Historica Wiki
Helena Shaw

Helena Shaw in 1969.

Helena Shaw (born in 1939) was a British archaeologist daughter of Basil Shaw, a longtime friend of Indiana Jones who was the woman's godfather.


From Oxford, England and born on March 12, 1939, Helena Shaw was the daughter of Basil, a friend of Indiana Jones who was Helena's godparent but became estranged from her around 1951 and wasn't present when Basil passed away. By October 1965, Helena was a person of interest whose file was accessible to Dr. Jürgen Voller, a former World War II Nazi scientist brought across to the US that worked for NASA.

In 1969, she journeyed to Manhattan and sought out Jones, on the cusp of academic retirement, to inquire after an object that the archaeologist and her father had encountered on board a train twenty-five years earlier where Voller was also present. Although Jones couldn't understand her pursuit of a device which had driven Basil crazy, events conspired to embroil the two on an adventure around the world together involving the dial.
