Historica Wiki
Henri de Sourdis

Henri de Sourdis (1593-18 June 1645) was a French admiral and prelate during the Franco-Spanish War.


Henri de Sourdis was the Archbishop of Bordeaux in addition to a general of France, and he commanded the royal artillery at the 1627-28 siege of La Rochelle, a Huguenot stronghold in northern France. In 1635, he became a French Navy admiral during the Franco-Spanish War, and he rose to command all of the Atlantic squadrons, leading attacks on Spanish coastal settlements along the northern shore of France and in the Low Countries. In 1638, a land attack on Fuenterrabia in the Basque Country of Spain ended in disaster, and he was defeated again off Tarragona in 1641. He retired to his diocese, and he died there in 1645.
