Isabel Moctezuma (1509-1550), born Tecuichpotzin was a daughter of the Aztec ruler Moctezuma II and the mistress of Hernan Cortes.
Tecuichpotzin was the daughter of Emperor Moctezuma II, and, after her father was killed, she was quickly married to her uncle Cuitlahuac, and then to Cuauhtemoc after Cuitlahuac died after sixty days of rule. In 1525, the Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes executed Cuauhtemoc, and Cortes, seeking to create a hybrid empire of Spain and the Aztecs, had Tecuichpotzin convert to Christianity in 1526 and be baptized as "Isabel Montezuma". She was briefly married to a Spanish soldier before his death, upon which Cortes took her into his household. Isabel became Cortes' mistress, although she would go on to marry two more Spanish soldiers in Cortes' army. Isabel died in 1550, leaving behind a huge estate which had been granted to her by Cortes.