Historica Wiki
Hasib Hussain

Hasib Hussain (16 September 1986 – 7 July 2005) was a member of al-Qaeda who was one of the perpetrators of the 7/7 attacks.


Hasib Hussain was born on 16 September 1986 in Beeston, West Yorkshire, England to a family of Sunni Muslim Pakistanis. In 2003, after leaving school, he met Mohammad Sidique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer and frequented the Stratford Street Mosque. The three men became radical Muslims, and they assembled bombs in Hyde Park before meeting up with Germaine Lindsay, another terrorist. On 7 July 2005 he boarded the No. 30 bus and detonated his explosives in Tavistock Square, killing 13 people. He was only 18, being the youngest of the bombers.
