Historica Wiki
John James McBride

John James McBride in 1899.

John James McBride (13 August 1849-1911) also known as Uncle was an American gunslinger and outlaw.


McBride was born in 1849 in Ohio. When he was born he lost his parents from an unknown cause, and he was taken in by his "Uncle" Jeb who was said by McBride to not be biological, and inferred he was a pedophile. Later his "Uncle" Jeb died due to unknown causes, and McBride became homeless in the streets of Blackwater as he had ran away from the local orphanage. There he saw the worst part of humankind, poor people starving, and others stealing things in order to survive.

John James McBride 1911

John James McBride in 1911.

Sometime before 1893, he met Dutch van der Linde and joined Dutch's gang. He was noted by Arthur Morgan as "The laziest member of Dutch's gang." (Always claiming to suffer from lumbago). After the end of the gang, McBride escaped to Blackwater, Texas were he lived until he met an old member of his gang, John Marston. McBride, with Charles Smith, helped Marston to build his new home at Beecher's Hope.

In 1911 agent Edgar Ross arrested John and offered him to help them to end Dutch van der Linde, Javier Escuella and Bill Williamson. Marston succeeded, but Ross betrayed him and he and a group of soldiers and agents raided the ranch at Beecher's Hope. McBride tried to protect the ranch, but one soldier shot him and he died in front of John and Jack Marston.
