Jordan Goudreau was a Canadian-American private military contractor who, on 3 May 2020, led an armed incursion into Venezuelan territory with the goal of capturing senior Venezuelan officials wanted by the United States government.
Jordan Goudreau served in the Green Berets during the Afghanistan War and the Iraq War before founding the private security form Silvercorp USA in Florida in 2018. In 2019, he took part in a failed uprising attempt against Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro, and, in 2020, he decided to launch an attempt at apprehending senior Venezuelan officials wanted by the US goverment; he did so even after failing to secure US government support. On 3 May 2020, Goudreau and 60 mercenaries - including two fellow former Green Berets - departed from Colombia and landed at La Guaira on speedboats. The Venezuelan army killed 8 of his men and captured 2, but, that same day, Goudreau released a video claiming responsibility for the invasion, announcing the start of "Operation Gideon".