Juan de Borja y Enriquez (January 1495-9 January 1543) was Duke of Gandia from 1497 to 1543, succeeding Juan Borgia and preceding Francis Borgia.
Juan de Borgia y Enriquez was born in Gandia, Spain in January 1495, the son of Juan Borgia and Maria Enriquez de Luna. He inherited his father's duchy at the young age of two after his father's murder, and he was raised by his mother, who served as regent. He later married Juana de Aragon y Gurrea and, after Juana's death, Francisca de Castro y Pinos. In 1519, Juan lost the throne in a peasant revolt, but he regained the throne the following year, and he reigned as Duke until his death in Rome in 1543 at the age of 48.