Jorge Pacheco Areco (9 April 1920-29 July 1998) was President of Uruguay from 6 December 1967 to 1 March 1972, succeeding Oscar Diego Gestido and preceding Juan Maria Bordaberry. He was a Colorado Party of Uruguay member.
Jorge Pacheco Areco was born in Montevideo, Uruguay on 9 April 1920, and he joined the Colorado Party of Uruguay in the late 1950s and was elected to the Chamber of Deputies in 1962. He served as Vice President under Oscar Diego Gestido, and he succeeded Gestido on his premature death in 1967. He implemented price and wage freezes in an attempt to control inflation and declared a state of emergency amid labor disputes, and his group also fought against the communist Tupamaros. He left office in 1972, and he later served as a diplomat and retired in 1994, dying in 1998.