Historica Wiki
Jack Driscoll

Jack Driscoll in 1933.

Jack Driscoll (1901 - 1987) was an American writer and screen player.


Driscoll was born in 1901 in New York. He studied at the University of New York. He became a successful writer.

In 1933, He wrote the screenplay of Carl Denham's new film on the SS Venture. He had to leave due to being late for rehearsal for a Play, but Carl stopped him from leaving due to the Script being only 15 pages and unfinished. During the journey, Jack was forced to sleep in a cage in the hold, since there is no place left for him in the ship, although Captain Englehorn showed his displeasure. Toward the end of the journey, Jack formed a sort of rivalry with actor Bruce Baxter, and gradually fell for Ann Darrow. When Ann was kidnapped by the natives, Englehorn gave Jack twenty-four hours to find her. The captain also sent Carl, Preston, Hayes, Herb, Bruce Baxter, Lumpy, Choy, Jimmy and eight other sailors with Jack.

Jack survived all the supposedly dangers of Skull Island, including a Triceratops attack and a Brontosaurus stampede.

ack survived falling into the Insect Pit, during which Hayes, Choy, and Lumpy died, and was eventually rescued by Englehorn and Baxter.

Jack was the only one who did not give up looking for Ann, and continued alone. After reaching Kong's lair, Jack managed to escape along with Ann. Kong went to the village to reclaim Ann, but he was unable to reach her before Denham tranquilized him and took him to New York City.

Once in New York, Jack went to the theater where Kong was performing with Ann to declare that he really loved her. Upon his arrival, he discovered that Ann has been replaced with a counter figure. Jack along with Preston tried to get the people out of the theater before Kong broke out. Kong eventually broke loose of his chains, and began chasing Jack through the streets of New York. Kong succeeded in stopping the taxi that Jack was fleeing in and knocked him out by flipping it with his fist. After recovering, he followed the military, when arriving at the Empire State Building, a police officer stoped him and can't passed the point, but he went anyway and knocked down 2 soldiers. As he went inside, 2 soldiers went after him, he went in the elevator then kicked the 2 soldiers as goes in the elevator and the door closed. He waited in the elevator to get to the top. After Kong's death, Jack was reunited with Ann on the Empire State Building and consoles her.

After the Kong Incident, the FBI interrogated Driscoll about Kong. Then in 1934 he married Ann. They had three children.

Jack died of old age in 1987. Ann died in 2005 at the age of 102.
