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Historica Wiki
Henry I

Henry I of England (1068-1 December 1135), also called Henry Beauclerc was the King of England from 1100 to 1135. He succeeded William II of England and preceded Stephen of England.


Henry was the fourth son of King William the Conqueror and his wife Matilda of Flanders, and in 1091 he purchased the County of Cotentin. He was ousted by Prince Rufus and Duke Robert of Normandy, his two brothers, and he decided to rebuild his power base. He allied with Rufus against Robert, but killed Rufus in 1100 to take over England. Robert invaded in 1101 to depose Henry, but this failed; Henry later invaded Normandy, winning the 1106 Battle of Tinchebray and stripping Robert of his titles. In 1120, he defeated Louis VI of France in the Battle of Bremule, and made a favorable peace. In 1136, he combatted a rebellion in Normandy by Count Geoffrey V of Anjou, his son-in-law, after Henry refused to give him control of Normady. When he died, his daughter Matilda claimed the throne, but his nephew Stephen of Blois was proclaimed king in London at the head of the House of Blois; his only son William Adelin died in the White Ship disaster of 1120. These succession disputes led to "The Anarchy" of 1135-1154, during which his grandson Henry II of England fought Stephen.

