Historica Wiki
Joseph A

Joseph Anthony Mower (22 August 1827 – 6 January 1870) was a Union Army Major-General during the American Civil War.


Joseph Anthony Mower was born in Woodstock, Vermont in 1827, and he served in the US Army during the Mexican-American War before rising to the rank of colonel at the start of the American Civil War and fighting at the 1862 Siege of Corinth. He was wounded in the neck and captured while leading a brigade at the Second Battle of Corinth, but he was recovered by Union troops the next day, and he was promoted to Brigadier-General on 29 November 1862. He led a brigade at the Siege of Vicksburg in 1863 and led two divisions during the Red River Campaign, distinguishing himself at Fort de Russy and Yellow Bayou. Mower commanded a division at the Battle of Tupelo, a victory in Mississippi, earning him promotion to Major-General on 12 August 1864. He ended the war as a division commander in North Carolina, fighting at the decisive Battle of Bentonville. After the war, he commanded the District of Eastern Texas, and he died in New Orleans in 1870.

