Historica Wiki
Julianus Flavius

Julianus Flavius (321 AD-394 AD) was a general of the Eastern Roman Empire. He served as Governor of Thessalonica, and was a pagan.


The first son of Valens Flavius, Julianus married Claudia and had many children, including Theodosius the Elder, Syagrius Flavius, Honorius Flavius, and Manius Flavius. Julianus served as the Governor of Thessalonica in Greece, and put down any civil unrest by building a palace from which he could govern the city. He was disrespected by other members of his family because he was a pagan, and was angered by the destruction of all pagan buildings across the empire from 372 to 374. 

In winter of 374 AD, Julianus Flavius fought his first battle when he crushed Captain Priscus' army of brigands northeast of Thessalonica, ensuring the safety of travellers. Claudia died in winter 383 and Julianus died in 394 AD, having repelled many attacks on Thessalonica by the Huns and Sarmatians.
