Historica Wiki
Junichi Sudo

Junichi Sudo (1964-) was Chief Superintendent of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's Criminal Investigation Division.


Junichi Sudo was born in Tokyo, Japan in 1964, and he joined the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and rose to be Chief Superintendent of the Criminal Investigation Division by the early 2000s. In 2005, as Makoto Date's superior, he initially antagonized Date as a "washed-up cop" who was obsessed with the 1995 murder of Sohei Dojima, which he believed was not committed by Kazuma Kiryu, who was covering for someone. Date was assigned to investigate the theft of the Tojo-kai's ¥10 billion in December 2005, but Sudo attempted to have Date step back from the investigation as Date worked with Kiryu in his attempt to discover the truth behind the ¥10 billion's theft and put an end to the civil war within the Tojo-kai. After conducting his own investigation into the theft of the ¥10 billion, Sudo realized that Date's theory was correct, and he and Date flew to the Millennium Tower on a helicopter in an attempt to take down the corrupt MIA Director Kyohei Jingu, the owner of the ¥10 billion in dirty money. The MIA agents' gunfire forced Sudo and Date to retreat, but Kiryu ultimately took down Jingu and Akira Nishikiyama in two separate fights, and Nishikiyama killed himself and Jingu and destroyed the ¥10 billion in a suicide bombing. Sudo was demoted to Division Four as a result of going against orders, and, in 2006, he took part in the investigation into the Korean Jingweon Mafia and discovered the sibling relationship between Ryuji Goda and Kaoru Sayama. In 2007, he was promoted due to his role in the Jingweon incident, but he failed to carry out a planned arrest of the corrupt detective Junji Sugiuchi in 2010 due to Sugiuchi reminding Sudo of the police's rule against shooting and his threat to have his allied higher-ups retaliate if he was arrested. Ultimately, Masayoshi Tanimura was forced to take action to arrest Sugiuchi when Sudo hesitated to give an order.

