Historica Wiki
Jose Antonio Perez-Cotapos

Jose Antonio Perez-Cotapos (1785-1834) was a Chilean patriot who served in the Chilean Army during the Chilean War of Independence.


Jose Antonio Perez-Cotapos was born in Concepcion, Chile in 1785, and he served under Jose Miguel Carrera during the Chilean War of Independence. He went into exile following the Disaster of Rancagua in 1814, but he returned after the 1817 Battle of Chacabuco and opposed Bernardo O'Higgins' government. He served as a provincial deputy for Santiago from 1823 to 1828 and for Elqui and Cutun in 1828. Perez-Cotapos went on to serve as Naval and War Minister under Francisco Ramon Vicuna, and he died in 1834.
