Historica Wiki

José Pereira Filgueiras (1758-November 1824) was a general of the Brazilian Empire during the Brazilian War of Independence. He was the victor at the Siege of Caxias.


Pereira was born in Bahia in 1758 and joined the Portuguese Army, quelling the Pernambuco Rebellion of 1817. However, he fought against the Portuguese government during the Brazilian War of Independence in the 1820s, and was defetated at the Battle of Jenipapo. However, he continued fighting the Portuguese guerrilla-style, earning him the nickname "Napoleon of the Woods", and he won at the Siege of Caxias. He was going to be ennobled for his services during the war, but the government forgot its promise and instead made Thomas Cochrane a nobleman. Angered, he fought for the Ecuadorian Confederation but was captured and died of malaria in prison.
