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Historica Wiki

Jacob (1898 BC-1751 BC), later known as Israel, was a Patriarch of the Israelites, the son of Isaac and Rebecca, and the younger twin brother of Esau. He was named "Jacob" (meaning "supplanter" or "grabs by the heel") for coming out of the womb grabbing Esau's heel, and he was destined by God to inherit Isaac's possessions, despite being younger. He tricked his brother into trading his birthright for Jacob's lentil soup, and, taking advantage of his father's blindness, he pretended to be Esau in order to receive his father's blessing as his heir. While he was en route to Haran to find a wife, he experienced a vision of a ladder that signified that the Jews would later face multiple exiles. At Haran, he stayed with his uncle Laban and promised to serve him for seven years in exchange for the hand of his daughter, Rachel, in marriage. However, Laban tricked Jacob into marrying his daughter Leah instead, and Jacob worked for Laban for another seven years in order to marry Rachel, his chosen wife. One day, a mysterious being appeared near the Jabbok ford, and Jacob wrestled with it until daybreak; the angel then touched his thigh and left him with a limp.

As a result of severe drought in Canaan, Jacob and his sons moved to Egypt at a time when his son Joseph was viceroy. He died after 17 years in Egypt, and his remains were taken to the Cave of Machpelach (the Cave of Patriarchs).
