrine then warned Kassandra, "We need to find proof before we make any accusations. Keep your eyes open." Kassandra then said that she was ready, and she asked Myrrine what she would do while she was gone. Myrrine revealed that she had received a message leading her to Arcadia, where she had learned of the whereabouts of another Cultist. Brasidas happily added, "The fates are smiling on us. I was ordered there. We can travel together"; Myrrine responded, "That would be helpful. My thanks." Kassandra told her mother and friend, "I'll meet you both in Arkadia, then. Safe journeys."

Spartan offensives

Kassandra attacking Harpagos, Leader of the Lonely

Kassandra attacking Harpagos, Leader of the Lonely

Kassandra first travelled to Boeotia via Megara, locating the fortress of Plataea from a ruined watchtower. Kassandra decided to infiltrate the fortress to weaken the Athenians, and she stealthily killed several soldiers, including the captain Doryssos Eurykratides and the soldiers Phrixus Hippothousides, Pharnaces Eurysthides, Pinder Amopaonides, Thukydides Aiasides, Demonous Peneusides, Kallipides Antiphalides, Procrustes Phokasides, and Onetas Praxisides. However, she came into open conflict after attempting to sneak up on the pro-Athenian leader Harpagos, Leader of the Lonely and his bodyguards near the temple within the fortress, and she was soon faced with the mercenary Echemos the Empty, whom she slew inside the temple. After she killed Harpagos as well, Kassandra discovered a letter identifying Deianeira, a Champion of Boeotia, as a Cult of Kosmos member. She then killed Tirynthios the Insane and Iphito the Professional, who had also come for her bounty, and assassinated the Athenian polemarch Onetor on Lysander's orders. With the fort's polemarch dead, Kassandra proceeded to burn the Athenian supplies at the fort and seek out its treasures. The mercenary Hypatia the Repulsive soon arrived to hunt down Kassandra, but Kassandra ambushed and killed her. After thoroughly looting the fort, Kassandra rode out, intervening in a fight between Athenian soldiers and bandits on a rural lane out of Plataea. There, she was tracked down by Aniketos the Mist Walker and Alektor the Woodsman, but, hiding in the wheat field next to the road, she periodically ambushed the two of them before killing them both, as well as Alektor's pet bear.

Kassandra battling Meliboios the Obscene

Kassandra battling Meliboios the Obscene

With mercenaries hot on her trail, Kassandra decided to flee Boeotia and head south to Megaris, where the Spartans were preparing a major push against the Athenians. Eager to prove herself to the Spartan kings, Kassandra first assassinated the pro-Athenian ruler of Megaris, Antinous the Omniscient, at his tent outside Megara, and she also outran the mercenary Automedon of the Ashen Wake. Kassandra decided to further sabotage the Athenians by weakening their fort at Nisaia, where the bounty sponsor Prytanis was also located. Kassandra infiltrated the fort, where she killed several Athenian soldiers, burned their supplies, killed the mercenary Meliboios the Obscene, and assassinated Prytanis and the Athenian general Kasos before escaping.

Kassandra talking to Phormio Stesanorides

Kassandra talking to Phormio Stesanorides

Kassandra proceeded to make her way to a nearby Spartan camp, from which the hoplite Phormio Stesanorides had been spying on the Athenians. Kassandra told him, "Spying on these Athenians is no easy task, Spartan. Anything I can do to help?" Phormio responded by asking the difference between a dog and an Athenian, and he explained, "If you kill his master, the dog will bite you...But the Athenians will run like cowards without their leaders." Phormio then asked Kassandra to kill the Athenian commander in Nisaia, but Kassandra told Phormio to consider himself lucky, as she had already killed Kasos. Phormio responded, "Well done! Sparta is in your debt," gave her payment, and told her, "Here, as thanks."

Kassandra meeting Nikanor of Lakonia

Kassandra meeting Nikanor

Kassandra proceeded to ride to the beach to meet the Spartan general Nikanor, who told her, "After many skirmishes, we've finally got those Athenian dogs cornered...With your help, we can send them running with their tails between their legs!" When Kassandra agreed to join the Spartans, Nikanor responded, "Excellent. Today is a lousy day to be an Athenian." Kassandra proceeded to charge into battle alongside the Spartans, slaying the Athenian mercenary commander Thalestris the Lyre and several Athenian captains before the Athenian army broke and ran; she killed 25 soldiers, 6 captains, and Thalestris.

Kassandra killing Amyris, Omen Bringer

Kassandra killing Amyris, Omen Bringer

Kassandra proceeded to travel to Corinth, which was also the target of a Spartan campaign. Kassandra infiltrated the Acrocorinth Fort, where the pro-Athenian leader Amyris, Omen Bringer was based, and she assassinated the Athenian strategos Xanthos at the gates before infiltrating the fort itself. There, she killed several Athenian soldiers before assassinating Amyris, and she also killed the mercenaries Thaomas the Beast, Zosimos the Mouth, Frozen Margarites, Automedon of the Ashen Wake, and Mausolos the Bone Hitter after they attempted to track her down. Kassandra proceeded to escape from the Acrocorinth and tracked down the bounty sponsor Tisandros to Alkyoneus Camp, where she killed Tisandros and the Athenian soldiers and looted their supplies. She later rode past the Kephisos' Sanctuary Ruins, and she killed the Cult of Kosmos guards at the ruins and stole their treasures as well. On her way north to join the Spartan army ahead of its assault, Kassandra passed by the Hyperbios Camp, where she killed the strategos Teukros of Parnitha and several Athenian soldiers before stealing their treasures. Afterwards, she met with the Spartan general Philiskos of Dafni, who recruited her to serve as their army's champion at the Battle of Loutraki. Kassandra helped to lead the Spartans to victory (after slaying the mercenary Sorbos the Demi-God), for which she was greatly rewarded.

Battle of Skala

The Battle of Skala

Kassandra soon received word that the Athenians and Spartans were preparing to show down in Locris, so she made haste to Opous to aid the Spartans. She first assassinated the pro-Athenian ruler Megareos the Agora as he paced Opous on his way to the nation fort, and she then rode to Timonax of Therapnes' Spartan camp and offered her services to the invading Spartans. In the ensuing Battle of Skala, Kassandra slew the mercenary Teukros the Rusty Bull and the Athenian polemarch Methepon of Rafina, and the Spartans emerged victorious, conquering Locris.

Thyestes of Limnae death

Thyestes of Limnae's death

Having aided Sparta in winning several victories over the Athenians, Kassandra decided to return to Sparta, where she planned to meet the Spartan athlete and take him to the Olympics in Elis. While in Sparta, she stopped by the message board and found a notice reading, "There's no order in the agora anymore since the new politician took charge. Things need to go back to how they were. Slice him open and restore order." Kassandra travelled to the outlying village of Limnae, where she located the politician Thyestes in the market in front of the Temple of Artemis Orthia. She publicly swept Thyestes from his feet and stabbed him dead, and she also looted the temple's treasures after killing the Spartan captain Okytos and his men. She soon found herself pursued by the mercenaries Wise Abantes and Lysistrate the Vulgar, and she fought both of them, with the fight taking her to the top of a pillar (from which she shot arrows at the mercenaries), into a public fountain (where she killed Abantes), and into shrubbery, from which she ambushed and killed Lysistrate. With the mercenaries dead, Kassandra decided to meet the Spartan athlete and his trainer to complete Pausanias' task.

Delivering a Champion

Kassandra meeting Alkon

Kassandra meeting Alkon

Kassandra proceeded to meet with Testikles' trainer Alkon, and he bluntly remarked, "You're new. If it's training you want, we don't just take anyone." Kassandra responded, "Do I look like I need training? I was sent by King Pausanias to collect the pankration champion." Alkon apologized for the misunderstanding, but she forgave him, telling him, "Don't worry about it. I don't exactly look the part." Alkon then warned Kassandra that Testikles could be difficult, and that a gift of oil could put him on his good side. Kassandra was confused, so Alkon explained, "A muscle rub. He believes it imbues him with the power of Heracles. Look in the Village of Gytheion. His favorite merchant is there." When a curious Kassandra asked what Testikles was like, Alkon recounted, "The other day he knocked out six men and a bull... and he only went to the market to buy fruit. That's why I had to send him to the island." When Kassandra asked where Testikles was, Alkon told her, "I sent Testikles to train on a small island in the Bay of Hades. It's good for him there - isolated. Away from people. Look for the Shipwreck of Nestor on the southern shore." Kassandra then bade Alkon farewell, saying that she hoped that Testikles would live up to Alkon's promise.

Kassandra meeting the slave Basiane

Kassandra meeting the slave Basiane

Kassandra proceeded to ride to the village of Gytheion, where she overheard a slave, Basiane, talking to herself from behind a market stall. Kassandra identified the slave as an employee of the oil maker, and she proceeded to approach her. The slave worriedly waved her off, saying that the shop was closed, but Kassandra told her, "I need oil, then I'll be on my way. There's a special one that Testikles uses?" Basiane responded, "Ah, for pankration fighters. That one has to be made fresh by the master, and he's gone." While Kassandra insisted that she wasn't leaving without the oil, Basiane revealed that she was a slave in good standing, and that selling Kassandra the oil would be stealing from him. Kassandra offered to pay for the oil, but Basiane responded, "It's a question of trust. I know my master. He's kind, but strict. My freedom depends on it." Kassandra, forced to consider another option, said, "I know I'm asking for a lot, but I need this oil now. I could come back and talk to your master — maybe explain the situation?" A resigned Basiane told Kassandra, "What choice do I have? It's not bad, this life, if I have to stay... I'll give you the recipe, but that's as far as I go. You make it yourself." Kassandra agreed, and Basiane gave her the recipe: "Light a fire, and gently heat oil of Athena to aid the infusion. When it's warm, just add a touch of myrrh." Kassandra then thanked the slave, who responded, "I hope it's worth my freedom."

Kassandra making the body oil for Testikles

Kassandra making the body oil for Testikles

Kassandra proceeded to walk over to an open-air fire with a bowl hanging over it, and she knelt beside it and recounted the recipe. She correctly rehearsed each step Basiane had told her, heating the pot with fire, pouring in the Oil of Athena, and added Myrrh, telling herself that Testikles would smell great. Kassandra then enjoyed the pleasant scent of the mixture before filling a jar with it, and she commented to herself, "I hope he appreciates this. It smells so good I almost want to keep it for myself." Kassandra then turned away and made for her ship, preparing to find and retrieve Testikles. Along the way, she stopped by the message board and accepted contracts to sink five Athenian ships and kill the mercenary Perdix the Wayfarer.

Kassandra meeting Testikles

Kassandra meeting Testikles

Kassandra then sailed to the Bay of Hades and docked her ship at the island of Schiza, next to the Shipwreck of Nestor. She found a single hut on the island, determining that Testikles must be there. She approached Testikles, who was drunkenly muttering to himself, and Testikles drunkenly jabbed her in the shoulder as he turned around, asking her what she wanted from the "great champion Testikles", claiming to be busy. Kassandra readjusted her breastplate and told Testikles that she was taking him to the Olympics, and Testikles drunkenly proclaimed that he would be the champion. Testikles then vomited, and he proceeded to loudly and excitedly proclaim, "Champion! 'Cause I'm Testikles!" Kassandra told Testikles that they should get back to her ship, but Testikles said that he couldn't go, gesturing to his empty wine vase and telling her, "Training, see? And I don't know if I'm up to goin' sailin' on your boaty."

Testikles beckoning Kassandra towards her ship

Testikles beckoning Kassandra towards her ship

Kassandra then told Testikles in a teasing way, "I have something for you. A certain oil...", causing Testikles to excitedly cheer, "My oil? Oh, I could kiss you!" Kassandra flatly declared, "No. You couldn't," and she told Testikles that he would get his oil once they arrived in Elis. Testikles said that Kassandra was being unfair, but she proceeded to ask him, "You don't want to use your special oil before the big fight, do you?" Testikles conceded, "Good point. Very good point," and, when Kassandra indicated that it was time to go, Testikles swatted her aside as he ran towards the ship, shouting, "To the Olympics! The people needs me!" Kassandra massaged her collar where Testikles had accidentally swatted her, and an excited Testikles turned and asked, "Well? We going?" Kassandra muttered to himself, "He'd better f***ing win," and she undocked her ship and set out for Elis with her crew and her guest.

Kassandra and her crew immobilizing an Athenian ship off Marathopoli

Kassandra and her crew immobilizing an Athenian ship off Marathopoli

During the voyage, Herodotus and Barnabas fawned in Testikles' presence, with Barnabas telling Testikles, "Testikles, it's an honor to sail with you. Your victory at the Pythian games is legendary," while Herodotus asked Testikles about his decision to kick his opponent in the head rather than grapple. Testikles merely responded, "Felt like it," causing the analytical Herodotus to respond, "Ah, improvisation. Keep your opponent off guard - a good strategy." The dull Testikles rebutted, "Strategy's for people who don't hit hard enough." Shortly after, Kassandra came across two Athenian ships off the coast of Messenia, and, eager to fulfill her contract from Sparta, she had her crew ready for battle. In the ensuing Battle of Marathopoli, Kassandra and the Adrestia attacked, immobilized, and boarded several Athenian ships, fighting a battle which lasted from afternoon until dusk, attracting the attention of the mercenary Eos the White Widow. Kassandra decided to confront Eos' ship, immobilizing it and boarding it, and knocking Eos from her own ship with a great swipe of her blade. Kassandra dove into the water to loot Eos' floating body, and she then looted Eos' ship before continuing her attacks on Athenian shipping. Ultimately, she destroyed six Athenian vessels, completing her contract.

Adrestia approaching Kyllene

The Adrestia approaching Kyllene

As the shore of Elis came within sight of the Adrestia, Testikles invoked, "Nike! I'm gonna win!" Barnabas then asked Kassandra if she was excited for the games, and Kassandra sarcastically replied, "Thrilled." Testikles cheered, "Sparta! Woo!" As the Adrestia docked at Kyllene, Herodotus recited, "Stand warrior stand - feet firmly planted, even in sand. Our spirits soar on high, for a Spartan never truly dies." Testikles was confused, and, when Herodotus explained that it was a Spartan poem, Testikles excitedly responded, "Oh. SPARTA! Woo!"

Kassandra and Testikles meeting Alcibiades at Kyllene

Kassandra and Testikles meeting Alcibiades at Kyllene

Upon reaching the docks, Kassandra was surprised to see a familiar face, Alcibiades, waiting for her. Alcibiades enthusiastically told Kassandra, "Welcome to the Olympic Games! The party has officially begun." Kassandra jokingly greeted her old acquaintance, "Alkibiades? I'm surprised you're... wearing clothes," to which Alcibiades flirtatiously responded, "The day is young, little goat." Kassandra then asked if Alcibiades was in Elis to compete, and he responded, "Of course. I enjoy other physical exertions from time to time." Alcibiades was disgusted when Testikles loudly belched, and Herodotus and Barnabas exchanged puzzled looks at each other.

Kassandra listening to her friends discussing the likely winner of the Olympics

Kassandra listening to her friends discussing the likely winner of the Olympics

Kassandra then asked Alcibiades who would win the Olympics that year, and Testikles proclaimed that he would, Alcibiades once again flirtatiously said, "Athens will surely rise to the occasion," Barnabas eagerly said, "I say Messenia," and the historian Herodotus opined, "Has the sea air addled your mind? Sparta always takes pankration and many others too," causing Barnabas to balk at Herodotus, "You might know a lot about the past, but you know little about the future."

Kassandra noticing Dorieus

Kassandra noticing Dorieus

Kassandra then asked Alcibiades about the fighter that Alcibiades had been ogling, and Alcibiades told her, "That is Dorieus, the reigning champion. He's bloodthirsty, competitive, and has endurance to spare. Jealous?" Kassandra flatly responded, "I don't think so." Kassandra then declared to her friends, "We've haven't come all this way to stand on the dock." Alcibiades flirtatiously offered her, "Quite right. Should you ever need a personal sparring partner...", but the proud Spartan Testikles taunted Alcibiades, saying, "You? A skinny little Athenian? I'm the champion, or gonna be. SPARTA!" Alcibiades chuckled and told Testikles, "A pity your brain isn't as big as your muscles." Testikles briefly stared down Alcibiades in an attempt to intimidate him, only to back off after a few seconds.

Crowd cheering for Testikles

The crowd cheering for Testikles

The crowd then took notice of Testikles as he walked with the others up the dock, and Testikles told Kassandra, "I needs to be oiled 'fore I goes to the Games." Alcibiades offered, "Well, I would have been happy to... assist, if you were in any state to compete," and Testikles responded, "I likes to be oiled." Kassandra sarcastically said, "Well, that's obvious." Testikles then joked, "Yeah, you knows," and lightly tapped Kassandra on the nose to complete his physical pun. Testikles then excitedly asked Kassandra, "Ahh, come here, gives us a hug," but a disgusted Kassandra dodged Testikles, leading to Testikles tripping over a bowl of fruit and falling off the dock and into the sea.

Testikles falling into the water

Testikles falling into the water

As a crowd of bystanders gathered, Kassandra tried to reassure her friends, telling them, "Surely, he can swim," but a shark swam by and attacked and killed the drunken and drowning Testikles, killing him. Alcibiades then told Kassandra, "Oh... Well, looks like you're the champion now, ah?" A shocked Barnabas said, "I can't believe he's gone," while Herodotus proclaimed "Unprecedented!" Kassandra then asked Alcibiades, "And... you want me to compete in the Olympics? Stepping into a dead man's sandals... and Testikles isn't even digested yet." Alcibiades flirtatiously told her, "Come, dear Kassie - show them what you're made of! And show me while you're at it." Kassandra then asked where she needed to go to fight in the pankration, and Alcibiades told her, "The stadium in Olympia, naturally. I do love a good rough and tumble." Kassandra told Alcibiades, "You know people die in these events," but Alcibiades simply shrugged. She then asked about the Olympic events other than the pankration, so Alcibiades wasted no time in making more sexual references, telling her, "There's javelin, which - of course - you know how that works. The athlete thrusts the long, smooth spear forward...", and then, "And then there's the foot races and the horse races. Sweat everywhere. A delight for the eyes and the nose." Kassandra then concluded, "I need that wreath for Sparta. If it means I have to compete, so be it." Herodotus then told her, "The event doesn't start just yet. We could look around first - Olympia at truce is quite extraordinary."

Exploring Elis

Kassandra fighting the Cultists at Kallias' Warehouse

Kassandra fighting the Cultists at Kallias' Warehouse

Kassandra's friends then travelled to Olympia to tour the sanctuary, while Kassandra immediately took notice of several Cult of Kosmos guards at Kallias' Warehouse near the Kyllene docks. She assassinated the Cultist captain Theodosia and her guards Archestratidas Misenides, Athamas Eugenides, Hippias Imbriusides, and Meles Isidorides, and she also claimed the warehouse's valuables for herself, depriving the Cult of one of its bases in Elis.

Kassandra assassinating the sleeping Alkimachos Aristaides

Kassandra assassinating the sleeping Alkimachos Aristaides

Kassandra then made her way to the Demiurgi Fort, where she discovered that the Elean king Kypselos, Commander of the Wind was residing during the Olympic Games. Hoping to obtain another Athenian polemarch's seal for Lysander, Kassandra climbed the walls and assassinated the Athenian soldier Kapys Echepolides, proceeding to infiltrate the fortress. Kassandra aimed to eliminate the garrison stealthily, and she also killed the strategos Idaios of Pinea and his soldiers Lycaretos Hippomenides, Alkimachos Aristaides, Scaios Sosibiosides, and Leukos Proreusides.

Kassandra fighting the mercenaries and Athenians at Demiurgi Fort

Kassandra fighting the mercenaries and Athenians at Demiurgi Fort

By then, however, the mercenary Agnes the Image Fighter had tracked her down, and Kassandra was forced to fight both Agnes and the Athenians. Kassandra killed Agnes with her flaming sword, and she also killed Screaming Andrea after Andrea and Oliatos the Hot-Footed arrived to take her down. Kassandra proceeded to eliminate several more soldiers in hit-and-run attacks, and, while she was hiding and looting the fort, Oliatos got into a fight with Kypselos' Athenian guards, leading to Oliatos killing Kypselos as Kassandra watched, poison-tipped arrow ready to fire. She proceeded to kill Oliatos in the ensuing fight, and, after looting the fort, she jumped from the wall and made her way to the nearby city of Elis.

The Show Must Go On

Kassandra meeting Thespis and Rhodanthe

Kassandra meeting Thespis and Rhodanthe

Kassandra proceeded to climb the Temple of Apollo, from which she observed the rest of the city. She then killed the Athenian soldiers guarding the adjoining Temple of Hades and stole an ancient tablet, which instructed her to look for a stone centaur in the Plains of Flax. That same night, Kassandra ran into the dramatist Thespis and his sponsor Rhodanthe at a theater in Elis, and she overheard them discussing their plans to stage a play. Kassandra, who knew of Thespis from Aristophanes, asked Thespis if he was acting in another play. Thespis recognized Kassandra as one of Aristophanes' friends, and Rhodanthe told Kassandra, "Thespis had this "brilliant" idea to put on a play in this town. He's got a reputation as a great actor, so I thought, 'this could be a huge success.' I'm beginning to think I thought wrong." Thepsis anxiously responded, "No, no, everything is under control. You keep an eye on the ticket sales, my darling Rhodanthe, and my friend Kassandra will take care of everything else!" Kassandra, seeking to defuse the situation, said, "I promise you, I know nothing about theater." Thespis assured Kassandra, "Don't be so modest. You'll be known as the hero who made 'Leonidas and His 300 Spartans' the play of the century!" Kassandra was surprised, and, as she said, "The play is about King Leonidas? You know, my family-", Thespis interrupted her with an assumption, saying, "Your family can come, of course. I'm sure they'll be proud to see you. Just help me tell that glorious hero's tale." Kassandra agreed to help with the play, proclaiming, "The story of Leonidas must have its due."

Thespis telling Kassandra about the commandeered wine

Thespis telling Kassandra about the commandeered wine

Rhodanthe warned Kassandra that she expected her to deliver, and Kassandra nodded and asked Thespis what he needed done. Thespis asked Kassandra to bring wine for the audience, saying that they would be more "appreciative" of the play if drunk. Kassandra asked Thespis where the wine was, and Thespis nervously responded, "Well, I had wine. But then the local military commander commandeered... Heh, I should put that in the script. 'The Persian Commander commandeered the, uh... casks.' That's it." Kassandra said that she would "re-commandeer it" herself, and Rhodanthe told her, "He kept the expensive wine and left the rest for his soldiers. An ordinary audience might be content with the cheaper drink...Most of it is in the Stable of Ares. But the good stuff? That's in Demiurgi Fort." Kassandra assured the two, "I'll take care of everything," and she left to retrieve the wine.

Kassandra talking to Keto

Kassandra talking to Keto

Along the way, Kassandra stopped by the Leader House to assassinate a bounty sponsor, and she also ambushed and killed the mercenary Eirene the Trail Maker, who had been sent to hunt her down, and the strategos Philoetios of Foloi. She also accepted a bounty on the mercenary Larissa the Laughing Crow, who was responsible for the cruel mutilation of forest animals. Afterwards, Kassandra came across an Olympic runner, Keto, who appeared to be in need of help. Keto told Kassandra that she could tolerate the hooting of the Athenian soldiers who watched her run, but, when the commander insulted her running form, she challenged him to a footrace and won, leading to the commander order his unit to shame her, and even encouraging them to kill her. Kassandra deduced that Keto wanted to have the general assassinated, and Keto responded, "Yes, the Athenian commander must fall."

Tisiphone, Granter of Wishes death

Kassandra assassinating Tisiphone, Granter of Wishes

Kassandra proceeded to hunt down the commander, Hypateos, who was standing guard outside the Leader House. She lured him out with an arrow before publicly assassinating him, and she also assassinated the mercenary Tisiphone, Granter of Wishes after Tisiphone tracked her down to the Leader House. Kassandra proceeded to return to Keto and inform her of her success, and a grateful Keto paid Kassandra 1,422 drachmae.

Kassandra trying the bad wine

Kassandra trying the bad wine

Kassandra then decided to seek out the wine Thespis had requested, first travelling to the Treasury of Elis. There, she found the common wine and tried it, only to remark that it tasted like "horse piss", and that she couldn't serve the wine and needed to find better wine nearby. She used a "Wine Society" invitation which indicated that some of the fort's soldiers were stashing the confiscated wine in the caves underneath the fort to track down the fine wine, and she found the Athenian soldiers debating whether the wine tasted like honey or apricots. She assassinated both of them and took the wine for herself, and, on her way back to Thespis and Rhodanthe, she looted the Treasury of Elis and killed its guards.

Kassandra returning to Thespis

Kassandra returning to Thespis

Kassandra returned to Thespis and Rhodanthe at the theater and told them that she had found their wine, and both of them cheered, with Rhodanthe adding, "I sampled the wine, it's excellent! I'll try selling tickets in the better parts of town. Our wealthy patrons won't be disappointed." When Kassandra asked when she could see the play, however, Thespis nervously said, "Well, there's a little complication with the cast. Finding them, I mean." When Kassandra asked if Thespis meant that he had lost his actors, Rhodanthe responded, "None of them showed up at the last rehearsal. And the time before that, they seemed terribly discouraged. Someone might have been too harsh with them." Kassandra remarked that nobody would get paid if they didn't show up, and Thespis responded, "Exactly. There's three of them in all. They're playing Ephialtes, Xerxes, and Dienekes. I can give you an idea of where they might be." Kassandra also asked who was playing Leonidas, and Thespis arrogantly told her, "I am, of course. I trust no one but myself to carry the starring role." He also told Kassandra that Hypeirochus (the actor playing Xerxes) was at the Dyspontion Ruins, the actor Gelo (playing Dienekes) was gambling in Elis, and Tros (playing Ephialtes) was praying at the Spring of Piera. Kassandra decided to set out, and Thespis told her, "When you find our actors, send them back to me. And do your best to encourage them! Our performance will be terrible if the actors' hearts aren't in it." Kassandra remarked, "And that means no one will pay us. Got it," and she left to find the actors.

Kassandra meeting Gelo

Kassandra meeting Gelo

Kassandra first travelled to the square, where she found Gelo nervously working on a wooden board. As Kassandra approached, Gelo talked to himself, "This is terrible! I'm really going to need a Leonidas to get out of this mess." Kassandra asked the man if he was playing Dienekes for Thespis, and Gelo responded, "I was, but now I can't. I lost all I had gambling with a commander. Now he says I'm his slave until I pay off the debt. I'll be working for him for years!" Kassandra told Gelo that they would settle his debt, and a grateful Gelo led Kassandra over to his commander.

Kassandra meeting Taureas

Kassandra meeting Taureas

Kassandra and Gelo then met with the burly commander Taureas, who was spending time with two women. Taureas waved the women away as Kassandra and Gelo approached, and he asked, "You want to play another game? So glad you brought company." Before Gelo could answer, Kassandra bluntly said, "I need my friend back. He's due to act in a play. I think it's time you let him leave." Taureas asked what the play was about, and Kassandra revealed that it was about Leonidas and his 300 Spartans. Taureas confidently responded, "A good military play. We need more of those on the stage. Of course, it would be best if they cast real soldiers instead of namby-pamby actors." Gelo again attempted to chime in, only to realize that he was, indeed, a mere actor. Taureas then pitched a deal to Kassandra: "So here's how it is, misthios. This malákas owes me a debt that he is paying off with service. Do you intend to take his place?"

Kassandra offering Taureas a role in Thespis' play

Kassandra offering Taureas a role in Thespis' play

Kassandra thought for a moment, and she then asked Taureas, "How about you lead by example and take the role yourself? After all, you're a "real soldier," right?" An eager Taureas responded, "By Ares's ass of course I am! Sure, I'll be Dienekes in your little play." Gelo, feeling betrayed, asked about himself, and Taureas responded, "My soldiers have plenty of sandals that need repairing and blades that need sharpening. I'm sure you'll keep busy while I'm showing these civilians how to act." After Taureas returned to his work, Kassandra asked Taureas, "You think acting is easy? Were any of your soldiers good when they first signed up? You'll need to listen to your director and drill your lines until you can recite them without hesitation." Toreas promised, "Oh I hear you. I'll rehearse twice as hard as any of the other so-called actors," and Kassandra instructed him, "Report to Thespis at Pelops Market in Elis. He'll get a Dienekes, just maybe not the one he's expecting."

Kassandra infiltrating the Dyspontion Ruins

Kassandra infiltrating the Dyspontion Ruins

With Thespis' "Dienekes" secured, Kassandra travelled to the Dyspontion Ruins, where she found that Hypeirochus had been taken captive by the Followers of Ares. Kassandra used the marshland grass to mask her approach, stealthily assassinating the cultists with her Spear of Leonidas and also cutting Hypeirochus free after coming across him. She was then detected by the other cultists, whom she proceeded to slay in the ensuing fight. With the Followers of Ares dead, Kassandra led Hypeirochus to a safe distance, where she could debrief him.

Kassandra meeting Hypeirochus

Kassandra meeting Hypeirochus

Hypeirochus thanked Kassandra for her help, and, when Kassandra asked why the cultists were keeping Hypeirochus prisoner, he said that, "They were raving, convinced I'm the villains I play. They wanted me to lead them in a dark ceremony and tortured me to recite their spells... Nothing was enough." Kassandra assured Hypeirochus that he was now safe, but he worriedly told her, "I am, but the witch has plans to harm the citizens of Elis. She says they wronged her, so she poisoned a shipment of supplies for the city!" Kassandra determined that she had to destroy the supplies before they got to the city, but Hypeirochus opined, "But now that she knows you're here, she'll leave her hiding place and flee into the wilderness! No one will be safe if she escapes."

Hypeirochus amusing Kassandra with his Xerxes impression

Hypeirochus amusing Kassandra with his Xerxes impression

Kassandra decided to kill the witch before her plan could succeed, and she tracked down the witch Amarhyllis and killed her after a short fight near her campfire. With the witch dead, Kassandra returned to Hypeirochus and informed him of the news, and he thanked her for saving him. Kassandra told him, "You'll be fine. You should go on and play your part knowing Xerxes is safe," and a more confident Hypeirochus told Kassandra, "You're right, Xerxes was sure of himself. A god among men! I should be as confident as him." A cheered-up Kassandra told him, "I'm glad you see it that way. You should get back to Thespis," and he thanked her before playfully declaring, "Xerxes will rule at last!" Kassandra remarked, "Happy to have helped, your majesty," and she carried on with her search for Tros.

Kassandra meeting Chloe

Kassandra meeting Chloe

Kassandra travelled to the Spring of Piera, where she explored the Cave of Deepest Self Knowledge and looted its treasures. Afterwards, she travelled on foot to the sanctuary of Olympia, where the Olympic runner Chloe told her, "I've seen your running, and jumping, and climbing. Misthios, you're amazing!" Kassandra thanked her, and Chloe suggested that she should visit the place she went to train - a beautiful cave which was occasionally patrolled by bandits and raiders. Kassandra revealed that she had already gone, so Chloe gave her a monetary reward. Kassandra then climbed the Temple of Zeus at Olympia and observed the city for herself, taking in the sights of one of the holiest sites in Ancient Greece. She also visited the Olympic Tree before deciding to search for the actor Tros and finish assembling Thespis' cast.

Kassandra meeting the hedonist woman

Kassandra meeting the hedonist woman

Kassandra made her way back to the Spring of Piera, where she met a woman at the spring who greeted her, "Hello! Have you come to learn about the mysteries of Hedone?" Kassandra responded, "Sure, I'd like to know. Let's start with... what's Hedone?" The woman explained, "Hedone is the goddess of bliss. And since we all seek bliss, we are all Hedone." Kassandra said that she was not seeking bliss, but an actor, but the woman said that, "We have no actors here, only teachers and students." An exasperated Kassandra bluntly said, "Look, his name is Tros. He's an actor working for Thespis." The woman responded, "I recall hearing that an actor joined us... But now his name is Hedone. Like mine. Everyone here is Hedone." Kassandra demanded a straight answer, but the woman told her, "I'm sorry. I'm the only one permitted to speak with outsiders. But if you pass our initiation, others will speak with you too." Kassandra agreed to be initiated, so the woman instructed her, "Wonderful! You must complete two tasks to demonstrate your devotion. First, climb to the top of the Waterfall of Eternal Joy and dive into Froth of Fantasy...Then, explore the Cave of Deepest Self Knowledge and return with the treasure you'll find inside."

Kassandra meeting Tros

Kassandra meeting Tros

Kassandra proceeded to perform the leap of faith from the waterfall before entering the cave and finding yet another treasure, and, having completed her tasks, she met with the hedonist woman atop the waterfall. There, the hedonist woman proclaimed, "You have initiated yourself! Welcome to the Mysteries of Hedone, Hedone! Go talk with your brothers and sisters, they'll be happy meet you." Kassandra spoke to four people in the water one-by-one, asking them if they were Tros the actor. The first, Podaroes Pelegonides, said that he was used to slapstick comedy or making people cry by telling them stories about his dead goat (he also took a liking to the term "hedonist" when Kassandra called him one, saying that it was catchy); Gallus Salmoneides said that he wanted to be an actor, but had to work on his stage presence first; one man said that there were no actors there, and that their only role was to be Hedone, but also said that he studied Aristophanes and Euripides (and believed that Medea was robbed), Bacis Periphetides stuttered that he wasn't Tros, and Aristophantes Menesthides criticized Kassandra for interrupting his meditation. Kassandra decided that the man who knew about Aristophanes and Euripides was Tros, and she told him, "If you aren't the actor Tros, you're certainly good enough to be him. Come act in Thespis' play." The man said that he would like to help "Hedone" (Kassandra), but he had to stay and achieve enlightenment, leading to Kassandra telling him that, "Enlightenment is hard. The gods don't make things easy for us. If you truly want to follow their path, you have to challenge yourself. If you stay here and rot, you'll be a failure." The man conceded, "That's harsh...but you're right. If I don't go out in the world, is my faith in Hedone really true? Only one way to find out." Kassandra then told him to report to Thespis at the Pelops Market in Elis, and told him to get on with his rehearsals, accidentally calling him "Hedone" before correcting herself, calling him "Ephialtes". On her way back to the market, Kassandra assassinated the bounty sponsor Prothous Menesthides.

Thespis giving Kassandra her lines

Thespis giving Kassandra her lines

Kassandra then returned to Thespis and Rhodanthe, and a desperate Thespis told her, "Kassandra, my muse, my helper, the one who saves my posterior. I require your assistance one last time." An annoyed Kassandra asked him, "You've got all your actors, Thespis. Your audience is sated. So, what's the problem now?" Thespis told her, "Leonidas himself is the problem. Picture it - I was rehearsing a monologue, brandishing my shield, encouraging my soldiers. "Come back with your shield or under it!" Kassandra corrected him, saying that the Spartan saying was "with your shield or on it," and Thespis reiterated his belief that his line was the correct one before telling her, "But just as I gestured with my shield, I slammed it into my toe. And now, I can barely stand, let alone act." Kassandra remarked, "It's a shame you have to cancel the play after so much work, Thespis," but Rhodanthe insisted, "We are not cancelling the play. We'd have to give back people's drachmae." Thespis then told Kassandra, "The show must go on. My Leonidas is right in front of me." Kassandra was surprised, saying that she was no actor, but Thespis said that he was no general, but was on stage. He then urged Kassandra, "Think of it. You could bring the great man's memory back to life. He could live again, through you." Kassandra, reassured, declared, "It's my destiny. I'll play Leonidas." However, she grew annoyed with Thespis' mis-quotation of certain lines, such as "with your shield or on it" (which he said was "under it"), Leonidas' warning to Xerxes, "The Persians come to make slaves of us all. I have a better idea. I say we drench the gods with their blood!" (which Thespis misquoted as "drench the gods in wine!"), and Leonidas' speech to the traitor Ephialtes, "Today was a day the Persians will never forget. Tomorrow is a day the world will remember!" (Thespis misquoted it as "the kings", which Kassandra argued against, saying, "Leonidas battled for all of Hellas and its freedom, not just Sparta."). Thespis insisted that Kassandra use his script, but Kassandra privately decided to use the real lines, and she decided to skip rehearsing with the cast and took to the stage.

Kassandra and Xerxes on the stage

Kassandra and "Xerxes" on the stage

Kassandra and the other actors proceeded to don their drama masks and take to the stage after the master of ceremonies introduced "Leonidas", and Kassandra, in character, declared, "Thank you for being here. Remember that Leonidas was not only a King of Sparta but the savior of all Greeks." "Dienekes" then took the stage and said, "I am Dienekes, Lieutenant of the great Leonidas. I will serve him until Hades himself comes to claim him. My Commander, my king! We are outnumbered and outmaneuvered. What can I do to help?" When the Master of Ceremonise asked, "What does the Spartan general have to say to his right-hand man?", Kassandra responded, "Come back with your shield or on it." When Xerxes took to the stage and declared, "I am Xerxes, King of the Persians. You puny gods mean nothing to me. Kneel before my immortal self. You Spartan cur! I will grind you and your people under my sandal!", Kassandra responded to Leonidas' "mortal enemy", "The Persians come to make slaves of us all. I have a better idea. I say we drench the gods with their blood!" Finally, when "Ephialtes" took the stage and declared, "All right. I'm Ephialtes, exile and traitor. You know I'll bring doom to the Spartan army by revealing a secret goat path to the Persians. Those stuck up Spartans won't stand a chance! I've defeated your plans, Leonidas! What are you going to do about that?", and the master of ceremonies asked, "The traitor dares talk back to his king! What will Leonidas say to that?", Kassandra responded, "Today was a day the Persians will never forget. Tomorrow is a day the world will remember!"

Kassandra and the cast bowing

Kassandra and the cast bowing

The crowd cheered as the actors bowed, having performed a historically accurate version of the play. As the actors bowed, however, "Xerxes" warned her, "Great job my friend! Enjoy the crowd's reaction. Because I don't think Thespis will be happy you went off-script." Kassandra reassured "Xerxes", telling him "I think I can take care of him." Kassandra then met with a furious Thespis, who yelled, "I can't believe it. You ruined my perfect script!" Kassandra responded, "Didn't you hear the crowd? They wanted to hear the real story of Leonidas. I should know, he was my grandfather." An incredulous Thespis started laughing and told Kassandra, "You never stop performing! I love that. You almost had me convinced, you joker. Here, your part of the take." Kassandra remarked, "Thanks. Maybe I'm more of an actor than I thought," and she left her friend and decided to meet up with her other friends in Olympia.

The Olympics

Kassandra and Herodotus confronting Lelex and Makar

Kassandra and Herodotus confronting Lelex and Makar

Upon arriving in Olympia and meeting up with Herodotus, Kassandra found that Herodotus was attempting to mediate an intense argument between two elderly Greek men. Lelex told Makar, "I never believed even you could sink so low," while Makar retorted, "Don't act pious with me. I should break your neck for this." Lelex then jeered, "That's right. Show your true colors. You Dorians are nothing but thugs." Before Makar could insult the Ionian, Herodotus urged, "Please, stay calm. Remember the truce!" Before Herodotus could tell Kassandra about the gravity of the two men breaking the Olympic truce, the two men proceeded to accuse each other of stealing once again. Kassandra interjected, "If you don't stop, I'll kill you both to preserve the truce," causing the two men to fall silent. She then asked what was going on, and the two men continued to accuse each other of theft before Kassandra proclaimed, "Enough. I'll ask the questions."

Kassandra questioning Lelex and Makar

Kassandra questioning Lelex and Makar

Kassandra first asked Herodotus what happened, and, when the two men again accused each other, Kassandra shouted, "I said Herodotos!" Herodotus then spoke, telling Kassandra, "Er, yes. It seems both their treasuries were breached, and their valuables stolen." Kassandra then asked why the two men were accusing each other, and, before they could resume their argument, Herodotus explained, "It's a matter of blood. Makar is from an eminent Dorian line. Mighty warriors, but rather austere...While Lelex is from Ionian stock, a grand tradition of artists and philosophers—" Makar interrupted Kassandra, saying, "You mean philanderers," insulting Lelex. Kassandra opined, "Both sides are important," and Makar jeered, "Spoken like a true Ionian." Kassandra then said, "It seems unlikely they would rob each other at the same time." Herodotus then told her, "You have to find out who stole their drachmae. I can't believe they would do this to each other. Whatever their issues, they've always respected the Olympic truce."

Kassandra interviewing the two feuding guests

Kassandra interviewing the two feuding guests

Kassandra pledged to find out what happened and protect the truce, but Lelex offered, "If you prove it's Makar, I will reward you well." Makar counter-offered, "As will I, if you bring me evidence of Lelex's double dealing." Kassandra then asked, "And what if it's neither of you?" Herodotus then said, "Then they will both reward you." Lelex and Makar agreed, and Kassandra set out to investigate the robbed treasury. Along the way, she stopped by Pelopeion and the Temple of Hera.

Kassandra interrogating Morsimus Mnesterides

Kassandra interrogating Morsimus Mnesterides

Kassandra headed to the Treasuries, where she found a vault with an open gate, and a guard, Morsimus Mnesterides, standing by. Kassandra asked him if he had seen anything, and he nervously responded, "No, nope, not nothing. Far less than anything." When Kassandra moved in closer and suggested, "So you saw something," Morsimus responded, "Well, only if you count torches. But they crept up on me, they did. Must've been at least thirty of them." Kassandra sarcastically asked, "Torches crept up on you? If there were thirty of them, why isn't the ground stomped flat?" The worried soldier attempted to explain, "Er... doeskin sandals, very soft. Don't leave a trace. Anyway, hard to tell how many, as I was unconscious." Kassandra became assertive and told him, "Tell me the truth, or I'll beat it out of you. Are you the thief?" The scared guard insisted, "No, please. Look, it wasn't me. I fell asleep—didn't see anything apart from the torches." Kassandra asked the soldier why he didn't investigate, and, while he said that he didn't want to abandon his post, Kassandra said that he had already been robbed, and Morsimus responded, "If I deserted my post, I'd be charged with dereliction of duty." Kassandra shook her head and sarcastically said that she would let the guard get "back to work", and she proceeded to investigate the nearby ruins, finding ancient stelae at the Destroyed House of Oinomaos, but no evidence.

Kassandra talking to Aoide

Kassandra talking to Aoide

Kassandra also killed a camp full of hostile Spartan soldiers, and she found the athlete Aoide standing nearby. Kassandra asked Aoide if she needed help, and Aoide said that there was corruption in the athletic games, where dishonest athletes were accepting bribes and hiring mercenaries. Kassandra said that it seemed as if Aoide was trying to hire one herself, but Aoide insisted only for protection, as one of her rivals had hired a mercenary and sent soldiers after her, and she just wanted to level the playing field. When Aoide asked Kassandra to wipe out every last one of the Spartans, Kassandra said that she had already done so, and Aoide paid Kassandra for her help.

Kassandra discovering Menon and Laneira

Kassandra discovering Menon and Laneira

Kassandra then returned to the treasuries, where she discovered a note reading, "Take all that you can carry, and meet me at the ruins where we first consummated our love. Soon we will be free." Kassandra decided to return to the destroyed house, where she deduced from the guard's testimony that the torches had been headed, and she found Menon and Laneira trysting on the second floor of the destroyed house. Kassandra confronted them, telling them, "So, thieves, I finally catch you." Laneira responded, "Please, we're not thieves," but Kassandra responded, "Yet here you are with stolen goods." Menon put up his hands defensively and said, "You don't understand, this is rightfully ours. It's our inheritance." Kassandra asked how all of the wealth could be theirs, and the two explained, "It belongs to our families—by blood it's rightfully ours." Kassandra asked why they would steal something that was already theirs, and Laneira explained, "We wanted a new life. One where we could be free, and our love doesn't have to hide in the shadows."

Kassandra witnessing the parents confronting their children

Kassandra witnessing the parents confronting their children

When Kassandra asked who the two lovers were, Makar walked in and angrily proclaimed, "They are my daughter and his son!" Lelex addressed his son and asked, "This is how you repay me for raising you? By running off with some woman squirted from my enemy's loins?!" Kassandra attempted to defuse the situation, saying, "This robbery has brought you together. Lelex, Makar, you worked together to find out what happened to your drachmae." Makar revealed, "Actually, the guard told us," and the two men accused each other's families of stealing each other's money. Kassandra conceded, "But think how much you could achieve working together," but Makar told her, "You're a misthios. Carry out your duty and kill the thieves. I will pay you handsomely." Laneira protested, but Lelex agreed, saying, "I agree. I will match Makar's price on this. Do what you were hired to do." Kassandra asked in disbelief, "You would kill your own son and daughter?" Makar chuckled and asked Kassandra impatiently, "We have other children. Now, are you a misthios or not?"

Kassandra lamenting Lelex and Makar's deaths

Kassandra lamenting Lelex and Makar's deaths

Kassandra, filled with rage, moved closer to them and declared, "I will not slaughter innocents. Your families would stand a better chance for the future without the both of you." The two men hurriedly looked for something to use as weapons, but Kassandra reluctantly dispatched both of them with her sword and dagger. She mulled over their deaths as Laneira told her lover Menon, "I didn't want it to come to this, but now we can forge a new future for our two families—one built on love." The two lovers held each other in their arms, and Kassandra told them, "I wish you luck with that..." On her way out of the house, Kassandra quickly killed the mercenary Kleobis the Beastmaster, who had been sent to track her down.

Kassandra coming across the priestess harassing Kallipateira

Kassandra coming across the priestess harassing Kallipateira

Kassandra then returned to Olympia, and, while walking past the Hippodrome, she came across the Priestess of Demeter, Periboea, accusing a kneeling woman, proclaiming to a crowd, "This woman has disrespected the gods and shown contempt for tradition." As the crowd shamed her, the woman said that she only wanted to see her son compete, but the Priestess assumed, "You mean you wanted to gaze lustfully upon the bodies of the athletes!" The woman swore that she didn't, and Kassandra stepped in and asked what crime the woman had committed. The priestess responded, "Exactly that - her crime is that she is a woman." Kassandra sarcastically said, "It's news to me that's now a crime. Shouldn't you lock yourself up first, then?" The priestess responded, "I am the Priestess of Demeter—I preside over the Games. She's a married woman who tried to watch them. Disguised as a man, no less!" Kassandra asked why any of that was a crime, so the Priestess explained, "For a married woman, there's too much... temptation." Kassandra then asked the kneeling woman who she was, and she responded, "Kallipateira. I just wanted to see my son compete. My family has a proud lineage at the Olympic Games—my father, brothers, nephew, and son have all won wreaths. Do I not have the right to see them?" The Priestess shouted, "Enough of your lies!", but Kassandra insisted, "She doesn't deserve to be punished like this." The Priestess declared, "This is nothing! Death is the punishment. She shall be thrown from the mountain," and she pointed to Kronion. Kallipateira begged Kassandra, "Help me—prove I have a right to see my son compete," but the Priestess said, "You have no right. You broke a sacred tradition, and for that you will be punished." Kassandra insisted, "Your laws are wrong, and I'll prove it." The Priestess decided, "As you're so outspoken in her defense, I will give you a chance. Present me evidence of Kallipateira's noble heritage—or she will die as she ruled, to appease the gods."

Kassandra meeting Jocasta Pirithoosides

Kassandra meeting Jocasta

Kassandra proceeded to visit the resting area between the Temples of Zeus and Hera, where she found an elderly woman, Jocasta, ogling a statue of a young discus thrower preparing to throw his discus. Kassandra asked her if she knew Kallipateira, and Jocasta responded, "I seen that one, all right. Always hanging round the athletes' tents. Disgraceful, if you know what I mean." Kassandra said that she was not sure what Jocasta meant, and Jocasta continued to say, "All those young, oiled, rippling bodies. Gives you shivers. Muscles everywhere!" Jocasta caught herself fantasizing before saying, "Ahem, disgusting it is, and her a married woman and all." Kassandra noticed that Jocasta was ogling the statue, and she asked, "There's no harm in looking at an attractive man, is there?" Jocasta was irked, and she retorted, "Yes, yes there is! You young ones, always thinking with what's between your legs, and she definitely was. Saw her meet a man regularly on that bench over there." Kassandra responded, "You saw her meet a man? Thank you."

Kassandra meeting Peisirrhodos

Kassandra meeting Peisirrhodos

Kassandra then went over to Ale, a mature athlete, and asked him if he knew Kallipateira. He told her, "I don't know her well, but she dotes on her son—and she's always making offerings." He then explained "For her husband. She's a pious woman. He's long since crossed the Styx, and she misses him terribly... But we all have our time." Kassandra then thanked him for his help, and she later took notice of a poem dedicated by Pindar to Kallipateira, reading "To K, always be proud, little one. Your father is the greatest of pankration champions." Finally, Kassandra met the young athlete Peisirrhodos, and, when she asked if he knew Kallipateira's son, Peisirrhodos responded, "I should hope so—it's me!" Kassandra warned him, "Your mother has been accused of impiety," causing Peisirrhodos to panic. When Peisirrhodos asked if Kassandra knew what the authorities would do to his mother, Kassandra replied, "She's fine for now. She snuck into the stadium to watch you, and I need to prove that she had a right to do it." Peisirrhodos responded, "If anyone did, it was mater. Her brothers were champions, as I am now. No one honors the Olympics like her." Kassandra thanked him and said, "Sit tight, and I'll prove your mother was in her right to attend the Games."

Kassandra meeting Alopex

Kassandra meeting Alopex

On her way back to Kallipateira, Kassandra was stopped by the fidgety street vendor Alopex, who asked, "Hey you, misthios! Would you like to learn about your future?" Kassandra responded, "Thank you. I would like to know what the Fates have planned for me," and he responded, "You would! Yes, of course you would. Everyone wants their future told by the Great Ouzo!" However, Alopex acted shadily when he was unable to come up with a prophecy, ultimately stammering, "You know things, and... it's going to be sunny tomorrow." He then added, "Thank you, thank you. Tell your friends," just as a young girl, Maia, stole a pouch of drachmae from Kassandra's pocket. As the man walked away, Kassandra muttered to herself, "What is it with the Olympics? Everyone's out to make drachmae...", and she then noticed that her pouch was missing and pursued Maia, whom she realized looked like Phoibe and was just as nimble.

Kassandra confronting Maia

Kassandra confronting Maia

Kassandra chased the girl to the back of the Stables of Olympia, and she told Maia, "You led me on a good chase, but I caught you. Hand it over." Maia initially feigned ignorance before giving the drachmae back and pleading, "Here, please don't hurt me. They made me do it, I didn't want to, honest..." As the girl began to cry, Kassandra reassured her, saying, "Hush. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." Maia then tearfully cried, "But the Captain will!" When Kassandra asked her about the Captain, Maia revealed that the Captain put the street children to work as thieves, and, when she asked why the Captain made the girls steal, Maia responded, "For the drachmae, stupid!" Kassandra sharply replied, "You should be more polite to adults," but Maia rebutted, "Why? What've adults done for me?", causing Kassandra to conclude, "Fair enough." Kassandra concluded, "Sounds like this Captain needs a good talking to," and Maia asked of Kassandra, "Don't talk, just hit. He even stole my mater's necklace from me... Says I'll get it back if I steal for him. It's all that I had left of her..." Kassandra agreed to help Maia, and, when Maia asked Kassandra why she cared about her, Kassandra told the girl, "You remind me of someone... Someone very special."

Kassandra returning the necklace to Maia

Kassandra returning the necklace to Maia

Kassandra proceeded to ride to the Endymion Camp in the Psophis Foothills, where she located the captain, Pitholaos. Kassandra stealthily infiltrated the camp and killed several soldiers before duelling Pitholaos, who warned her, "You! Get the f*** out of my camp before I beat you like the dog that you are." Kassandra proceeded to kill him and take back Maia's necklace, and he also set free the captive street children whom the Captain had forced to serve as street thieves. Kassandra returned to Maia shortly after, giving her the necklace. Maia enthusiastically thanked Kassandra and then asked what had happened to Alopex, "You know, the guy who distracted you while I nabbed your purse," and Kassandra responded, "I spared him. He's promised to help you and the others." Maia responded, "Good, I always liked him. He used to share his food with us and stand up for us when the Athenian got mad!" Kassandra then stood and told Maia, "You'll do fine. Take care." As Kassandra walked off, Maia cheered, "Thanks for saving us from the Athenian. Now we get to keep everything we steal!"

Kassandra arriving at the Kronion

Kassandra arriving at the Kronion

Kassandra proceeded to travel to the Kronion, where she found the Priestess of Demeter and the Spartan judge Tarchon Nothonides preparing to "carry out justice" in front of a crowd. Kassandra interrupted the ceremony and told the priestess that she had the proof needed to absolve Kallipateira, and she told the priestess, "Yes. Kallipateira is the daughter of Diagoras. I found the poem of Diagoras of Rhodes dedicated to the family by Pindar." When the priestess asked if the poem proved Kallipateira's story, Kassandra added, "I talked to her son and people who know her. She is a good woman who loves the Games and respects the gods. Her family has turned out champions for three generations." The priest conceded that they may have judged Kallipateira too harshly, and that her family had been "a credit to the Olympic legacy", and the priestess agreed, "As you say, it would be a shame to tarnish such a proud family name." The priestess then turned to Kallipateira and told her, "The gods forgive you. Go." Kallipateira thanked the priestess and then thanked Kassandra, and Kassandra told her, "Nobody deserves such a fate."

Kassandra reuniting with Phidias

Kassandra reuniting with Phidias

Kassandra returned to the Sanctuary of Olympia, where she discovered that Phidias had set up his workshop. She met with Phidias inside, and Phidias greeted her, "Ah, you are a welcome sight. Your beauty brings light into the darkness of what has become my life." Kassandra returned his greeting, but Phidias asked, "Now this is important. No one saw you come here did they?" Kassandra said that she wasn't, and a paranoid Phidias said, "You're sure you weren't followed. Good, good. They're out there, though. Watching, waiting..." Kassandra then asked Phidias who was after him, and Phidias responded, "The Cult of Kosmos. Remember Athens? They never stopped hunting me, Kassandra." Kassandra asked why the Cult would be after Phidias, and he responded, "They want me dead. Moving me here has only bought a little more time. I need your help." When Kassandra asked Phidias what made him feel like he was in trouble, Phidias explained, "The other day I received a scytale, and a note." Kassandra sarcastically responded, "Someone left you a piece of wood and a letter... I can see why you're frightened." Kassandra asked what was so special about the stick, so Phidias explained, "It's not just any stick! The scytale is used by the Spartans to send coded messages," and he said that he needed to get the code before he could show Kassandra how it worked. He then decoded it, reading, "Look to your art... The king of gods has a message to impart." Kassandra was confused, but Phidias reasoned that, as the king of the gods was Zeus, and his art was sculptures the first place she should visit would be the Temple of Zeus at Olympia.

Kassandra entering the Temple of Zeus

Kassandra entering the Temple of Zeus

Kassandra agreed to help Phidias, and she visited the Temple of Zeus, climbed the statue of Zeus, and found a symbol on the side of the statue. She copied it and brought it back to Phidias, and she asked him, "So, what was the message? Did it give you the information you were looking for?" Phidias responded, "In a manner of speaking... The message you gave me, I wrapped it around the rod." Kassandra giggled and suggestively asked, "You wrapped it around your rod?" Phidias excitedly told her, "Yes, the scytale! It's ingenious, the right message for the right rod. Wrap the cloth around it, and the letters should align, giving you the message." Kassandra asked Phidias what the note said, and Phidias said that it was directions. He revealed that it was a list of statues, and that the incomplete message could be completed once all of the statues had been visited. Phidias listed them as the Aphrodite's Beauty statue on Kythera, the Statue of Theagenes on Thasos, and the statue to Poseidon on the Isle of Triton halfway between Samos and Lesbos. Phidias then asked Kassandra to return once she had all the clues, and she then left the workshop to meet up with Barnabas.

Kassandra and Barnabas touring Olympia

Kassandra and Barnabas touring Olympia

Kassandra found Barnabas marvelling at the city of Olympia, and he excitedly told her, "Welcome to the Olympics! Breathe in. Can you not taste the excitement in the air?" The two walked through the city, and a sarcastic Kassandra asked Barnabas, "Are you going to be like this the whole time we're here?" When Barnabas eagerly responded, "By the gods, yes!", Kassandra joked, "I'll try and win quickly then." Barnabas told Kassandra, "Come now. You must be feeling something." Kassandra responded, "I'm just having fun with you. Who wouldn't be impressed?" The pious Barnabas told Kassandra, "It is a place of immortal glory—you can be sure Hera and Zeus will be watching your performance closely." Kassandra sarcastically replied, "Oh, no pressure, then." The two then looked at the grand entrance of the Olympics, and Kassandra commented, "It's certainly impressive. Though I'm sad we'll be missing the chariot races." Barnabas remarked, "Oh, what I would have given to see that!" Barnabas then suggeseted that the two of them visit the Temple of Zeus, the Altar of Zeus, and the Olympic Tree.

Kassandra talking to Dido

Kassandra talking to Dido

As Kassandra walked past the Prytaneion, she came across the female Olympian Dido, who pleaded for Kassandra's help. She said that her father expected her to bring glory to the family by winning the Olympic running competition, but she said that there was another runner she did not believe she could beat. Kassandra suggested, "There are...different ways to achieve glory. We might find creative ways to overcome a rival." Dido revealed that her opponent's family was poor, and suggested that she could either bribe her father or "deal" with the athlete directly.

Kassandra meeting with Barnabas and the butcher at the Altar of Zeus

Kassandra meeting with Barnabas and the butcher at the Altar of Zeus

As Kassandra set out to complete Dido's task, she found Barnabas at the Altar of Zeus, where Barnabas marvelled at the sight of several sacrificed bulls. Barnabas told Kassandra, "To think I would see such an offering to the gods in Olympia itself..." Kassandra remarked, "I've never seen anything like this," and Barnabas eagerly responded, "And this is nothing! On the final day the mageiros will slaughter a hundred bulls for the hecatomb to honor Zeus." Kassandra was appetized by the food, but Barnabas said that the food was not for people like them. Kassandra proceeded to approach one of the men tending to the sacrificed bulls and offered him some drachmae to give Barnabas some of the beef, and the man remarked that he wouldn't mind some extra drachmae. Barnabas thanked Kassandra, who said that she had done so gladly, as she knew how much the Olympics met to Barnabas. They then decided to meet up next at the Temple of Zeus.

Kassandra recruiting Korinne

Kassandra recruiting Korinne

Along the way, Kassandra came across Korinne, the athlete whom Dido wanted Kassandra to remove from the competition. Kassandra told her, "You've made a few enemies, stranger. Including the person who hired me." Korinne calmly responded, "No one has to die here. What would it take to make you walk away?" Kassandra responded, "Maybe you could disappear another way...Like aboard my ship?" Korinne joked, "I'm to leave my family behind and sail with a mercenary sent to kill me," but then decided, "So be it."

Temple of Zeus interior

Kassandra and Barnabas visiting the Temple of Zeus

On her way back to Dido, Kassandra found Barnabas marveling at the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, and an excited Barnabas told Kassandra, "I heard it's one of the wonders of the world—and sculpted by your friend, Phidias!" Kassandra then laughingly retorted, "I'd hardly say friend. Even acquaintance might be pushing it." When Barnabas asked, "Can't you just feel the presence of Zeus and Hera when you stand here?", Kassandra sarcastically responded, "I thought it was the wind," causing the pious Barnabas to angrily bark back, "Don't mock the gods." Kassandra apologized, saying, "I'm sorry. I don't want my feelings to cast a shadow on your day." Barnabas reassured her, telling her, "Don't think of yourself as tortured by the gods, but as molded for greatness by their hands." Kassandra insisted, "I am molded by no one's hands. If the gods know me, they watch in silence." Barnabas sighed and told his friend, "Come. Let's leave this place. Fortunately for you, I have enough faith for the both of us!" The two of them then decided to visit the Olympic Tree, the last sight to see in Olympia.

Kassandra informing Dido of her success

Kassandra informing Dido of her success

Kassandra stopped along the way to inform Dido of her success, remarking, "She's no longer a concern." Dido told Kassandra, "You do good work, friend," and gave her a drachmae reward. Dido also agreed to join Kassandra aboard her ship, where she would become crewmates with her Olympic rival. With Dido's job completed, Kassandra decided to find Barnabas at the Olympic Tree to finish their sightseeing.

Kassandra and Barnabas at the Olympic Tree

Kassandra and Barnabas at the Olympic Tree

When the two met at the tree, they found a cheering crowd gathered there as well, and Kassandra sarcastically asked, "You brought me to see a tree?" Barnabas responded, "Not just any tree. This is the sacred tree from which the winners kotinos are made." Kassandra retorted that she would rather have drachmae than a wreath, but Barnabas explained, "A kotinos is no ordinary wreath. The olive branches are harvested by children and taken to the temple of Hera. There, the Hellanodikai, or judges, make the wreaths." Kassandra joked, "I guess they'll be lighter to carry back to Sparta than gold," and Barnabas joked back, "At least you see the practicality, if not the wonder, of the Olympic wreaths."

Barnabas and Kassandra embracing

Barnabas and Kassandra embracing

With the tour over, Kassandra thanked Barnabas for taking her on a tour of Olympia, telling her old friend, "Thank you for this. I hope I wasn't too much of a distraction." A touched Barnabas responded, "No, it was made better by your company," and the two shared an embrace before Barnabas encouraged Kassandra, "A flock of harpies couldn't dampen my spirits—we're at the Olympics! You're competing, and I believe you'll win." Kassandra laughed heartily, and the two of them parted ways as Kassandra continued to look for work around Olympia.

Kassandra meeting Aletes

Kassandra meeting Aletes

During her travels through Olympia, Kassandra met the street vendor Aletes, who was unenthusiastically crying out, "Come on, place your bets. Place your bets now! Aletes has plenty of drachmae for you to win..." Kassandra remarked to him, "Your pitch could use some work. You'd attract more customers if you sounded more... enthusiastic." Aletes lowered his voice and told Kassandra, "Everyone's betting against Pithekos. Rumor is, he's off his game. If it's true, I'm going to be ruined!" Kassandra offered, "What if I recited a poem? One of Pindar's... You know, to inspire him to greatness." Aletes nervously responded, "Look, um, Pithekos is good, but, uh, he's not really that kind of athlete." When Kassandra asked to hear Aletes' plan, he responded, "Just... go see what's wrong. See if there's a way to help him win... For Athens. For drachmae!" Kassandra agreed, and Aletes offered to share Pithekos' winnings with her if Pithekos won.

Kassandra meeting Pithekos

Kassandra meeting Pithekos

Kassandra proceeded to meet with Pithekos at the bottom of the steps, and she told him that Aletes had sent her to help him. He responded, "Really? Can you perform wonders?" Kassandra joked, "On occasion," so Pithekos asked if she could fix his lucky javelin. Kassandra asked if he wasn't meant to use the official javelins, but Pithekos responded that his javelin was his "lucky" one, leading to Kassandra redponding, "Superstition must be part of being an Olympic athlete... Under the eyes of the gods and all." Pithekos told Kassandra, "Look, my javelin was hollow as a reed and nearly as light. But it looked just like an Olympic one. If you really want to help, bring me another like it, and I'll win the Games for Athens... And Aletes." When Kassandra asked where she could get a javelin, Pithekos suggested that she could buy one or steal one from another Olympian, and Kassandra set out to acquire a javelin for him.

Kassandra buying a javelin from the street vendor

Kassandra buying a javelin from the street vendor

Kassandra decided to buy Pithekos a standard javelin from a street vendor, and, when she asked the vendor if she sold javelins, the elderly woman eagerly replied, "Of course! Lucky you, I still have some left. With the Games on, they sell out fast." When Kassandra asked if the javelins were any good, the vendor responded, "The best! Fly fast and true, rest assured. But they'll cost you." Kassandra decided to purchase one for 2,000 drachmae, so the vendor happily responded, "Thank you, and may it fly far!" Kassandra then brought the javelin back to Pithekos, who told her, "Hey, this javelin's amazing! Light, easy to handle, and most importantly, looks just like the real thing." Kassandra told the athlete, "I'm glad I could help. Go with Nike, my friend."

Kassandra returning to Aletes

Kassandra returning to Aletes

Kassandra then returned to Aletes and told him that she had succeeded, and, when Aletes asked Kassandra if she wished to bet on Pithekos, she decided to bet 3,000 drachmae. Kassandra quipped, "You can never have enough drachmae. This will be an easy bounty." Pithekos was amazed at Kassandra's large bet, and he told her that the event was the next day, and asked her to arrive on time. However, when the next day came, Kassandra arrived slightly too late, but Pithekos gave Kassandra the returns for her stake, telling her, "Where were you? You missed everything. Look at this, what a magnificent throw!" Kassandra then told Aletes, "As long as I made a profit, I'm happy. Now pay me." Kassandra was paid 7,018 drachmae, and she then decided to finally meet with Paios, the pankration organizer, and compete in the games.

Kassandra meeting Paios the official

Kassandra meeting Paios the official

Kassandra met with Paios at the Stadium, where Paios was barking for the final check-ins for pankration fighters. When Kassandra said that she was there for the pankration, Paios responded, "You must be joking. The only fighter we're missing is Testikles." Kassandra jokingly placed her hands on her hips and declared, "I'm Testikles." An incredulous Paios asked, "You're Testikles?! The same Testikles I went out drinking with last season, the one who made advances on my wife... and brother?" Kassandra merely responded, "Er... The diet and training is... transformative." When Paios continued to be incredulous, Kassandra told him, "The people came for a show. I'll give them one." Paios resigned and told her, "This is unprecedented, but the crowd will riot if the pankration is cancelled. Very well. The competition begins shortly." Kassandra then nodded and changed into her athletic attire before stepping into the ring, where she was to face the pankratiast Orion.

Kallias presiding over Kassandra and Orion's fight

Kassandra and Orion preparing for their fight

As Kassandra walked into the ring, the crowd, including an enthusiastic Alcibiades, cheered for her, as well as her opponent Orion. The judge Leander then announced to the crowd, "Welcome all, it is my pleasure to introduce to you Kallias. A former champion here in this stadium, and now an esteemed judge in Olympia." Kallias addressed the crowd, "My friends, it is an honor for me to introduce this event, one so close to my heart. The pankration! I will not delay you with words, for we all want to see action. For Zeus, let the competition commence!" Orion then warned Kassandra, "I'll squish you like a bug." However, Kassandra quickly beat down Orion, and Leander cheered as she destroyed Orion, declaring, "This is a fight you'll talk about for a long time!"

Kassandra meeting her opponent, Erastos

Kassandra meeting her opponent, Erastos

After Orion conceded, Kassandra asked Kallias, "That was your best?" Kallias responded, "That was but the beginning," and Kassandra was shocked; Leander then announced, "Now that our contestant is warmed up, let's see what she can do against Erastos!" Kallias then wished the competitors good luck, while Erastos warned them, "Don't blink or you'll be seeing stars!" Kassandra was able to beat down the more nimble Erastos as well as Alcibiades cheered for her, and, while Erastos was defeated, the jolly Leander told her, "The crowd loves you... but you're not done yet." Kassandra was again incredulous, but Erastos told her, "A fine offering to the gods, wouldn't you say? Soon, we will return for the final contest - the mighty Kassandra against our reigning champion, Dorieus!" Kassandra merely sighed and walked off, and she changed back into her normal garb before meeting with Alcibiades and Barnabas.

Kassandra watching a poisoned Alcibiades collapsing

Kassandra watching a poisoned Alcibiades collapsing

Barnabas cheered, telling Kassandra, "Astounding! To think I could be a companion to an Olympic champion." Alcibiades then told her, "You're even better at sparring than I am—", only to grasp his chest and continue, "Though if Sokrates were a more willing partner..." He then collapsed and retched, and, when Barnabas asked Alcibiades if he was alright, he said, "I was... with my friends Demophanes and Kallias. Respected Olympic judges, no less..." Kassandra then asked, "Too much cheap wine?", but Barnabas told Alcibiades, "You look like you drank from Medea's cup...," leading to Kassandra realizing that Alcibiades may have been poisoned while celebrating. Alcibiades told her, "It's the Olympics. What's not to celebrate? We were at the Leonidaion," so Kassandra told Alcibiades that, "If you've been poisoned, I need to find these judges." Alcibiades then told Kassandra, "Poisoned? Do you think that they could be too or... No. Never! They're good men you can't think one of them... They host a celebration every Olympics to celebrate the sacred truce." Alcibiades proceeded to vomit, so Kassandra told Barnabas to stay with Alcibiades as she found out what had happened.

Kassandra publicly stabbing Kallias

Kassandra publicly stabbing Kallias

Kassandra, now convinced that Kallias was a Cultist, found Kallias walking alone down the street. Without a word, she walked up behind him and stabbed him in the back with the Spear of Leonidas, and she then finished him off with a lunge of the spear into his chest. On his body, she discovered a letter from the Peloponnesian League Sage reading, "Redblood, the Olympic truce is hanging by a threat in these tormented times. We need to sever that thread. Now is the time to appear strong. Even within our own ranks, only strength commands fear. And only fear brings respect. I'm giving you this opportunity. Don't make me look weak for trusting you. The true blood runs red."

Kassandra confronting Priam

Kassandra confronting Priam

When Kassandra arrived at the Leonidaion, she found the corpses of men and women alike, and she found that, while the food smelled strange, it wasn't rotten; additionally, she saw poisoned wine jugs sitting atp a storage chest, as well as a banquet supply list which named the merchant as Priam. Kassandra decided to pay Priam a visit, finding the merchant in his shop near the stables. She killed a Cult guard before confronting Priam, cracking her knuckles and telling him, "Now we're going to have a conversation." Priam begged for mercy, telling her, "Please, please, I was just doing what I was told." Kassandra told him, "I'm not after you, just whoever wanted this done," so a scared Priam told her, "I don't know, I never saw him. I just thought he wanted to fix a race, but then I saw what started happening and I knew they'd been poisoned." She then said, "My friend Alkibiades — I need to save him," and Priam told her, "You'll like find the antidote up at Fort Koroibos." Kassandra told the merchant, "Whoever did this will pay. Go, and don't let me see your face again," and Priam thanked her as he ran off.

Women dancing near Kallias' body

Kassandra walking past women dancing near Kallias' body

As Kassandra backtracked on her way to Fort Koroibos, she walked past Kallias' body, which remained uncollected and in the middle of the walkway, and she witnessed the strange site of women dancing next to it, as if the joy of the Olympics overcame any disgust or fear about the murder they may have felt. Regardless, Kassandra ran through the unoccupied Stadium and then up a cliffside, where she found Fort Koroibos. There, she assassinated the Athenian strategos Theodekles of Erimanthia, the polemarchos Pylaios of Alifeira, and the soldiers Altes Procrustides, Phorcys Pittacides, and Mesaulius Maronides, among many others.

Polybios, Agent of Dionysos death

Kassandra killing Polybios, Agent of Dionysos

Once again, Kassandra found herself tracked down by mercenaries, first killing Mantios, Poseidon's Oath in an ambush, and then killing Hydna the Smoldering on the ramparts, shooting Lethos the Cerberus in the face with a poison arrow, killed The False Leonidas on the walls, mortally wounded and then fatally stabbed Syntyche the Translucent, killed Apollodoros the Barbarian in the hedges, and stabbed Polybios, Agent of Dionysos in the back in an ambush, finishing off the seven mercenaries sent after her.

Alcibiades drinking the antidote

Alcibiades drinking the antidote

Kassandra proceeded to find the antidote and run it back to Alcibiades, and the antidote took effect immediately as Alcibiades drank it. Alcibiades then asked Kassandra and Barnabas, "Ugh, more wine please, to wash away the taste." Barnabas then proclaimed "A treatment worthy of Hippocrates!" Alcibiades then looked up to Kassandra, smiling wryly, and told her, "I can already feel my stamina returning..." Barnabas then realized that the Olympics were not over, and asked Kassandra if she still had one last fight in the Pankration. Kassandra decided to go, and Barnabas and Alcibiades came with her. Along the way, she assassinated the Elean king Simmias, Warrior of Zeus, whom she discovered had placed the bounty on her.

Kassandra facing Dorieus

Kassandra facing Dorieus

When Kassandra met with Paios at the stadium that night, Paios warned her, "Your next opponent is Doreius—claims to be descended from Herakles himself!" Kassandra announced that she was ready, and, when Paios asked if Kassandra had ever faced an Olympic champion before, Kassandra replied, "No, but I've gotten this far." Paios then remarked, "Well, you don't look the part—you're not even oiled, for Zeus's sake!" However, Kassandra told him, "I do have some oil. It could come in handy... and it smelled good. I'll use it." Kassandra then declared, "I've fought all sorts of people... and they were with more than just their fists. Let me in there." After oiling up and changing her outfit, Kassandra walked out to face Dorieus. Leander commented, "Huh. You smell better than last time," but Kassandra told him, "Let's get this over with," to which Leander responded by cheering, "For Hera!"

Leander announcing the final round of the Pankration

Leander announcing the final round of the Pankration

Leander then announced to the crowd, "We've seen our esteemed newcomer rise quickly to become a contender...But let's see how she goes against our reigning champion... Dorieus!" Dorieus proceeded to enter the arena and gesticulate, and he took his mark and stretched his shoulders. He and Kassandra proceeded to fight, and Kassandra surprisingly overpowered the massive Dorieus, landing powerful blows without taking too many in return; Dorieus threatened her, telling her, "I will suck the marrow from your bones!". Ultimately, she knocked out Dorieus, and Leander proclaimed, "Victory! Nike!" as the crowd applauded.

Kassandra celebrating her Olympic victory

Kassandra celebrating her Olympic victory

Kassandra was then taken to the Olympic Tree, where Leander crowned Kassandra of Sparta the pre-eminent Olympic champion, and Sparta as the overall winner. Leander proclaimed, "The gods have looked kindly on these, our champions... but there can only be one winner! SPARTA!!!" Kassandra smiled as she was crowned with her Olympic laurels, and Leander proclaimed to Kassandra, "Yours is eternal glory!" Kassandra then struck a victory pose as the audience cheered, and, with the Olympics over and Sparta victorious, Kassandra decided to return to Sparta in triumph.

Kassandra returning to Lysander

Kassandra returning to Lysander

On her return to Sparta, Kassandra found Perdix the Wayfarer leaving the city, so she stabbed him in the back on the road out of Sparta, killing him and his pet wolf to fulfill her earlier contract. She also visited Lysander, having assembled the requisite number of Athenian polemarchs' seals for him. Lysander told her, "The blood of the enemy will show our leaders that my strategy is the right one." Kassandra presented the seals, saying, "These seals should help convince them," and Lysander informed her, "You've done well. Our troops are on the move." While Kassandra said of the Athenians, "They underestimate Spartans," Lysander responded, "They consider me much lower than a Spartan." He then told her, "Time to strike again. Athenian command will be slow to retaliate. Ready to kill more of their fort commanders?" Kassandra agreed, and Lysander lamented, "Only fools want war. And so far it seems both sides are made of fools."


Kassandra meeting Sosipatros

Kassandra meeting Sosipatros

Kassandra then decided to rendezvous with her mother and Brasidas in Arcadia, recalling that their plan was to meet up at the Statue of Artemis in the Cedar. During her ride, she cleared the Telephos Bandit Camp and rescued a captured Spartan from the bandits, and she then reached the statue, where she found the mercenary Sosipatros the Archon's Servant waiting for her. When she asked who the man was, he responded, "Me? I'm no one. But you? You're even godlier than Brasidas said you'd be. It should be your statue between these trees." Kassandra then asked, "Brasidas? What does he have to do with this?" Sosipatros responded, "Warrior, he said! Look for the mighty warrior with the broken spear. I added the godly bit." Kassandra, seeking to impress her fellow mercenary, responded, "Brasidas knows a warrior when he sees one. Word of my deeds will outlive any statue." Sosipatros responded, "Of course! Your story should be sung from the mountain tops. In Arkadia you are already a legend." When he asked Kassandra if he wanted to speak with Breasidas and a woman who looked like her, Kassandra asked the mercenary to tell her where they went, and he responded, "I should. It's what Brasidas paid me for, after all." Kassandra then asked, "Then why don't you?" Sosipatros answered, "He didn't pay enough," and he drew his sword to attack Kassandra.

Kassandra overlooking a defeated Sosipatros

Kassandra overlooking a defeated Sosipatros

Kassandra proceeded to defeat Sosipatros in the ensuing fight, and he remarked to himself, "'My story will outlive any statue.' Who says that?" Kassandra then threatened Sosipatros, telling him, "Tell me where they are, or I'll cut that s***-eating grin off your s***-eating face!" Sosipatros jeered, "He said you had a nasty temper. He wasn't wrong," only for Kassandra to tell him, "Tell me where my mater is and you may walk out of here alive." He responded, "You show mercy. Arkadia will give you none in return," so Kassandra drew her spear and threatened him until he told her, "You'll find them on a hill - a cliff overlooking Tegea." She then threatende him and told him, "Brasidas didn't pay you enough? Who did? Tell me, or I'll wrap your guts around your neck and hang you from that tree!" Sosipatros explained, "The Archon. He's paying more for your head than Brasidas could afford in two lifetimes." When Kassandra said that he wanted a name, Sosipatros explained, "Lagos. His name is Lagos. And he's the most powerful man in Arkadia - he who controls the grain, controls the world." Kassandra jeered, "You threatened the wrong people, maláka," but a cowardly Sosipatros rebutted, "I don't threaten, I promise!"

Kassandra confronting Sosipatros

Kassandra confronting Sosipatros

Kassandra reluctantly decided to spare Sosipatros, saying, "Consider yourself lucky. I've seen enough blood." Sosipatros instead taunted her, telling her, "Oh, but you'll be seeing a lot more. Welcome to Arkadia, Kassandra." As Sosipatros turned around to walk away, Kassandra knocked him out, and she decided to force him to serve on the Adrestia, where she could put his martial skills to use while forcing him to work hard to regain the honor he had lost by betraying her; she also considered leaving him under the deck as an oarsman to torture him in revenge for his betrayal and his sneers.

Kassandra meeting up with Brasidas and Myrrine in Arcadia

Kassandra meeting up with Brasidas and Myrrine in Arcadia

Kassandra then rode to the town of Tegea, which she explored from atop the Sanctuary of Athena Polias. She then visited the Temple of Demeter and Kore on Tegea's acropolis, killing several Spartan soldiers and looting the temple's valuables. She then rode through the rural Pan's Cradle region until she found her mother and Brasidas discussing strategy on a cliffside. There, she heard the two arguing, with Myrrine saying, "I want the Archon dead," and Brasidas saying, "None of this makes sense. This isn't the Lagos I know." When Kassandra approached them, Myrrine told her, "Thank the gods you found us," and Kassandra confirmed that she had received their message. She then told Brasidas, "Your messenger is lucky to be alive. He betrayed you, Brasidas." Brasidas then theorized, "These Cultists Myrrine told me about - they knew you were coming and must have forced Lagos to place the bounty on your heads. Trusting anyone in Arkadia will be difficult now." Myrrine then continued the argument, saying, "Which is why I say we put that Archon's head on a pike. Our message to the puppet King in Sparta will be clear."

Kassandra strategizing with Myrrine and Brasidas

Kassandra strategizing with Myrrine and Brasidas

Kassandra proclaimed, "Let's find out more about what's going on in Arkadia. We should be able to solve this Lagos problem without too many beheadings." Brasidas recalled, "After what happened to the Monger in Korinthia..."; Kassandra also recalled, "That crowd wanted blood," but Brasidas responded, "Violence doesn’t always solve problems." Brasidas then said, "Whatever happens, we need Lagos alive. Arkadia is Sparta's breadbasket, and Lagos keeps it full." Myrrine stressed, "That man is working for the Cult of Kosmos, not Sparta," but Brasidas suggested that they free Lagos from the Cult's grasp, causing Kassandra to ask why Lagos would want to leave. Brasidas responded, "Bounties and threats aren't Lagos' style. He's a farmer, not a killer." Kassandra then asked Brasidas what he hdd in mind, and he told her, "Unlike your mother, I think we can handle this quietly. I'm going to begin by investigating a safe house he keeps. There might be some evidence there." Kassandra also asked her mother about her plan, and Myrrine said, "I still say we send the Archon to Hades. Upsetting Sparta's breadbasket will send the false king searching for crumbs." Myrrine then turned to Brasidas and told him, "The Archon is no longer the man you knew. The Cult has him now." Kassandra decided that Brasidas' strategy made sense, and, while Brasidas responded, "Thank you. I'm glad you agree," Myrrine responded, "You're letting sentimentality cloud your judgment," to which Brasidas responded by stating, "Thousands of Spartans depend on Lagos for food and protection. His death would bring chaos."

Kassandra and Brasidas planning their next move

Kassandra and Brasidas planning their next move

Brasidas then walked over to the cliff's edge to overlook Tegea, and he told Kassandra, "There's a farmhouse northeast of Tegea where he has a safe house. Meet me there before you do anything you'll regret." Brasidas then took his leave, and Myrrine approached the cliff; Kassandra asked what would happen if Brasidas' plan didn't work, to which Myrrine responded by saying, "The Archon hides like a coward in Fort Samikon. You can't miss that monstrosity. You could go after him now, but be careful - he's well-defended." Kassandra decided, "Then we must weaken his defenses," and Myrrine told Kassandra, "He's got barracks full of guards and silos full of grain...It would be a shame if any came to harm." When Kassandra asked where Lagos' guards were stationed, Myrrine told her, "Some rest their heads at a barracks in Tegea. There's also a camp and a fort in Smuggler's Forest. Destroy his guards there, and his defenses will be weakened." She also asked where Lagos' silos were, so Myrrine revealed, "The Archon stores his wheat in Pan's Cradle. Set the silos alight, and his livelihood will go up in smoke." Kassandra decided to get to work, and Myrrine wished her good luck.

Pratinos the Seductive death

Kassandra killing Pratinos the Seductive

Kassandra first came across the Echemos Camp, where she assassinated the Spartan strategoi Phaidon of Piana and Phalaris of Dimitsana and looted the camp's valuables. She was soon tracked down by mercenaries on her tail, and she first killed Prokopios the Businessman after he rode into the camp and battled her at the entrance and atop a tent. As Kassandra left, Pratinos the Seductive pursued her, but she was able to lure him into the woods, sneak up on him, and impale him through the back with her spear. Back in the camp, she also killed Alexa the Absurd.

Kassandra burning Lagos' silos

Kassandra burning Lagos' silos

With the mercenaries dead, Kassandra set about further weakening Lagos' grip. While riding through the countryside, she came across a farm with two silos, and she proceeded to throw torches at them to destroy them and create chaos. Additionally, she found a bandit camp at the Untilled Plains, and she proceeded to kill the marauders who had taken refuge there, as well as stealing their treasures. Afterwards, Kassandra made her way to Lagos' Compound, where the rest of the silos were under heavy guard.

Kassandra and Brasidas searching for proof at Lagos' safehouse

Kassandra and Brasidas searching for proof at Lagos' safehouse

In the ensuing fight, Kasssandra killed several Spartan soldiers, but she also found herself facing several mercenary pursuers. She first killed Hierax the Vigilant, watched as Timonax the Art Collector was killed by a lion, and killed Menelaos the Hen-Heart, and she proceeded to clear the compound of Spartan troops. Afterwards, she rode past the Tegea Barracks and joined Brasidas at the Archon's residence, where she saw Brasidas searching for proof against Lagos. When Kassandra asked what the place was, Brasidas explained, "Lagos is a very public figure in Arkadia. This is where he handles his more private affairs." She then asked, "Remind me—why are you covering for the man who wants me and my mother dead?" Brasidas explained, "I've known Lagos a long time. He got supplies through to my lines when my soldiers were starving. For him to act so dishonorably is completely out of character." Kassandra also asked what Brasidas was looking for, and he said that he wanted to find out who was manipulating Lagos. The two then joked about Brasidas' supposed aversion to bloodshed, but, as Brasidas began to recall the Battle of Thermopylae and how the Greeks had come together against a common enemy, Kassandra quieted him, as she heard nearby voices.

Kassandra overhearing the Cult guardian

Kassandra overhearing the Cult guardian

Just then, she heard a Cult guard instruct a messenger to deliver a letter to the Scorched Tree near a golden field, where someone would meet them and take the letter to a hideout. After the Cultists left, Brasidas told Kassandra, "A letter from Lagos? It could have the answers we need." Kassandra told Brasidas to keep searching the house as she followed the Cultists, and she made her way to the tree and ambushed the five Cultist guards there. She then freed a captive woman, the slave Eriopis, who revealed that she was brought to the tree with Lagos' family, and that the family was held below ground with many guards. Kassandra then instructed the slave, "I need you to go tell my friend Brasidas I've found them. He should be in an old farmhouse northeast of Tegea." The woman responded, "I'll do it. Thank the gods you came to help us!" Kassandra then made her way to the abandoned farmhouse nearby, and she found an open well, deducing that it was the entrance to the hideout.

Kassandra rescuing Philonoe and Niloxenos

Kassandra rescuing Philonoe and Niloxenos

Kassandra proceeded to climb down the well, where she killed the Cultists guarding two cages. She then released Philonoe and her young son Niloxenos, and she revealed that Brasidas had sent her. When Niloxenos asked if they were going home, a terrified Philonoe said that she had no idea, and she told Kassandra, "We've been trapped in this filthy cave for days with no word from Lagos whatsoever." Kassandra responded, "You're free, but it's not safe to return to Lagos, yet," and the young boy asked if the "scary men" were still with his father. Kassandra proceeded to ask Philonoe what she knew about the Cult of Kosmos, and Philonoe shared, "Only in whispers... Ever since my husband found new 'business partners,' they've stationed guards around our home. For our safety, he said. Then one day, those guards dragged us here." Kassandra then knelt down and told Niloxenos, "They're making your pater do things he doesn't want to do. I'll find Lagos and release him from these scary men." Philonoe then asked, "And what of us? I can't go back to that wretch, and now that these guards are dead, we're in danger." Kassandra told her, "For now, go to my friend, Brasidas. He'll meet you at the safe house northeast of Tegea," and Philonoe added that Lagos had his secret meetings there. Niloxenos asked his skeptical mother if she was angry, but Philonoe composed herself and told Kassandra, "I am grateful you saved us. We'll go find Brasidas. Chaire."

Archytas Kritiasides

Kassandra killign the Spartan soldier Archytas Kritiasides at the Tegea Barracks

Kassandra then returned to above ground and rode to the Kepheus Camp, where she killed its captain Abantes and the mercenary Eileithyia the Dancer. Afterwards, she cleared the Abandoned Hunting Camp and came across the Fort of Arkas, where she killed the strategos Theodekles, the soldiers Epicurus Odysseides, Hermon Helicaonides, and Posides Heraklides, and the polemarchos Theron of Iraia. With the fort and camp cleared, Kassandra decided to travel to the barracks to clear it of Lagos' troops as well. She killed the strategos Theodoros of Tegea as well as his soldier Archytas Kritiasides, among others, isolating Lagos in his fortress at Fort Samikon.

A view of the Peloponnesian coast from Arcadia

Kassandra looking out over Arcadia

Kassandra proceeded to ride through the Lykosoura Highlands, clearing the Origins of the Karyatids shrine of the Followers of Ares before riding to the ruins of Lycosura, climbing atop an old tower, and observing the region for herself. She then came across the River Camp, where she killed its few Spartan defenders before killing the mercenary Philon the Beast Caller and his bear as well. Kassandra then mounted her horse and rode past the Racecourse of Atalanta to the Arrachion Camp, where she killed several bandits, including their leader, Loxias of Panagia.

Kassandra sneaking up on Lagos

Kassandra sneaking up on Lagos

Kassandra proceeded to climb the steep cliff up from the Arrachion Camp to Fort Samikon, stealthily assassinating the wall guards Mnesiphilos Oenemausides, Polydius Harmocydides, and Theoclymnius Lycophonides before making her way into Lagos' study. She found Lagos awake and looking over some scrolls, and he greeted her, "I knew you'd come find me sooner or later." Kassandra asked, "What tipped you off?", so Lagos turned and responded, "You killed my soldiers. But—You helped my family when I couldn't. Even if we're apart, I know they're safe thanks to you." Kassandra replied, "It's the least I could do." Lagos then lamented, "The world is so chaotic now," and Kassandra asserted, "The Cult made it that way." Lagos continued, "We're living in divided times. Sparta against Athens. Old against new." Kassandra chuckled to herself and asked him, "And you think the Cultists aren't stoking the flames on both sides?" Lagos then responded, "I've seen what they can do. What they're willing to do. I want what's best for Arkadia... I'll consider what you have to say."

Kassandra confronting Lagos in his study

Kassandra confronting Lagos in his study

Kassandra tried to persuade Lagos to change for the better, telling him, "It's not too late. Leave the Cult of Kosmos and join Brasidas." However, Lagos retorted, "You expect me to trust you? After how you slaughtered the Monger? I know what you do to Cultists. I won't bow my head just for you to cut it off." Kassandra, disappointed that Lagos had grown paranoid about her, assured him, "That wasn't my plan." The defiant Lagos then responded, "Then I should thank you for letting me face death as Spartans do."

Kassandra standing over Lagos' body

Kassandra standing over Lagos' body

In spite of her efforts to peacefully resolve the situation, Kassandra was forced to fight Lagos, who took up arms against her. Kassandra, still hoping that she could force Lagos to surrender, used her bare hands against the spear-wielding Lagos, ultimately knocking him unconscious. However, with a bloody and unrepentant Lagos laying before her, Kassandra painfully determined that Lagos would still be a threat, and she forced herself to plunge her spear fragment into Lagos' chest, confirming his death. She then proceeded to clear the rest of the fort of Spartan soldiers and of treasures, and she ruefully returned to Brasidas and Myrrine to tell them the news.

Kassandra telling Brasidas and Myrrine of Lagos' death

Kassandra telling Brasidas and Myrrine of Lagos' death

Kassandra met with Myrrine and Brasidas on the hill overlooking Fort Samikon, and she tersely said, "He's dead." Brasidas lamented, "This complicates things," while Myrrine vindictively declared, "One less Cultist. Seems simple enough." Brasidas angrily said, "Lagos was a dear friend once. I should have been there." Kassandra responded, "I'm sorry, Brasidas. But when Lagos joined the Cult, he sealed his fate." An infuriated Brasidas exasperatedly told Kassandra, "So you executed the Monger in public against my advice, and now you kill Lagos? If you were under my command—you wouldn’t be, anymore." Kassandra then raised her finger and told Brasidas, "I don't follow orders. I do what I have to." Brasidas then concluded, "So it’s done. I suppose you'll be wanting to report the news to Sparta soon." Kassandra pointed out, "We may have won the wreath, but the kings also wanted us to conquer the Boeotians," and Myrrine added, "True, you are needed there before we return."

The trio preparing to leave Arcadia

The trio preparing to leave Arcadia

Brasidas, who had composed himself, took his leave, saying, "Myrrine. You are as determined as ever. I'm sure you will regain your house soon." He then turned to Kassandra and said, "With Lagos dead, arrangements must be made to ensure Sparta doesn't starve." Kassandra then reflected on their success, declaring, "Arkadia is safe once more." Myrrine added, "And the bounty is lifted. We are free to travel without fear," and Kassandra proclaimed, "Then let's continue our journey." Brasidas then bowed and took his leave, and Kassandra and Myrrine held each other's arms before Myrrine clasped Kassandra's cheeks; Myrrine then took her leave as well, and Kassandra set out for Boeotia.


Orkos the God Speaker death

Kassandra assassinating Orkos the God Speaker

Kassandra then returned to Boeotia, arriving in 427 BC, shortly after the conclusion of the Siege of Plataea and the city's destruction by the Thebans. Kassandra decided to visit the city of Thebes before joining the Spartan army at its mountain camp, and she climed the Cadmeia to observe the rest of the city. She also decided to visit the Acropolis of Thebes, where she looted its valuables after killing the Athenian strategos Chremon and his troops. On her way out of the city. Kassandra found King Orkos the God Speaker walking with his guards, so she shuffled her way past his guards and assassinated him before running off. Kassandra found herself pursued by Arachne the Lion Born, Okealos the Sightless, and Aglea the Poison Drinker, but she managed to outrun them as she rode out of Thebes and to the Spartan camp.

Brasidas lunging at Kassandra

Brasidas lunging at Kassandra

Kassandra then made her way to the Spartan military camp on a hill overlooking Thebes, entering the polemarch's tent. Before she could identify who she was looking for, Stentor turned and angrily shouted, "You!" Shortly after Kassandra asked his name, the infuriated Stentor puncher her square in the nose, causing Kassandra to stagger back and curse him. Stentor grabbed his spear and prepared to fight her, and Kassandra grabbed her own, warning Stentor that she was there to help. Stentor responded, "Not after Megaris. Not after what you did." Kassandra proceeded to hold up a writ from the king and proclaim, "King Archidamos of Sparta sent me to aid you in securing the region." Stentor snarled, "This is how much he trusts me—he put his faith in a f*****g mercenary."

Kassandra talking to Stentor on the cliffside

Kassandra talking to Stentor on the cliffside

Stentor then walked over to a cliffside platform overlooking Boeotia, and he told Kassandra, "The gods are punishing me with your presence." Kassandra responded, "If I was your punishment, you'd already be dead," and Stentor went on to ask why the kings had sent Kassandra. Kassandra sarcastically replied, "I missed my new brother so much that when Archidamos sent me here, I jumped at the chance." Stentor barked, "Maláka! The Wolf would have ended the war if it weren't for you. Your help will bring nothing but misery." Kassandra then asked about the situation, and Stentor explained, "Everything is fine. The Boeotian rebels are a problem, but nothing we can't handle." She then asked what the Spartan army was doing in Boeotia, and Stentor explained, "We sieged Athens, but Kleon took power and pushed us out. Taking Boeotia will weaken his position. The Wolf was gone—I was needed. I couldn't abandon my men." Kassandra then told Stentor, "You should thank the gods that I've come to help you." Stentor retorted, "The only reason you're still alive is that writ you carry. You're not an ally, just a weapon."

Stentor assigning Kassandra to kill the Boeotian champions

Stentor assigning Kassandra to kill the Boeotian champions

Kassandra responded by asking that Stentor put her to work, saying that she was up to the challenge. Stentor told her, "There are four Boeotian champions fighting for the Athenians: Aristaios, Deianeira, Nesaia, and Drakon. Think you can kill them? I'd like to see you try." Kassandra confidently responded, "I told you we could work this out." She then declared, "Alright then, I'll find these champions and put an end to them." Stentor responded, "I doubt it will be as easy as you think, but I'm relieved to see you can follow orders." When Kassandra asked where she could find the champions, Stentor said that he only knew where two of them were: "there are reports of Aristaios occupying the Military Fort of Gla. Nesaia was last seen in the forest east of Thebes." Kassandra then asked, "I thought the Boeotians hated everyone. Why are they working with Athens?" Stentor explained, "They see both Sparta and Athens as enemies—but Athens got here first, and they agreed to a temporary alliance." She also asked Stentor, "What's so great about these champions? They're just four people against the Spartan military." Stentor responded, "Sparta has its army, and Boeotia has its legends. They're a symbol of what this place used to be." Kassandra decided that she had what she needed, and she decided, "The sooner I get this done, the sooner we take Boeotia for Sparta." As she left the camp, Kassandra saw Philotas the Durable walking through it, but, as he was not after her, she left him alone.

Kassandra killing Deianeira

Kassandra killing Deianeira

Kassandra, having already obtained information on Deianeira, tracked her down as she roamed the countryside. She ambushed her on the road, felling her from her horse and starting an intense swordfight. Deianeira nearly defeated Kassandra several times, but Kassandra was able to dodge Deianeira and utilize fire and poison to increase her sword's lethality. Ultimately, she cut Deianeira down and plunged her spear fragment into Deianeira's chest to confirm her death, eliminating the first Boeotian champion.

Kassandra reuniting with her father at Gla

Kassandra reuniting with her father at Gla

Kassandra then followed Stentor's lead and travelled to the island fortress of Gla to hunt down the champion Aristaios. She used a small boat to cross Lake Kopais to the fort, and she found Aristaos battling a stranger near a cliffside. When Kassandra approached to investigate, she saw Aristaos be skewered on a Spratan's spear, and she realized that the victorious warrior was her father, Nikolaos. Kassandra and Nikolaos were surprised to see each other, and, when Nikolaos asked what Kassandra was doing there, Kassandra said that she had come to kill Aristaos; Nikolaos responded, "He wouldn't have been a challenge for you." Nikolaos then planted his spear in the ground and said that he was glad that their paths had crossed again, and, when Kassandra asked what Nikolaos had been doing since Megaris, Nikolaos responded, "You made me realize in Megaris that I lost my honor long ago. There's no way to go back and make it up to you, but I can fulfill my promise to Stentor now." Kassandra reiterated that Boeotia was the last place where she expected to find her father, and Nikolaos told her, "I left Stentor with the greatest responsibility a man could carry. I couldn't leave him to face it alone." While Kassandra sarcastically said, "How thoughtful," Nikolaos continued, "Killing these champions will weaken the Athenian hold on the region and destroy the rebels' morale.

Kassandra catching up with her father

Kassandra catching up with her father

Kassandra, changing her tone, told her father, "You came all this way to help Stentor? Good. He needs it." Nikolaos declared, "It's about time I started protecting those I care about," and Kassandra agreed with him. Nikolaos then told his daughter, "You've changed so much," but Kassandra insisted, "This is who I've always been. You just weren't there to see it." Nikolaos apologetically told his daughter, "I'll never be able to change that, but I can do something now for someone who needs me. There are things Stentor must hear to succeed." Kassandra replied, "I wish you'd helped me back in Sparta. But Stentor does need help now, even if he doesn't want to admit it." Kassandra, despite disliking Stentor, told her father, "Stentor is as much your family as I am. You can still be there for him," and she patted her father on the shoulder. Nikolaos agreed to, and Kassandra told him, "He may hate me, but I'm glad to have met him... in a way." As Kassandra smiled and turned to leave, her father told her, "Goodbye, Kassandra of Sparta." Nikolaos resolved to return to Stentor and give him guidance, while Kassandra continued her hunt for the Champions of Boeotia.

Kassandra watching the sabotaged brazier at Gla explode

Kassandra watching the sabotaged brazier at Gla explode

Before she did so, however, Kassandra decided to clear the nearby fort of Gla of its Athenian soldiers, burn their war supplies, and loot their valuables. Her infiltration turned into open conflict early on, but she was able to engage in hit-and-run attacks on the garrison, assassinating the strategoi Homer of Distomo, Danaos of Arachova, Polydios of Davleia (shooting him in the face with a poison arrow), Praxiteles of Askri, and Attalos of Thisvi, the polemarchos Marpsas of Karia, and the bounty hunter Thorax of Petra.

Kassandra meeting Telephos

Kassandra meeting Telephos

After clearing the fort, Kassandra rowed a boat across the lake to the city of Orchomenus, where she met the philosopher Telephos, who asked her, "Is violence the natural state of humanity? Is there such a thing as peace, or are there simply moments between attacks?" Kassandra insisted, "I prefer fighting to thinking about fighting. Get to the point." Telephos responded, "Oh, of course. A strong leader dies, and weaker, meaner leaders rise up. The commander of the nearby camp has become violent and tyrannical. He and his soldiers should learn a truth or two." Kassandra determined, "Of course. You want me to deal with the Athenian commander," only to declare, "You haven't heard? That's already been taken care of. By me." Telephos responded, "You kept up your end of the deal. Now it's time I hold up mine. Take this." He then handed Kassandra a bag of drachmae for her unsolicited help.

Mausolos of Orchomenus death

Kassandra killing Mausolos

Kassandra proceeded to explore the city, visiting the House of Pindar, the famed poet. She also accepted bounties on a group of Athenian soldiers who trampled through the forest and burned and destroyed everything in their way, as well as on the politician Mausolos, who refused to do anything about the Daughters of Artemis. She publicly assassinated Mausolos before climbing the Temple of Apollo, from which she observed the rest of Orchomenus. She then confirmed Mausolos' death with a stab to the chest before traveling to Thebes and, from there, to track down the remaining Champions.

Kassandra sneaking up on a training Drakon

Kassandra sneaking up on a training Drakon

Kassandra first ambushed Nesaia at her hunting camp, slaying her and outrunning her bear. During her escape, Kassandra discovered the Tomb of Orion, which she navigated by torchlight. She killed the snakes that attempted to bite her, and she also discovered an ancient stelae and looted the tomb's treasures. Finally, she rode to the shore of Lake Kopais, just outside of Thebes, where she found Drakon training against a wooden post. Kassandra easily snuck up behind him and stabbed him dead, finishing off the last Champion of Boeotia.

Kassandra reuniting with Hippocrates in Thebes

Kassandra reuniting with Hippocrates in Thebes

While on her way back to Stentor's camp, Kassandra stopped in Thebes, where she saw a long procession of people waiting to meet with her old friend, Hippocrates. As Kassandra approached, Hippocrates thanked the gods for her arrival and told her that a hunting party had been attacked outside the city in the Cursed Land of Oedipus. When Kassandra asked if there were any survivors, Hippocrates shared that one of the witnesses still heard screams. Kassandra deduced, "There are many dangerous beasts out in the wild. If someone is injured, they won't last long. Hippocrates responded, "I need you to go and rescue whoever is still alive, and put an end to the dangerous beast that attacked them." Kassandra agreed to destroy the beast and see if there were any survivors, and Hippocrates asked her to bring any survivors to him, so that he could see if he could treat them.

Kassandra killing the large white bear

Kassandra killing the large white bear

Kassandra proceeded to ride into the countryside, and she soon came across the site of the ambush at Snake Head Rock, where two large bears were walking around the bodies of several hunters. Kassandra intervened, using her sword and her bow to attack the bears; an Athenian soldier later joined in the battle after riding up to the bear brawl. Kassandra ultimately succeeded in killing both bears, and she took the party's sole survivor, Galeos, back to Hippocrates on the back of her horse. Kassandra laid Galeos down at Hippocrates' clinic, and she decided to ask Hippocrates about the man's prospects.

Kassandra looking at the wounded Galeos

Kassandra looking at the wounded Galeos

When Kassandra asked how the patient was, Hippocrates strangely responded, "He'll survive if I treat his injuries." Kassandra asked what Hippocrates meant, and he responded, "This man is a monster. He's a slave trader who treats people so terribly that they injure themselves just to avoid working for him...If I help him, he'll continue to hurt others. But if I choose to do nothing, many will be spared pain and suffering." Kassandra retorted, "It shouldn't matter what this man has done, he deserves to be treated like anyone else. We can't judge others when they're at our mercy," but Hippocrates counter-argued, "I know it's my duty to help this man, but if you'd seen some of the injuries I've treated that he's caused, you would understand my doubts. The innocents of the Greek world have suffered enough lately." Kassandra then conceived an idea and suggested, "What if I free his slaves? If he has no slaves, he can't mistreat them anymore, and you'll be able to treat him without guilt." Hippocrates responded, "Yes, I can save this man, and you can prevent him from hurting others. Our kindness here will show the error of his ways—show him a different path to walk. You would do this for me?" Kassandra agreed to free the slaves, and Hippocrates told her, "I remember paying a visit to a camp on the river bank east of Lake Kopais to treat a slave for self-inflicted injuries. I'd try there." When Kassandra curiously asked, "Are hunting parties often attacked this close to the city?", Hippocrates responded, "It's quite unusual, but with the war raging all around us, and the plague consuming everything else, it's no surprise the beasts are becoming more desperate."

Kassandra killing a bandit at Melanippos' Camp

Kassandra killing a bandit at Melanippos' Camp

Kassandra proceeded to leave the city to search for the slaves, and she soon came across Melanippos' Camp. There, she fought her way through several bandits wielding poison-tipped weapons and released the three imprisoned slaves, carrying their injured female leader to safety on a nearby platform. She then told Kassandra, "Thank you for freeing us. That beast Galeos has worked all of us to the brink of death. Now I can return home to my family." With her task complete, Kassandra proceeded to kill the remaining bandits at the camp and loot their valuables.

Kassandra and Hippocrates looming over Galeos

Kassandra and Hippocrates looming over Galeos

Kassandra then informed Hippocrates that she had freed the slaves, and he told her, "I've treated his injuries enough to stabilize him, but he isn't out of danger yet...I don't know if I can bring myself to complete the treatment." Kassandra sharply responded, "So you're just going to stand here and watch this man die? You need to do what you do best, and heal him. It's what the gods put you here to do—help people, not judge them." Hippocrates thought for a moment, and then concluded, "If I do nothing, I'll be no better than him. I'll make sure he recovers." Kassandra then instructed Hippocrates, "When he does, be sure to tell him how his life was in our hands." Hippocrates declared, "Only the gods have the power to decide life and death. What I do is insignificant compared to their benevolence." Kassandra recalled, "I've seen you save many from a trip down the Styx," and Hippocrates lamented, "But look at the plague—for all my knowledge and experience, I could do nothing against it. I have to accept that my reach only goes so far." Hippocrates then thanked Kassandra for her help, and he said that he had to go, as he had an appointment with a patient elsewhere.

Kassandra eradicating the Athenians at their camp

Kassandra eradicating the Athenians at their camp

As Kassandra rode towards Stentor's camp, Kassandra decided to complete the contract on the Athenian soldiers who had been ravaging the forest. Kassandra rode into their camp and single-handedly slew all of them, despite being shot at by arrows and stabbed at by spears and swords. The mercenary Lysandra of the Horseless rode into the camp at the end of the battle and attempted to claim Kassandra's bounty, but Kassandra killed Lysandra after a brief battle, allowing her to return to Stentor; she did so at the start of 426 BC, having spent a few weeks in Boeotia.