Hu Lie (?-270) was an officer of Wei. He was the third son of Hu Zun and the brother of Hu Fen. Hu Lie later served under Jin, and during Zhong Hui's Rebellion, he was one of the men captured by Zhong Hui. He told Zhong Hui's confidant and his former assistant Qiu Jian to warn his son Hu Yuan that Zhong Hui was in rebellion, clearing his conscience in the event that he was to be killed.
Hu Lie helped to quell Zhuge Dan's rebellion, defeating Wu's second camp during the campaign. He later participated in the successful capture of Shu under Zhong Hui. When Zhong Hui teamed up with Jiang Wei to rebel against Wei, he was taken prisoner. But through his former subordinate Qiu Jian, he contacted his son Hu Yuan. Through their efforts, the rebellion was quickly put down.