Historica Wiki

Jennifer Anne Paxton (12 March 1985–11 February 2013) was an American assassin and former fighter in an illegal MMA circuit. She was noticed by the ICA and recruited by LaSandra Dixon to join The Saints, a group of all-female assassins deployed exclusively for rapid response.

On her first mission, she was captured by a target and had her right cheek cut from lip to ear, though she escaped and killed them afterward. This incident earned Paxton one half of a Glasgow smile.

The Saints were sent on a mission to eliminate Agent 47 under the orders of Division Chief Benjamin Travis. After Dixon blew apart the facade of the Waikiki Inn, the motel that 47 was staying in, Paxton approached his destroyed room alongside two other ICA tactical agents. As the three went ahead to find his body, they were ambushed and shot in the head in rapid succession by 47.

Her body was dragged to the freezer 47 was hiding in, hiding Paxton's corpse from her compatriots. After 47 escaped the Inn and killed the entirety of The Saints' team, the entire incident was covered up by the ICA as a whole, with the explosion supposedly caused by a gas leak and the bodies being taken and burnt.

