Historica Wiki
Hazem Ibrahim

Hazem Ibrahim (1140-12??) was a general of the Ayyubid Dynasty of Egypt.


Ibrahim was a trusted companion of Najm ad-Din, the first Ayyubid sultan, and he followed him as a general. When he died in 1173, Ibrahim swore to uphold the rule of his son Salah ad-Din (Saladin). In 1184, after a six-year siege, he captured the Sinai port of Alia (Eilat) from the Fatimid rebels, crushing the Fatimid Caliphate’s vestiges. He remained in Alia for years, governing it. He was chivalrous, building Masjids in the city among other public order buildings that kept Alia loyal to the Ayyubids and not to outside powers or opposition within the Ayyubid court.
