John Hubbard (22 March 1794-6 February 1869) was the Democratic Governor of Maine from 8 May 1850 to 5 January 1853, succeeding John W. Dana and preceding William G. Crosby.
John Hubbard was born in Readfield, Maine in 1794, and he graduated from Dartmouth in 1816 and became a school principal in Hallowell, of which he became a permanent resident in 1830. Hubbard, who trained as a physician, was an ardent Democrat, and he served in the State Senate in 1843 and became known as an outspoken opponent of slavery. He served as Governor from 1850 to 1853, and he lost a son in the American Civil War, while his other son Thomas Hamlin Hubbard distinguished himself during the war. He died in 1869.