Hrothgar was the King of Sjaelland, succeeding his brother Heorogar and preceding Halga. Hrothgar was the great-grandson of Shild the Sheaf-Child and the son of Healfdene, and he built a mead hall at Heorot in 530, celebrating with a banquet; he ensured that the common pastures were untouched and that no farmers were hurt. He also took Welthow as a trophy wife, having had three children from a previous marriage. During his reign, he was a good king, and young men swelled the ranks of his armies.
Hrothgar had troubles with the monster Grendel and the king of the Heathobards, Ingeld, and the warrior Beowulf of the Geats slew Grendel and his mother in exchange for being handsomely rewarded by Hrothgar. He was Hrothgar would be slain by his son-in-law Ingeld, whose Heathobard tribe was rivals with the Scyldings of Hrothgar, and Halga would succeed Hrothgar.